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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Why China is building islands in the South China Sea
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Why China is building islands in the South China Sea




Playtime Comments : [Vox] Why China is building islands in the South China Sea


6:18 - 6:23 I don't even remember ABS-CBN saying that lol probably just forgot

EXPLANATIONS: What are some of the international law mistakes in this video: #longexplanation
Hello everyone!
First of all, I would like to say that #Vox always do a wonderful job at describing a geopolitical conflict, unfortunately, in this video, there are many international law mistakes. I’m a French Canadian Law School student currently studying international law and I'm writing this message because many people asked me to explain what are these mistakes, next week I have 5 midterms so I won’t have time to explain in details everything that is wrong in this video but I will point out a few of them very very quick.

Mistake number 1, at 2:00, Vox says that: “But any area that isn’t in the EEZ (200 miles of the shore) is regarded as international waters… it means everybody shares it” This is misleading because it’s not 100% right.

Some countries have a continental shelf art. 76 of the The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Basically what it means is that some countries have rights in an area that exceed 200 miles but: “shall not exceed 350 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured”

And, in these 350 nautical miles, art 77 UNCLOS “Rights of the coastal State over the continental shelf”: The coastal State exercises over the continental shelf sovereign rights for the purpose of exploring it and exploiting its natural resources.
So saying that everyone can share the resources that isn’t in the 200 miles is not true all of the time.

Mistake number 2, let’s talk about the Spratly Islands, at 3:10, Vox says that: ”any countries that can claim the Spratly Islands can extend their EEZ to include them and gain exclusive rights to the surrounding territories”. This is FALSE.

To understand why, let’s take a look at art 121 UNCLOS, “An island is a naturally formed area of land, surrounded by water, which is above water at high tide” … “Rocks which cannot sustain human habitation or economic life of their own shall have no exclusive economic zone or continental shelf.”

And now, in the case law: “The republic of the Philippines v. the people’s republic of China”, it clearly states, at paragraph 622 that :
”The Tribunal having concluded that none of the high-tide features in the Spratly Islands is capable of sustaining human habitation or an economic life of their own, the effect of Article 121(3) is that such features shall have no exclusive economic zone or continental shelf.”
“The Tribunal concluded that this provision depends upon the objective capacity of a feature, in its natural condition, to sustain either a stable community of people or economic activity that is not dependent on outside resources or purely extractive in nature. The Tribunal noted that the current presence of official personnel on many of the features is dependent on outside support and not reflective of the capacity of the features.”

There are many more mistakes in this video but honestly it’s almost 1AM and I’m tired AF. But I’d like to point out that maybe the US does not intervene in the LEGAL conflict between The Philippines and China because the US never signed the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea…not because it wants to evoid WW3.

English is my second language, don't hate. Goodnight everyone, hope you liked my reply.


2:54 taiwan in red looks nice

Baru aku tahu ada INDOCHINA 2:45 besar jugak negara indon ni sampai ke Vietnam

5:49 Is this state official?



Top Comments : [Vox] Why China is building islands in the South China Sea

China: I step on the place 1000 years ago so this belong to me
British: heavy breathing


China is creating “blockades” in the Spratly islands, a blockade is considered an act of war.


My momma always said, "life is like Age of Empires, you gotta claim as much land as possible".

US NAVY thank you for being there! Please help the Filipinos at the Kalayaan island and those Filipinos boarded in the old dilapidated ship protecting and guarding the territories that belong to the Philippines! God bless you all that are seeking for order in the area!!!

China vs all around the world

they were doing this 10 years ago and you only realize it 2 years ago?


China now: We have historical claims to these islands.
China in 2030: We have historical claims to the Philippians.
China in 2050: We have historical claims to the entire Asian continent.

In a egg hunt event

Philippines: Wow I got a lot of eggs.
Malaysia: Yeah me too.
Vietnam: Oohhh I got a lot too.
China: Hippity Hoppity this eggs is my property


Remember this world is always money and power talk. Nobody will care about you.


Spratly Islands: exists
China: It's free real estate


Changing the name of “South China Sea” should be the first step. This water zone do not belong to China.

Vox: There is Oil on the South China Sea.
America: Who needs Protection???

UPDATE: There are two new towns built on these islands added under the province of Hainan. I am personally enraged as a Filipino.


ASEAN Countries : Let's share brothe... rs??

China : *greed intensifies

And a few days earlier, a Philippine fishing vessel was rammed by a Chinese ship. The Filipino boat sank, and it's crew rescued by the Vietnamese. It is the latest in a series of incidents involving ship rammings. I have no idea about anyone's opinions on these types of incidents but I think China is trying to act like the Soviets again.

China: We're going to build islands and South East Asia are going to pay for it!

Enter 2020, no one is talking about this... China also has an interest in Taiwan which draws American interest!

Guesswhere did they get those sands or soils? From The nearby Zambales Philippines with the help of the corrupt local officials

Real question, who named it the South China Sea?

Edit: it was a rhetorical question but I had to point out the fact the name had a country in it. I think technically all seas should be called “US freedom seas” since that is what it usually comes down to

Xi Jinping : ItS OuRs BeCaUsE Of HiStOrY

Mongolian tribe: Have you made a bigger wall?


Fishermen here in the Philippines near those said shoals are really affected by this. Hope they can resolve this, both parties. And hope both government need to work as one.

Did you say 11 billion barrels of OIL...??



Guys watch out for the huge tiny ships


IDK how they always have "historical reasons"

imagine these islands just sinking due to rising sea levels in the near future :D

Serious tone and dramatic background music
"The Cabbage Strategy"


China: builds artificial islands
Mother nature: Am i a joke to you?


This what happens when you let a dictator lead a superpower

Iam glad to be indonesiaSomeday i want to be military

This is an act of war.


DDS to China be like: But we're fRiEnDs!


Pucha kyong mga siopao na karton kyo

I'm Thais and China about to rules our country through land property, mega struction and online shop.

Watching in 2020, this is more than concerning now...

South China Sea? I call it

West Philippine Sea ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)



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