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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] No Sex Marriage – Masturbation, Loneliness, Cheating and Shame | Maureen McGrath | TEDxStanleyPark


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] No Sex Marriage – Masturbation, Loneliness, Cheating and Shame | Maureen McGrath | TEDxStanleyPark


Playtime Comments : [TEDx Talks] No Sex Marriage – Masturbation, Loneliness, Cheating and Shame | Maureen McGrath | TEDxStanleyPark


Completely different sound level at 17:25. Sounds like it was pre-recorded.

1:13....I'll get to that, laTer ( with a capital Tongue )

7:20 is hilarious


Yeah I've been getting paid daily with p p l o n c a s h . x y z
I'm making over $829 a week with them!

είναι ένα εργαείο ερσίας για όλ


I like the couple in the audience at 7:04 the reaction was priceless.

Why no one in comments taking abt Scene on 7:02



Top Comments : [TEDx Talks] No Sex Marriage – Masturbation, Loneliness, Cheating and Shame | Maureen McGrath | TEDxStanleyPark

A lot of people get married because of lust not love. They basically confuse the two. Once the lust runs out so does the marriage.

It's a bad feeling when a man knows he isn't wanted, but basically for food and shelter.

Being with someone that makes you feel alone, is worse than actually being alone.


My wife was on her knees last night begging me. She said, "come out from under the bed and fight me like a man."


Quite possibly one of the best talks I have ever watched. Honesty, wisdom, and truth.

Never thought I’d find the funniest woman on YouTube through a Ted Talk...


Best Tedex talk, everybody is active, lots of laughter

Sometimes i get more knowledge in comment section than the video itself.


Sexless marriage sounds like cellmates, not soulmates.

It’s so funny when Single people act like it’s some big deal to be celibate.... I’m thinking “so what, there’s a lot of married people that are celibate too”.... LOL


Why am I watching this, I don't even have a gf.....

I was hoping this was informative but got seasick with her bobbing back and forth and back and forth.

don't scroll the comments
Before watching the video.
That's what she is saying focus more in life and less in smartphone.


I have been divorced 40 years. I often dream of some one to love. Then I wake up and remember how happy I am.


“Pay more attention to your spouse, than you do your Smartphone”


I love my wife more than the world but even I can admit everything changed pretty much the second we got married. The Kleenex company is making a killing off me

Half way through this video and she’s only talked about the women being the sexless part. What about the men who our the reason for the sexless marriage?


Better to be single wishing you were married than married wishing you were single - just my two cents.

A married man will live longer than a single man, but a married man is more willing to die.

This was good advice!


By far one of my favorite Ted Talks I've seen.


Thats life,interesting.


I had a sexless marriage. My wife did not.


Here's one to think about: She makes you not want her, and you know you lose everything you worked for if you leave...

Just the number of views on this topic compared to other Ted Talks says volumes of what people are thinking about..

I thought Wanking was a town in China until I got married.


30 yrs strong together and still knockin boots at least 3 x a week

Trust me, this isnt just a mans problem, there are women out there turning purple out of frustration because their men arent interested

Most Ted talks have 500k or maybe up to 1.2 M views. This one has 2OM views. Think about that.


In regards to the part about loneliness: My advice: learn to play a musical instrument, especially guitar or piano. You then always have something fun to do, something you can do by yourself, something fun that will occupy you and keep you from feeling bored or lonely or thinking about any problems you may have. Playing guitar kept me from committing suicide when my wife of 12 years, whom I loved very much, left me for another man.
I am retired now and am never bored. There are hundreds of songs I love that I want to learn on guitar. I know so many retired people who are constantly traveling just because they have nothing else to do. They are bored out of their minds these days due to the COVID-19 preventing them from traveling. I actually feel sorry for people who don't know how to play a musical instrument. It is, in my opinion, the best hobby you can have. And it's a LOT cheaper and safer that traveling! Rock on!
P.S. Learn the ukulele It's hard to be lonely or depressed when you're strumming a uke. Steve Martin said the same thing about the banjo


From: Sleepless in Berlin

After 28 years of: faithful long term relationships, including two marriages (of 6 and 11 years) with respective divorces, two beautiful kids (only with my last wife, whom I respect a lot for giving me such a precious gift) and two relationships after Ds of 3 and 5 years each, I am not desperate to find someone. I would rather maintain my votes of chastity (2.5 years, thus far) than being told "sleep, sleep, sleep", insinuated that I "only get a ticket on Saturday morning"; or, get "a maniac that schedules a vacation so tightly she ends each day totally exhausted, just to become a star fish once she goes to bed. Furthermore, if and only if, a sunny day is met with lightning and thunder during this vacation the gentleman may earn a ticket the last Friday.

The advise I had for the last German doctor (most recent relationship) was to get herself a really old man, with dual nationality, so that she could get what she wanted and avoid unrealistic demands on her poorly run department. Having had the pleasure to meet fairly accomplished and intelligent women my whole life (my weakness is first admiring a woman; first her intellect, then all else) I thought that perhaps asking out the cashier at my supermarket, and lowering the intellect requirement could produce different results. My conclusion, hmmm, it did't seem so viable. So, I didn't go there. In the Singles' Capital of The World, Berlin, most ladies travel with a figurative rolodex in their purses to have a du jour "subject" at the tip of their fingers, if they so desire. They do this until they either become tired of carrying the rolodex and the respective result from conveying their needs, or just can't handle the whole thing anymore. Here their goal is to remain single or forever divorced. I don't embrace this ideas, but it seems to be the prevailing concept here and nearly everywhere I go.

By the way, my guardian angel suggested the following about my thoughts about the cashier: You know well, they are all the same; better focus on kids, health, career, investments, your future, and a decorous exit from this world.

That seems to me a more realistic and fulfilling aim.



[TEDx Talks] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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