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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Markiplier] Markiplier Reacts to 8 Million Fan Reaction Video


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Markiplier] Markiplier Reacts to 8 Million Fan Reaction Video




Playtime Comments : [Markiplier] Markiplier Reacts to 8 Million Fan Reaction Video


11:35 “10 Million???” And now here we are at 17 million later at 27 million

3:26 So were starting an argument with our past selves now?


12:27 That was so intense somehow


3:50 this will forever break my heart, cuz I don’t think it was what happened from his fans, it was Mark hearing himself talk about his dad that made him cry so much harder. I know what it’s like to lose your dad when you’re so young.


7:58 when Markiplier started crying it also made me cry


12:20 it just hit different when his whole everything changed

7:40 “I don’t want to miss anyone.”

To those who say he doesn’t care, he does. You just don’t see it in your eyes. He cares about every single one of us.

9:23 Mark looking at the camera with a smile just softly pushed my heart


15:38 Right here this whole bit is why Mark is one of, if not my favorite YouTubers ever, he's so down to Earth and so likeable, he wants to help those in need, he wants to take away our pain, our burden. Because he's a good man




Top Comments : [Markiplier] Markiplier Reacts to 8 Million Fan Reaction Video


I'm only five years late. I love you, Mark. So much.

“10 million? I can’t even think about 8!” Mark is at 25.2 million. My oh my, how far we’ve come.

im crying to markiplier crying to his fans crying to markiplier crying

this whole world is a loophole

"I'm only me."
And that's enough, Mark.
More than enough.


The fact that hes saying “Its ok everyone!” makes me wanna sob


2015 Mark : Cries at a fanmade video
2019 Mark : Cries at cheese spread

Markiplier, the man who survived a tumor. Markiplier, the man that the depression of his fathers passing. Markiplier, the man who survived an abusive relationship. Markiplier, the man that survived being kicked out of his home. Markiplier, a man that has donated to so many charities. Markiplier, a man that has survived deaths of friends and family, Markiplier, a superhero that doesn’t wear a cape, but sits behind a computer and a camera. Markiplier, a man that isn’t afraid to cry in-font of 25 Million people. Markiplier, a man that saved my life, and doesn’t even know it. Thank you for existing.


how i felt during unus annus good bye


Still one of the saddest videos on the internet.

"why is everyone crying?!?"
"I didn't mean to make people sad!"
You didn't mark. We're just so proud of you.
25 million now and still going strong :)
We love you

Was anyone tearing up a little....again....

5 years later and we still come back to cry with you.

Basically me when Unus Annus ended.

This "hehe" this does put a smile on my face


youtube: you want to cry?????


Alternate title: Markiplier crying for 19 minutes


The song makes it even sadder... I literally couldn’t stop crying and smiling the same way this is so emotional


“We didn’t realize we were making memories, we were just having fun” - Winnie the Pooh


“10 million?! I can’t even think about 8!”

Now he’s almost hit 25 million, we are all so so proud of you Mark, including your pops.

Mark: sobbing
Me : sobbing as well
Also me : Dont cry mark
Me again : still crying with mark


This video fits Unus Annus ending


this is so funny lmao

nm when he started talking about his dad i started balling

I was always too afraid to directly get involved in these kind of collabs and fan art and making public expressions about my thanks toward Mark due to my severe social anxiety. Yet, having this pop up in my recommended 5 years later after seeing it really struck hard tonight. This man has carried more than just myself through rough times and hardship more than any other creator has on YouTube (for me) and I can never thank him enough for making me realise that these feelings are have, are in fact human and normal. So from the bottom of all of our hearts, thank you so much you amazing individual. You've always been my hero and I'm glad you've stayed true all these years :) God I wish I could give you a hug and I wish I said something sooner...

Who’s here at almost 28 MILLION !!! I love this man so much


"I'm probably doing it again!"
Me: wipes away tears Oh whoops-

I'll be honest, I came here to cry


I’m crying at 5 am for a milestone that happend 5 years ago. Your father would really be proud mark. And I know your mom is.


Mark Edward Fishbach, also known as Markiplier
He is a good man. He will do everything he can just to make his fans happy and live an enjoyable life. Even to this day, this video will never be forgotten. He's the reason his fans got out of their hard times. He's like our father and we, as fans are like his sons and daughters. He leads us to the brighter path of life. Mark, if you're reading this, thank you so much for being their for us. My mother passed away just 4 months ago and I'm going through a lot of stress, anxiety and depression till the point where I almost want to end my life. But your videos are the cure to my negative thoughts. You saved me from suicide just by making videos. Words can't describe how thankful I am for you. Thank you so much for being the person that you are. Without you, I won't be here writing this to you right now. Thank you.. thank you.. <3 <3 <3


This was, honestly, one of the best videos I've ever watched. Watching Mark breakdown slowly as he sees just how much we all care about him and love him is what started making me cry with him. The longer it went on, and the more he cried, the more it made me emotional and let out even more. Mark has been such a big part of my life, helping me get through rough times and always bringing me such joy when I needed it, and sometimes, bringing me joy even when I didn't need it. Mark is an overachiever and absolutely brilliant mind that we all cherish and are happy to have in our lives. To get something off my chest, I wasn't on the channel when Mark was going through his own tough times, but always came to him in mine, and it makes me feel guilty, because I wasn't able to give the correct support when he needed it. but everyone else did. I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you Mark, but you are a legend. You got through those problems, and you'll get through all the others coming to you in your future. We all love you Mark. May the stars forever guide you.


I started watching mark in like 2013? I remember being in middle school with an ex- we used to watch you play amnesia and all the old stuff every day, my girlfriend in today's date doesnt seem invested as i am bc she doesn't know how much you mean to me Mark.

you've helped me through suicidal thoughts and depression from an abusive household and gave me that light to look forward.

I still struggle with being super depressed and low self esteem and self Worth every day, but watching you and everyone involved puts that smile on my face knowing that; i can be just as happy as i am often sad. But seeing that true, raw emotion(s) from the fan specials makes me feel like im not alone as i usually do,
and that i wish i could just help others with their pain and distraught like you do bc nobody was there for me when i needed the help except you.

One thing my dad did do right was giving me my brother bc without him i think i would have killed myself even tho he's rude and "a realist" , He wants what's best. Just like you and or me an everyone else.

We just want to be happy, plump and wanted.

And to anyone who reads this,




[Markiplier] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.


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