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[Youtube Review][PewDiePie] I've made a HUGE mistake in Minecraft - Part 20
twoyou 2020. 12. 20. 03:59(Recommended)Popular Videos : [PewDiePie] I've made a HUGE mistake in Minecraft - Part 20
This time, I will review the popular YouTube videos.
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [PewDiePie] I've made a HUGE mistake in Minecraft - Part 20
Playtime Comments : [PewDiePie] I've made a HUGE mistake in Minecraft - Part 20
18:18 "This is like that episode of Forrest Gump"
I'm dead
11:50 that was a perfectly cut scream
Bro at 14:50 I almost cried when he said "we're going to beat the ender dragon together"
10:33 "run feigi"
Me: wait... Did he just.....
17:28 Jeorgen: I have a sily boss.
11:48 "gEt tHe tOtEm oF uNdie---AAAHHHHH
8:27 broke me
“ that’s right Jor..... uh Bernie.. aww
10:33 Wait did he just said “Feigi”????
far joergen aldrig glommas
och skydda sven hela tidas
berom water sheep med all sin kraft
peepeepoopoo ar okej
i dont need pewds to see this i just did this for fun
Top Comments : [PewDiePie] I've made a HUGE mistake in Minecraft - Part 20
pewdiepie: this is the worst day of my life.
Minecraft Part 5: Am I a Joke to You?
Ah yes, the episode of Forest Gump.
I never trusted PeePeePooPoo right from the very beginning, he was just too suspicious.
Mushroom cow thing died because when you hit him Sven started attacking him to
felix: brings them to a dangerous place
animal: dies
felix: surprised pikachu meme
peepeepoopoo literally did nothing
pewds killed the raiders "you did it peepeepoopoo"
jeorgen: suffocated in a wall
“at least he died happy”
he literally suffocated in a wall at light speed
Me: Felix, Joergen, Sven, Feigi, Bernie, er, Boat cow, bone Joergen, dinnerbone, mushroom cow thing, woter sheep, ermm, peepeepoopoo
Pewdiepie: Welcomes Bernie to the gang
Bernie: Sees graves of previous animals
Also Bernie: Nervous sweating
Meanwhile somewhere underwater in a bat cave, dinnerbone lies crying and waiting
Felix: if Sven dies, no more minecraft videos.
Notch: Hacks Minecraft to make sure Sven is invulnerable
"At least he died happy"
... damn that breaks my heart
PewDiePie: rides a horse, then a donkey, then a pig
Me: he's evolving, just backwards
Animal: Does nothing
Felix: "What should I name you?"
Animal: Sweats intensely
• Hates it when his animals die
• Keeps putting his animals in dangerous situations
Rain: It’s Showtime
pewdiepie: presenting bernie to his previous pets gravestones
bernie: sweating intensifies
Damn that hit hard.
Most people's most emotional part of life : losing loved one or going through a deep depression
Real men : losing minecraft horse or dog
[PewDiePie] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.
It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.
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