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[Youtube Review][Vox] How wildlife trade is linked to coronavirus
twoyou 2020. 12. 5. 10:20Playtime Comments : [Vox] How wildlife trade is linked to coronavirus
4:15 Those poor animals :(
4:14 looks like lil humans
march 6: 3 thousand.
april 14: 100 thousand.
august 4: 14 million.
well that escalated quickly.
Top Comments : [Vox] How wildlife trade is linked to coronavirus
You forgot to mention cats and dogs on their menu of meats at the wet market.
I'm no racist but China is totally responsible.
China to Vox: change the video title or we will ruin your social credit score
Vox: Yes, Baba
Wet markets are found literally all across the world, not just in China. Even seafood markets are technically "wet markets" and we have them all over the USA. The issue here is unsanitary conditions and unregulated markets. I personally would rather people just stop the consumption of exotic animals all together but who am I to tell others how to live their life. If the Chinese government is going to condone and even encourage the sale of wild animals then they need to enact proper regulation and make sure businesses are taking the necessary sanitary precautions. The world needs to hold the Chinese Government accountable for endangering the health and safety of humanity simply to make a PROFIT. If we continue down this dark path, government corruption will destroy the world one day...
Coronavirus: exists
That one guy in Wuhan:
Soup time
So it started with wild
Animals being eaten to sustain life. Now the
Animals are taking lives!.
That market looks straight up disgusting.
Please know that they also have dog and cat meat markets. The worst thing some people might not know, they purposely torture the dogs and cats to death, by skinning them alive, dismembering them and boiling them alive, while fully conscious. They do this because they think that the more an animal suffers, the better its meat will taste. Sadly this is not only in China, but also in Korea and most of southeast Asia. People must speak up now, sign the petitions you may see online, to stop this gruesome and evil practice. We need to all get involved in this in order to save civilization. Again, it's not all Chinese who do this, in fact many Chinese are trying to rescue the animals, at their own peril.
“China ate a bat”
Finally, someone makes a video discussing the fact that Chinese wet markets are dangerous without being racist . Thank you!
Please we need now put a permanent ban on the wet markets and it cannot ever be lifted. Please China government do it now for everybody's benefit please..
- Mahatma Gandhi
Honestly.. China is like the blacksheep sibling in a family. lol.
I still use this video as reference to friends who I want to share information on COVID; this is such a well-made video
Finally the Earth has also free time to recover, but sadly......................not for too long.
2019:stay away from negative people's
2020:stay away from positive people's
There's the phrase
"Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
China is very good at being an example.
Chinese: hold my human fetus soup
They won't know what we talking. Also will start again eating weird animal . Of course, unsanitaryly.
Then it will cause another pandemic.
Who tf pooshed the unlike button? I can't relate. Fact that this video is extremely good.
Thank you so much for this! I've seen a lot of people claim that it's racist to say that the wet markets are a problem, and... That didn't feel quite right to me. Sure, a lot of people have been racist about it, but it's also true that this is not the first time something like this has come from there. I guess it could have been a fluke, or maybe diseases have come from other places, too, and we just haven't noticed as much... But if there really was a reason it was happening in China, it's not racist to say so; I thought it was worth looking into, at least. I feel like it'd be helpful if we started to spin this as a matter of wealth and class, not race.
Has anyone noticed how nice it's been outside though!? I was just telling my wife I feel like a 4 year old again as well as having many memories come back and feel myself again it's like we're on a cleanse of some sort besides of course all the tragedies that's come with it idk they do say something like its peaceful in the eye of the storm such as a hurricane in the center is complete stillness and surrounding is complete chaos but you just have to find your peace I guess idk maybe it comes with being humble and faithful all the time to where that's all you achieve is bliss but then again god is intentional so I know were in for brighter days as long as we stay true to ourselves and not fall into negative habits. So with that being said I've enjoyed the positivity going around through the air it's been nice hopefully it continues to spread then who know maybe this will clear up in a matter of weeks instead of months..
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