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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] It is okay not to have a plan | Mithila Palkar | TEDxNITSilchar


This time, I will review the popular YouTube videos.

These days, even if it's good to watch on YouTube, sometimes people skip it or don't watch it if it's too long.

When you watch Youtube, do you scroll and read the comments first?

To save your busy time, why don't you check out the fun contents, summary, and empathy comments of popular YouTube videos first and watch YouTube?

(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] It is okay not to have a plan | Mithila Palkar | TEDxNITSilchar




Summary Comments : [TEDx Talks] It is okay not to have a plan | Mithila Palkar | TEDxNITSilchar


Speaking in front of the people especially in ENGLISH LANGUAGE is not a piece of cake.....
It needed
1....faith in yourself
2.... good vocabulary
3...smart posture .
4....understanding of framing sentences
5....keep MIND AND BODY coordinate....



Playtime Comments : [TEDx Talks] It is okay not to have a plan | Mithila Palkar | TEDxNITSilchar


10:52 that was me few months ago now I think it is okay to be you and ppl will still be proud of you if they truly love you

6:15 god the audience were a sport. Just look at her face.. she was waiting for a reaction


"It opened so many new avenues for me..." Ahh


03:05 it's ok not to have one... just saying...



Top Comments : [TEDx Talks] It is okay not to have a plan | Mithila Palkar | TEDxNITSilchar

I didn't know that Rickshawalas played such a important role in life.
Thanks It's been years I was curious about them.

Only problem is such things happen to only a handful of people. There are sooooo many people both in India and the world over who wait for something amazing to happen in their lives but sadly nothing ever does.


Have no clue about the hate in comments but this lady has a point to share and the guts to convey it. And I guess that's just enough to be there.


Meera seghal in Girl in the city..... I love that character, she follows her heart..

for the rickshaw wala concept


What a speech she has given, it's touch my heart


Little did I know that your talk will make me realize many things in my life. Thank you for those simple words which helped me untie some tangled knots in my mind

Thanks mithila.! I don't know why.? But when I watch you, it's makes me happy. Stay growing up in your career Love you


God her voice is just so sweet.. brilliant start!
She's more than just a cute face.. beauty WITH BRAINS!!!!


"It's ok not to have a plan" - Monica Geller


I don't even have a Pla...

My aim is to be a singer and actor.
But my mom wants me to be prime minister of my country


Can't take off eyes from her face... Soooo beautiful..


I just simply love this girl

You make Maharashtrian proud.
God bless you

This audience was so dry and rude. She made a really good joke, YOU LAUGH


I saw this actress in Chopsticks.


Beautiful song, marathi sounds so good to the ears, and thanks for the speech, I needed this


"Try to embrace the randomness....." wowwwww!!! well said

But in littlethings she was the only one alwys planning .Ironic

Real and inspiring words "learn to embrace the randomness".

Planning(effort) is other side of Passion(flow). Both keep you in the direction You want to go. You wanted to be actor and you are

"Life happens to you when you are busy planning other things" .....


2021 : No plan is the plan.


Experimenting and trying different things
Make yourself happy
Be brave
Carve your niche
Learn to embrace the randomness

I need this right now, simply because I'm worried for my future. And this is the first time I have a messed up plan. I just hope it will workout somehow.

One day I'll be here my title will be " Dreams always finds its way"

I'm trying to concentrate on her speech.... And the stage arrangements are breaking it.....

I don't have a passion.what to do now? How to find my passion

None of us are perfect but we need to move on from each failure we get.

Girl in the city Rocks Mam.This really inspired me.Thank you so much.


I write comment " I want to be a great Scientist"
NOT CAUSE of your sister But Really I want to Being scientist.


She is more beautiful than Priya Prakash Warrier.

ही चाल तुरुतुरु उडती केस भुरुभुरु

डाव्या डोळ्यावर बट ढळली

जशी मावळत्या उन्हात केवड्याच्या बनात

नागीण सळसळली !

She walks so swiftly, her curly frizzy hair bouncing in the breeze

A strand of hair fallen on left eye

Like in the rays of the setting sun, in a garden of kewada(flower plant), a female cobra wiggled.

इथं कुणी आसपास ना !

डोळ्याच्या कोनात हास ना

Since no one is around, won't you please smile from the corner of your eyes.

तू जरा माझ्याशी बोल ना ?

ओठांची मोहोर खोल ना ?

Won't you open your sealed lips and talk to me?

तू लगबग जाता मागं वळून पाहता

वाट पावलांत अडखळली

When you turned back while walking away swiftly, the path has tangled in your feet.

उगाच भुवई ताणून

फुकाचा रुसवा आणून

पदर चाचपून हातानं

ओठ जरा दाबीशी दातानं

हा राग जीवघेणा खोटाखोटाच बहाणा

आता माझी मला खूण कळली

Stretching your brow for no reason

Getting mad for nothing

And checking your clothes with hands

Biting your lips

This killing anger is just a pretentious excuse

Now I understood all this by myself.

I'm not that big fan of her but here's to people who are arguing about how she is not yet worthy enough to be a TEDex speaker.....there is no specific type of speaker... ...why is it that people always a want a sad backbone story with a dramatic successful result.....she is just a normal middle class girl who followed her heart and that's enough for her to be on the show because how much ever normal and plain this story seems it just not a regular thing to happen....not all the pEople follow their heart....look at yourself for example....sitting behind your computer screen hiding your lazy ass and bitching about people on YouTube.....



[TEDx Talks] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.


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