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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon] Thank You Notes with President Obama
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon] Thank You Notes with President Obama




Playtime Comments : [The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon] Thank You Notes with President Obama


2:33 where's my music ?

3:13 I wasn't expecting to cry today.


"How do you like me now?" Love it! #potusgotgame :) 2:50

0:37 When it cut to the keyboardist and seeing the look on his face i died on the inside. Plus, how is Obama not laughing lol?

0:37 That dude is high affff


02:36 that is the moment I laughed so hard

2:53 shots fired.... MAGA

2:15 ahahahhahahahhahahahahh
This had me laughing all night


2:08 Even the media made fun of her :)))



Top Comments : [The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon] Thank You Notes with President Obama


Everyone in the comments:
“Obama was the best president!“
(I also agree with that)

“Dude imagine how nervous jimmy must have been! xD“

He's left handed? Obama?


That's one of the best President over there in the entire world.


Its 2020 who still looking at all the YouTube channels Barack Obama on


This Obama guy is nothing but INSPIRATION! What a class act.

coolest president we’ll ever have there’s never gonna be another obama i miss him every time i see trump did something stupid again

Times were weird back then. We had a President that could write.

I wanna go on a pub crawl with Obama. He's a right lad.

My most favorite part: "How do you like me now?" I've watched that over and over and it still cracks me up. Not to mention, it's even more relevant now than ever.

Obama would have done such a great job in the pandemic. He had leadership and trusted experts.

The how do you like me now is even more funny in 2020


Thank you Obama from Germany


That "how you like me now" seems even more poignant right now

I miss when we actually had a respectable president. I miss Obama


Trump's thank you notes: I want to thank me for being me, a tremendous person, who did a great job in office, and may God bless me, also the USA, great country by the way, great people, including myself. I just wish that I can be around for more 4 years, yes, the US isn't as great as me, so i need one more term to change this, so America can be great again.

That jab at Hillary and the deleted email was pretty good


"that's a nice pen. can i keep it?"


Obama: where's my Music???lmao


Thankyou, Starlord for screwing up your own plans and giving us another avengers movie.

"how do you like me now". Wow that really hit me :(

I'm from somalia I declare that. Obama was wise and cool president keep on.

I think when a American citizen watch this video wishes a travel machine to change the current president


OMG, I'm not American but I miss him being the president


Like him or hate him, you've got to admit, the USA has the coolest President on the Planet!

I've never seen such an under appreciated leader.

Jimmy: He needs to prove that he’s 54

Obama: So you have chosen death?

Delta Force Sniper: Just give me the word sir.

"I wouldve said female but someone deleted the email" LMFAOOOOOOOOO I DIED


2020, and I'm still crying!!

"Where's my music?"


I'm still baffled as to how half of this country never took notice of the hard work he and Biden did for 8 years. It started out slow because he and Joe inherited a shitstorm after Bush... a failing economy, massive layoffs, the housing market in shambles, banks, and financial institutions were going bankrupt for handing too many loans to people with bad credit. The medical insurance industry was a mess and far too expensive. They rather pay fines than people's medical costs. The 1.6 million homeless people that couldn't find work, couldn't feed their families because Bush allowed foreign conglomerates to buy out big business and industry right out from under us... many liquidated the companies and many were put out of their jobs and eventually their homes. There were massive amounts of foreclosures all over the country. Barack and Joe had their work cut out for them... they fought against a primarily Republican Senate and Congress just to get anything done. It took them all of 4 years for American's to really feel a difference in their lives... gas prices dropped drastically, job growth was finally back and people could live again. Then Trump came in to steal the glory and ran his campaign on intolerance and hatred and half of this country bought into his lies hook line and stinker. I'll be happy as hell the day they move his lying ass out of the Whitehouse and into the big House.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil.For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed.But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.”
Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.



[The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

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