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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] How do you define yourself? | Lizzie Velasquez | TEDxAustinWomen
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] How do you define yourself? | Lizzie Velasquez | TEDxAustinWomen




Playtime Comments : [TEDx Talks] How do you define yourself? | Lizzie Velasquez | TEDxAustinWomen


8:36 ... She is FAR from the world's ugliest woman ... She is adorable, courageous, fun ... I would be honored to be friends with this amazing person!

8:37 I literally cried I can feel how's Lizzie feel at that time ..... Whoever posted that video & commented that Comment literally I feel I would kill them

6:13 this is very important, her parents did not go the next day to complain to the school because their daughter has been harassed by some bully. Her parents know that they have to give her the courage and intelligence to face the reality of life.

When we overprotect our children, we victimize them and create overly sensitive adults.

Behind this wonderful strong girl, there are wonderful parents, family, and friends.


Hi Lizzie,
Psalms 139:14 I will give you praise, for I am strangely and delicately formed; your works are great wonders, and of this my soul is fully conscious.

This is who you are in God's sight .He see you beautiful and wonderful ,and yes you are ! Jesus loves you!



Top Comments : [TEDx Talks] How do you define yourself? | Lizzie Velasquez | TEDxAustinWomen

Beauty! Beautiful. Courage: The choice she made. Admiration and respect: From me and probably most people whom she meets. She gifts me with the reminder of self-determination and choice. Lizzie embodies the epitome of exemplifying choosing to “be a part of the solution, as opposed to being part of the problem”. Thank you, Lizzie. May blessings abound .bh


This is a beautiful woman, inside and out.


I met her in person, at a youth conference. She is amazing.

Doctors: you'll never walk, live, or think.

Lizzie: hold my college degree

In life I've learned, there is nothing more beautiful than a beautiful soul.


She has a good sense of humor...
She really inspired me...

BEAUTIFUL in every way

I love her soul. She is so lovely.


the speech everyone needs to hear she is amazing


She is beautiful, inside and out!

She is a proud for her parents. She has lot of confident on herself. Salute to you.

Hats off to her parents. They are the absolute best!


I still can't believe that people told her to kill herself just because of her apparence. She's a brave, fun, humble woman, and all they see is that???? Like, what? I'm disgusted.

She's so strong


I can finish this without crying every single moment. She's very inspiring, i hope all the happiness for her.


You have such a pretty soul and brave girl....lots of love and respect...for you from Pakistan


Thank You, Lizzie Velasquez, for taking a stand for everyone who has been bullied at School and battled with their self-esteem as a result. I hope millions and millions of teens and tweens see this talk. Such a powerful lesson: our circumstances don't define us and what "they" say doesn't define us. We get to choose. You have chosen wisely, beautiful girl. You were born to be a motivational speaker. Bravo!

the video calling her the 'ugliest woman alive' recieved 4 million views. let's get this ted talk to 5 million :)

she has such a pretty voice


I really hate how people can be mistreated because of the things they can't change


She's probably the smartest person I've seen on youtube. Not for her education but for her mindset.

I got more from her talk in 13 min than I've ever had with my therapist for almost 2 yrs. And...

yes, girls' hair is on fleek.

This is the best Ted talk I’ve ever seen


honestly i’m really into fashion and i was so happy that she matched her shoes to her dress


Thank you so so much!!! The reality is you’re one the best people on the planet!!! Everybody should know you and listen to you!! We actually need people like you more than anything in our power and decisional positions!!

Bro she is so pretty, not only her looks, but overall she is beautiful. Her personailty, her strengths, HER. Its rlly admirable.

As a severely bullied & very scarred kid, I understand the cruelty. I remember when people told her to kill herself and I am so very proud of her for stepping up and not backing down.


This woman had more confidence at 5 years old than I've ever had in my life.

She deserved a better audience

What a beautiful and amazing woman! When I was 18, at high-school, a month before passing our final exam, I heard that one of my teachers would object to a repetition of my final year in case of failure at the final exam, just because I was not enthusiastic about his geography classes! He considered that I was just good enough to directly enter the workforce without any diploma. I was so upset that I challenged myself to show him he did not have to decide of my life! A month later I graduated high-school and got Baccalauréat degree (French high-school diploma) and, also and above all, graduated college with a
4-year degree in applied foreign languages.
Since then, I have never let anyone decide my life and have taught my children this principle “never let anyone decide for you, always go beyond your own limits!”


She seems like a really, REALLY sweet person. And also, incredibly strong and brave. You deserve the best in life, Lizzie!

She’s really really is an absolutely amazing person. Beautiful inside and out.

was her uber driver once in Austin. Genuinely nice lady.

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I'm not going to be one of those people who say, "Oh, Lizzie, don't worry! You are beautiful and pretty no matter what! Because by our society's standards of beauty, she is not attractive. She does not fit this mold we have created for a "beautiful person". Her syndrome makes her look very different, in a way that most people would perceive as unattractive or ugly. To say "Oh, no worries, I think you're still pretty" reinforces the idea that a human being is defined by their outermost appearance. As so eloquently stated in this Ted Talk, her syndrome is not what defines her. She is a wonderful human. She is strong, bold, and equipped with a wisdom much lacked these days.

You, Lizzie Velasquez, are an inspirational person. You should never feel bad that you aren't the same as everybody else. "Pretty" indicates something shallow, something purely physical and honestly, not of much worth. "Beautiful" means inside and out. "beautiful" means you are a good person, you shine like a star, and we should strive to be like you. You are not pretty. You are beautiful.

And by the way, yes, your hair is absolutely amazing.



[TEDx Talks] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.


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