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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong | Johann Hari


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong | Johann Hari



Playtime Comments : [TED] Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong | Johann Hari

call me a weakbitch but the moment his eyes glistened with tears in 12:25 i teared up too

this video is so wholesome

6:34 he got notes on his hand

Beavis or Butthead: "Ahahaha, Ahahaha, he said do-do" 9:26


2:09 The guy with the turban. Busted !!!


Proverbs 17:27 A man of knowledge uses words with restraint, and a man of understanding is even-tempered.
Proverbs 17:28 Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue.


13:43 Unconditional love



Yang milih allah like yg Mili dajal hirawkan 1:39.........m.



Top Comments : [TED] Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong | Johann Hari


I believe that loneliness is what fueled my addiction.

I lost my big brother to heroin on Sunday, 6/7/2020. His viewing is today. September 6, 2018 he and I sat on his front porch and he showed me this video. I tried to be there for him but I’m human and weak and I failed. Please do everything you can to be there for those who need help. RIP Mattie

“I love you and I don’t want you to be alone or to feel alone. The opposite of addiction is connection.” <3


Did anyone else think that was Chandler from friends??


He’s one of few people who really understands addiction

Why, then, do very famous people, living luxurious lifestyles, become addicts?

I am addicted God bless me with the love of the son holy Spirit with me help the best in all of it they me


"What if addiction is an adaptation to your environment. "

Now imagine if everybody was isolated for weeks or months...


"The drug doesn't make the drug addict, its the need to escape reality"

I was 12 when my parents told me if they ever found out I was on drugs they would cut me from the family. And at 35 and still in and out of active addiction, i still struggle with the shame and guilt of using. Being an addict is hard. I wouldn't wish it on anybody. I still have hope that one day I will get and stay clean. This dude is a Don.


He's right.
My addiction is/was food (I'm working on it)...whenever I felt lonely or unhappy, I ate. Started in my childhood.
Spent most of my years sigificantly overweight.

I'm trying to reprogram my brain to go to the gym instead. And...work on the things that make me unhappy.


Virtual hugs to all the addicts out there. You're not alone.

I love this man
No one is an addict by choice
Like me an ex drug addict
Addiction is something to help you escape
Most don’t want to live that life
Just don’t know how to change it

Drugs are junk food to a starving soul.

Treating addicts like human beings works?
Who knew.

I promised I wouldn't be one of those people, but this is my first highly liked comment and it feels good!

Crazy as it sounds it’s true 10 years ago I was a user , my mom found out after the back nd forth of arguing one day she told me “ I’ll. Be here for you regardless I love you either way” I got sober the next week . Been sober 10 years


The ending made me cry. This is beautiful, a very accurate way to explain the way addiction feels.

“The opposite of addiction isn’t sobriety, the opposite of addiction is connection.”

TED: socializing cures addiction

COVID: socially distance


Yep, Willie Nelson sang it: Love is the greatest healer to be found


I was just having a conversation about this with a friend. Addicting substances and habits cause the dopamine rush we also get when we bond with loved ones or do good things for others. Let's hope this pandemic teaches us about the value of community and having a real circle of friends.

this makes me cry, I feel what are u saying man


I've been addicted to opioids and benzos for 8 years. I started when i was 14. Im now sober for more than a year. You can do this everyone, it's not easy buy YOU CAN be sober and HAPPY.


I was a heroin addict for half of my life before I fixed up, I am now 9yrs clean but still live in a "empty cage" I don't have many people wrapped around me as I managed to find the connection with myself, when you can say "I love you" to yourself (not in a vain way) you will never be alone.

I am finding out the mechanics and science behind life and I am now on the greatest adventure ever! I send love and health to every addict and every other person in this world, one love x


I'm an addict
59 years old
15 years abstinent since May 10th 2004
Thanks for the 12 steps

The opposite of addiction is connection.


Wow. Best TED Talks yet. This must be listened to by every single American and developing country. Bless this man.

"I love you, whether you're using or you're not. I love you, whatever state you're in. And if you need me, I'll come and sit with you. Because i love you, and I dont want you to be alone, or to feel alone." 13.44
I second that :)


I am an addict in recovery. I have relapsed in the past. This time I have over a year and a half clean. I had to change everything. Surrender to a power greater than myself. Surrender to being powerless ... just like I had done in active addiction to the drugs I used. I have to remain reachable and teachable... open minded and willing to grow and change. I have to trust the process daily
I just finished a zoom meeting bc we can't meet physically right now. This is a one day at a time thing. Acceptance is key. Staying in the moment is key.


The "rat in a cage" analogy is perfect!
If you're bored, or have no friends or support, you're going to drink or do other harmful things - even if you hate doing them.
That's where I am right now- in a "cage" with a lot of beer and cigarettes and no friends or support - and there's alot of anger towards me because I'm an alcoholic, and it really sucks!!!!
Just because I'm an alcoholic doesn't make me a bad person, it just makes me act poorly and have bad judgment at times.
My family doesn't understand what I'm going through, and won't listen to me either; they just TELL me what I should do, they don't ever ASK me how I'm feeling, or how I got this way.


Absolutely spot on. Perhaps the most profound writer of the Twenthieth Century, John Steinbeck, wrote, "The worst ailment of Western man is not receiving love as childrem." I believe, and the evidence strongly suggests my belief correct, that we live in culture that has exchanged the stimulation of success and materialism for the connections of close friendship and love. We are just too damn busy chasing the American Dream of material wealth and social status. We inculcate that illusion of success into our children and enter an unending contest of one-upmanship with everyone within the range of our senses. The mass media inundates our minds with vacuous celebrites whose only claim to fame is their tenuous association with money and the "lifestyles of the rich and famous". In addition to our addiction to the vacuous garbage on TV, we are under constant bombardment by our PCs, laptops, tablets, ipads, ipods, smartphones, and wristwatches. Adding to this overload of "must have" technology is the neverending barage of advertizing screaming, "you must buy this newest technology" or you'll never realize your "American Dream." Of course, all of those, must have, free apps track your every move as well as every website you view. This creates a detailed portrait of your interests. Then, using sophisticated alogorithisms, the marketing gurus usually know more about your needs and desires then your closest family and friends. Then, you are inundated with personalizing advertizing and the addiction is more easily feed.
I don't mean that all of us are without close friends and loved ones, but the system has varying effects on most of us.
As for drug addiction, consider living without the financial and emotional ability to join in this celebration of sensation. How does one hide from the conditioning in which materialism and wealth are equated as success. There's the initial euphoria of coke, crack, and smack and the oblivian of addiction. I have never met an addict without an underlying childhood trauma or severe neglect.
With the loss of employment and capital to the third world, "Orange is [not] the new black." Orange is the new norm.
The people of this country have to retake control or face the future we have created by buying into the trap of trading sensation for real and worthwhile experience.

This is possibly the best Ted talk I've ever heard. Addiction isn't inherently bad. Just a bit misguided in finding connection and happiness. Like a child struggling in a particular subject in school, we should help them understand and guide them! Not send them to detention and berate them for being a bad student! At the end of the day, it's their understanding of that subject that will ultimately allow them to feel successful and grow alongside their peers. To anyone else struggling with addiction, loneliness, etc., you're NOT alone!



[TED] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.


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