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[Youtube Review][The Late Late Show with James Corden] Justin Bieber & James Corden's "Yummy" Food Truck
twoyou 2021. 1. 23. 11:06(Recommended)Popular Videos : [The Late Late Show with James Corden] Justin Bieber & James Corden's "Yummy" Food Truck
This time, I will review the popular YouTube videos.
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [The Late Late Show with James Corden] Justin Bieber & James Corden's "Yummy" Food Truck
Summary Comments : [The Late Late Show with James Corden] Justin Bieber & James Corden's "Yummy" Food Truck
1. Baby baby
2. Sorry sorry
3. Yummy yummy
4. Food dudes food dudes
5. Holy holy
Playtime Comments : [The Late Late Show with James Corden] Justin Bieber & James Corden's "Yummy" Food Truck
I love that person at 5:10 that said "thank you sir" to JB. He treated him like a human and I value the fact there's at least a small portion of people in this world that have common decency.
Thank you guys for the likes
Justin whilst james is trying to reverse a massive truck; "food dudes, food dudes"
James Corden: Despatacos
Subtitles (2:12) : Death for Tacos
Girl: Yea I’m allergic to fish, it can kill me
James: *hands girl avocado*
someone give that song name plz????
2:46 hey i only knew now that Justin is left-handed...
4:48 Salt Bae is shaking into Cheese Bae
5:20 gordon ramsay soul entered in James
Top Comments : [The Late Late Show with James Corden] Justin Bieber & James Corden's "Yummy" Food Truck
Random girl: "I'm your biggest fan"
Justin: "oh cool"
"I feel like I'm doing all the cooking and you're just talking to people"
this should actually be a part on the show where you get celebrities and go on the streets and sell foods and all funds go to different charities.
Us: James doesn't drive in the carpool
James: Show them 100 angles of me driving in this vid
Justin says:"Are you guys hungry?"
Youtube autogenerated subtitle: "You guys Hungary?"
Okay that girl killed me
"Justin.... Can I meet you"
Let's be honest. People didn't come for the tacos.
Me: um, who asked??
Not even the Despa-tacos:
Girl: “CaN I MeEt YoU?!”
"iam your biggest Fan!"
"Oh cool. Do you Like Grilled cheese?"
Justin Bieber litterrally standing infront of her
James Corden First song: Despatacos...
Justin: ‘u want some grilled cheese?’
Justin: stands right infront of lady
Lady: OmG JusTin I Am YoUr BiGgeSt FaN, CaN I MeEt YoU?
Justin: still standing infront of her
15 yr old Justin: sexy
25 yr old Justin : funny
Girl: hi omg Justin I’m your biggest fan
Justin: oh cool
He’s been through sum shit
"I'm your biggest fan, can I meet you"
Justin just watching her like: what?
Imagine randomly walking on the streets and seeing Justin Bieber and James Corden selling food on a food truck. You gotta be lucky to just be there the exact moment they were there.
James Corden is becoming Gordon Ramsey when he's angry
Justin is all rounder.. He is good at everything... Whoa.. What a guy... Love Hailey too
[The Late Late Show with James Corden] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.
It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.
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