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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] Start with why -- how great leaders inspire action | Simon Sinek | TEDxPugetSound
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] Start with why -- how great leaders inspire action | Simon Sinek | TEDxPugetSound



Playtime Comments : [TEDx Talks] Start with why -- how great leaders inspire action | Simon Sinek | TEDxPugetSound

Did anyone else notice that at 10:27 when Simon says (haha!), "The Wright Brothers took flight," that a small engine plane could be heard at that exact moment??


Insane synchronicity of an airplane flying overhead outside at 10:29, "...the Wright Bros. took flight..."

Amazing synchronicity at 10:28

Hehe 10:28 "The Wright Brothers took flight." Cue a plane flying in the background..

I love how when he talks about the Wright bros achieving flight, you can hear an airplane in the background outside (10:28).

10:28 crazy at how he mentions the invention of planes and there is one just passing by at the right moment lol

0:35 Why is Apple so innovative? Year after year after year they are more innovative than their ccompetitions ...

Oh boy this video aged really badly


Was the airplane flying in the background rehearsed ? @10:25



Top Comments : [TEDx Talks] Start with why -- how great leaders inspire action | Simon Sinek | TEDxPugetSound


18 minutes well worth watching. thank you so much! :)

I am speechless... amazing information.


Definitely changed the way I think, love this talk. Thank you!


This guy is eloquent, loaded with information and delivers it well.

Only one mistake with this presentatios... It wasn't the Wright Brothers who first invented human flight with self propelled heavier-than-air devices... It was Alberto Santos-Dumont, on october 23th 1906, in Paris, France. The Wright brothers used rails and catapults on theyr first flights, but the 14-BIS built by Santos-Dumont ran on wheels and took off by its own means. 
Bot for the purpose of the speech, the example is sound. And it was a hell of a speach! Congrats!


I have a dream, not I have a plan! Awesome!!!

Its the best TED video I have ever seen....it was worth watching & has changed the way I think & do work. Thank you Simon!!

Ahhh.... so that's why Apple no longer innovative!


Just bought two of his books. Life is about learning and this man have some good insight that is worth to look at.


Wow I love this man.  He's my dream man.


TED talks have always inspired me.

Thanks TED organization for finding all these successful or if not but still talented people to teach us with their experiences and ideas.

Awesome! I didn't know Markiplier was such a visionary!

This talk might as well be renamed: "What drives Consumerism"

When i landed on my first jobs in sales they made me watch this when hiring on.


This is the best Ted Talk video of all. I am thinking of implementing this thinking process in my work now. Thanks Simon !!!


Summary: "People don't buy what you do, they buy WHY you do it"

You need to give people a reason - a WHY to your service or product. People can understand benefits and features, but it won't change their behavior. "This textbook about Japanese language has 1000 vocabulary!" Is no where near as good as "We believe learning a language should feel natural and anyone can learn a language in 6 months. Our material has..." etc.


I've watched this video 10 times - I learn something every time I watch it.

Wow. This is like taking a fresh breath of air. Totally inspiring, with class and intellect. I admire Simon sinek a lot.


People can argue this forever...because some companies can succeed otherwise, usually when uncontrollable influences contribute (like luck or timing). The point here, is storytelling. It is a far more compelling story told when a purpose is as the nucleus. This goes for any good story. Who doesn't love a good story??? It is the why or purpose that is the hub of a good story.


his style, voice and mannerisms remind me me so much of Ted Mosby from how I met your mother

This is SO powerful. I can't believe I have been missing out for 7 year!




I've read the book. And all I can tell you is that IT IS AN AMAZING EXPERIENCE ! Thank you so much Simon for sharing this revolutioanary concept. This speech sums up the main ideas, I can't wait to read more of your books and watch your futur speeches. Good day everyone :)

Still one of the best TED Talks out there. His message and way of communicating that message is absolutely amazing


It's good presentation. But in reality, the boundaries between why, what and how are usually unclear. Many of the examples actually can be argued either way


Love this talk and loved his book "Start with Why" I just read it in the summer and I feel like I've finally found my sense of purpose with my life. I've found my why! I've began a personal development journey on YouTube and I hope to inspire people to take charge of their lives! I want to make the most out of my life and I want to inspire others to do so as well :)


"Find your why and you'll find your way!" - John C Maxwell


he's got a gifted voice. also brilliant speech.

This Ted talk has literally changed my life


You ever feel that moment when your mind is being 'Blown'?


Its interesting... I wouldn't buy Apple (easily). I wonder if its their Why that I naturally reject, that seems self-indulgent and more oriented at making you feel something than offering real value... Maybe I would accept someone else's product better if their main goal was to try to offer me real value, rather than frivolous stuff like prettier design for a much higher price.

(By what he's saying, working from feelings instead of rationale, should automatically be filed under being controlled by your primitive biases)

To Simon Sinek,

Thank you. The art of drawing inspiration is confused with the temptation to drown in facts. People act on purposeful concepts. In my limited experience, I have observed two worlds. One that focuses on the results and the other focuses on the process. The result happens to be a consequence of the purposeful process. Both worlds are necessary, but the one that inspires action is the one with purpose. In your example, Langley showed the shallow temperament of the one that chases the carrot, in contrast with the Wright brothers' passion towards their purpose; bringing them victory inspite of the odds being stacked against them.

This contrast between the pursuit of excellence and the pursuit of results explains the reasoning behind inspiring achievements. The pursuit of excellence does not expect a result and it does not sway towards probable odds, it just doesn't accept mediocrity. That's why, the pursuit of excellence has no limits and so do the achievements of the ones that pursue it.

Start with why and end with the endless pursuit of excellence.

Nikhil Nambiar



[TEDx Talks] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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