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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Markiplier] Lost a Friend
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Markiplier] Lost a Friend


Playtime Comments : [Markiplier] Lost a Friend


1:53 ...damn...you can see him fighting back the tears....



Top Comments : [Markiplier] Lost a Friend


I'm so sorry Mark. We will send all the love for you and Daniel's family and friends.
We support you 100% Mark. Take all the time you need. We will be patiently waiting for your return.
We just want you to get better now.
We all love you. Lots of Love.

When mark starts to cry it makes me feel so sad

I cant beileve this showed up in my reccomended section when I was already having a bad day and seeing mark crry makes this an even worse day dude

His eyes are sore he’s been cyring


Sad part about this is that exactly on the day where this video was posted, a friend of mine died aswell :/
Its actually hard to believe that this happened about 5 years ago now.

this hits differently if you have watched unus annus...if you know what i mean then, you know what i mean


It's honestly stupid that people make such a scene about dislikes, yeah I know this is a very serious video and yeah I know they seem "heartless" and "want to see the world burn" for disliking, but it doesn't matter much considering there is this much support and the dislikers are either bots or trolls just begging for attention.


5 years later and I finally realized who Daniel is..

My apologies..

He Lost a Friend a true friend everytime i see this video i want to cry i was here 5 years ago it still hurts to see this video ;(


Ik I'm late but mark Daniel would be proud of how big you are since then..


This still feels like yesterday...

5 years and people still dislike this, such disrespect


Geezz, that's so rough, stay strong dude. We welcome you back to celebrate Dan's life. Honestly I didn't even watch Cyndago but I do understand you lost a friend and others lost a loved one so take your time brother. Thanks for the update..


ohh I hate seeing mark cry, makes me sad to see him cry.


9.9k dislikes: an idiot sandwich

And this came out on my birthday in 2015 which makes me even sadder

It's sad that hes gone through 3+ deaths of people he loves. I'm glad hes still going strong.

I know this has been 4 years, but ly man we're always here to support you.


what sick person can dislike this video


I'm rewatching this. I'm praying Daniel is in a better place

I’m sure Daniel would be proud of how far Mark has come since this

same why the hell would people dislike this anyone who dislike's this is horrible


I feel like Unus Annus was somewhat related to Daniel. Dealing with death and so


Wishing everyone impacted by this tremendous loss a solid recovery. I have my own close friends who I work with on my channel and I can't imagine the tremendous emptiness I would feel. So again. Best wishes from me and my friends/team.


You can hear the tone in his voice that he's trying not not to cry


I need to stop watching sad videos. I'm about to do school dammit.

Even though hes going through a hard time, he made a video for us to explain what he was going thru
Losses are hard. I certainly wouldnt have been able to make this video, I cried through half of it.
Mark, ur amazing. U got our support

For all the people talking about the dislikes and how it is rude for someone to dislike this video, they are bots that were made by youtube and they go around disliking and liking random videos. Though there may be actual people who disliked the video but the majority are bots.


I watched this video after five years.

I literally almost cried.

The 9k dislikes are just people’s teardrops accidentally hitting the dislike button


When you saw Markiplier's face turn red and his voice got all cracky, you started crying too


I know this might not be exactly like marks loss, but it hit me hard. When he was taking it reminded me of my 3 dogs. I loved them all very much and I really cared for them. One of them, Brenna, she started to get sick and died to cancer, then I have Shelby, she also died to cancerbut then there is my dog Casey, he was so awesome and he loved my family and I loved him. I thought he was going to be fine but then we found out he has cancer. I was shattered about this to this day. Now I have a dog named Odin and I hope he will live long and well


I'm used to waking up running to the iPad and
watching your vids, laughing and I've never seen you
like this I'm so sorry mark for what happened, I really am

Reminds me of my grandpa. I miss him. The hurt never goes away. I remember the stories he told me. I miss you grandpa!

Mark i'm so sorry for your lose this is like the third time i watch this and i feel terrible
Love you dude take care


I had never seen this video. But I knew it happened. This is so sad. Remember everybody it’ll get better and you have somebody always.


Even though this video is 4 years old, I’d like to tell the modern tik tokers that it’s suicide awareness month, not your stupid “No Simp September” challenge.
So if you’re reading this, you can still have feeling towards people you are interested in, but make sure you check on your friends because you’ll never know what they’re going through.
If they say they’re ok, you should still check on them and give them support. Along with that, be nice to people. Sometimes, you can say/do something that can push them off the edge.
Coming from someone who attempted suicide on March of 2019, I got no support or help, and I don’t want your guys’ friends to go through the same thing I did. Now my mother is left paranoid, and I don’t want you or anyone they love paranoid either.


To think it’s been over 5 years it’s incredibly still heartbreaking. Nothing like this ever heals. Daniel would have been 26 today and thriving with Cyndago, along with Matt and Ryan. My heart is still so broken because of this. It feels like time has just swept by and I still haven’t gotten the chance to say goodbye. I deal with a lot of things too. Mentally, I mean. I hope one day I can meet Daniel. One day. What an idol to me creatively. So talented and he and it are gone now. RIP DK. Love you so much.


You are amazing. Millions of people love you and will always be there for you. You can never disappoint us, hell you recently fricking drank your own pee!
You will always have a special place in every single one of your fans hearts. You have saved more lives and donated more money than anyone else gives you credit for.
You have gone through more shit than anyone ever should have to. You have persevered through so much more than you ever should have. If you are ever feeling down just let yourself feel the 26.5 million people, (and counting!), all giving you the biggest and best hug ever.
I highly doubt you will ever read this or even know that I exist but,
I don’t think I would even be here, writing this comment, without you.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for being yourself and not becoming an engineer.
~From just another drop in the ocean of your friends, family, and fans. We all love you Mark.



[Markiplier] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.


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