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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] The first 20 hours -- how to learn anything | Josh Kaufman | TEDxCSU
This time, I will review the popular YouTube videos.
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] The first 20 hours -- how to learn anything | Josh Kaufman | TEDxCSU



Summary Comments : [TEDx Talks] The first 20 hours -- how to learn anything | Josh Kaufman | TEDxCSU

1. Deconstruct the skill. Decide what you exactly want to do with skill and break the skill, practice the most important skills.

2. Learn enough to correct yourself. Practice just enough to notice when you do mistakes and get on the right path.

3. Remove the distractions. Disable notifications and remove all the distractions.

4. Practice at least 20 hours. Try to do 20 hours of deliberate practice. Stick with it no matter what.

Additional:- The major barrier to skill acquisition isn't an intellectual one, but it's emotional.


1. Deconstruct the skill.
2. Learn enough to self-correct.
3. Remove practice barriers.
4. Practice at least 20 hours.

Man, you are great!!!!!! Loved your ted talk!


1. 9:47 Deconstruct the skill
2. 10:30 Learn enough to self-correct
3. 11:19 Remove practice barriers
4. 11:46 Practice atleast 20 hours

1. Deconstruct the skill
2. Learn enough to self-correct (looking for too much material or learn too much is a kind of procrastinate)
3. Remove practice barriers
4. Practice at least 20 hours


Summary: Just 20 hours is enough to become “reasonably good” at any skill.

1. Deconstruct the skill - Break the skill down into its most basic parts. Which parts are necessary for hitting the goal you have? (i.e. if your goal is to sing a song in Korean, you can primarily focus on pronunciation, not learning a bunch of vocabulary)
2. Learn enough to self correct - Learn enough to realize when you're making mistakes.
3. Remove barriers to practice - Turn off your phone, unplug the TV. Put your guitar, piano, language book in the middle of your room, not behind your stack of dirty laundry.
4. Practice for at least 20 hours - Commit to 20 hours from the start. You're going to be frustrated at times, so committing beforehand will help you push through the frustration.



Playtime Comments : [TEDx Talks] The first 20 hours -- how to learn anything | Josh Kaufman | TEDxCSU


18:16 that was an ultimate thug life moment,


0:58 the guy is actually laughing on the inside.


Why does that guy look like the Anime Man


2:11 Mr. Subtitles Guy, I think he meant "disconcerting" and not 'disconcerning'

9:19 look at the two girls who are looking at each other

11:20 Well, guess what I am doing right now, at this very moment...

For the method go to 9:46


10:14 probably she is learning how to sleep deeply


10:14 I thought is was Annie with an E on the audience

Yang milih allah like yg Mili dajal hirawkan 1:39.........m.



Top Comments : [TEDx Talks] The first 20 hours -- how to learn anything | Josh Kaufman | TEDxCSU

Algebra test starts in 30 hours. Time to test this theory.


Wow, this has inspired me to start with Artificial Intelligence.

Him: "remove distractions....internet"
Me: ok...*turns off computer*....what now?


Me wanting to become super smart and learn everything:
Also me: watches a million Ted talks instead of actually trying to learn


"The major barrier to skill acquisition isn't intellectual...it's EMOTIONAL." Thank you Josh

LOL, It's true, we only need 20hours to good at something
Just remember how you pass your highschool, studying a subject the night before

The reason why this TED talk has garnered over 20 mn views is that it gives a very strong hope to most of us who despair silently.


I was watching this video just to improve my listening in English but at the end I think this video going to change my life. Thanks.


I clicked on it by mistake and it changed my life


You need to practice 40 hours a day like Ling Ling.


The major barrier's not intellectual, it's emotional.

the learning curve is the new "flattening the coronavirus curve"


im supposed to be practicing coding right now but i'm watching this. see the problem?


I learned ukulele in 20 hours. This thing works........and today is my 27 day of learning ukulele . I did it


I know he can't see it but I really clapped my hands for him in the end.

How about 20 hours of sleep? That's a skill but hard to accomplish.


The brain is a beautiful machine, this guy showed a really good strategy on how to use it but it's still up to you to learn whatever you wanna learn. Good luck everyone, i wish all of your dreams to become true!


Me, an intellectual: "THAT'S e^x"


When he said DVDs I checked the date this was posted

"Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere."

How tf can I learn Calc II in 20 hours.


Sorry to say but the guy who came up with the theory about 10.000 hours passed away JUne 17th 2020. Three days before this comment.

Thanks to you sir. I come back to write this 3 months (- +) after i watched this video. When i was learning english, i've tried to memorize all the words and vocab as much as possible, but after months i still can't speak or even give a comment in youtube or instagram post in english. After watched this video i realize, i don't need all the words in oxford dictionary to start speaking, like that ukelele chords, know some important words is enough for you to speak in foreign language, and that's what i do now.


I really believe in everything he has just said. It is important to avoid procrastination guys. I am telling you this because of my life experience. I moved to Canada when I was 20 years old and my life has changed completely. I was studying computer engineering in my home country and was about to complete my 3rd year when my mother took the decision to move to Canada. It was really difficult at the beginning because of the language and culture. My knowledge about English was probably between 30% and 45%, so I had to invest part of time studying English. I proposed to myself that I had to learn the language at a university level in 1 year, and it worked. I still need improvements, but I feel really proud of myself because I was able to learn the language. After having learned English, I applied to University of Toronto to study Computer Science, and since the semester was going to start on September of the following year, I took that year to study everything about my career. I took my time to study advanced functions, calculus, physics and programming. What do I mean about all of this? You can learn everything you want if you really want to. The crucial part of all of this is to believe that you can do it. I personally do not believe in what the science says about the "SPECIAL KIDS". We all are smart beings that have the same capacities to learn everything we want. You can do it guys if you are willing to take the effort. I hope you have a great day and I wish you all the best . NEVER GIVE UP.

A lot of comments here are disappointing to read. The man shared with us a golden rule to learn and become decent at a new skill. He even specified you won't become an expert, you will become decent. That's the whole point of the video. He wanted to break the misconception of the 10,000 hour rule and encourage people to learn a subject they have been wanted to address and that it is not impossible, it takes 20 hours and you will have learned the basics and that it is do-able even if your schedule is tight. ''lolz then why isnt erryone a doctor ??? shit ted talk lmao !!1'' you missed the point



[TEDx Talks] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.


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