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[Youtube Review][TED] How to make stress your friend | Kelly McGonigal
twoyou 2021. 1. 16. 10:32(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] How to make stress your friend | Kelly McGonigal
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] How to make stress your friend | Kelly McGonigal
Playtime Comments : [TED] How to make stress your friend | Kelly McGonigal
Tokyo Ghoul fans: wait a sec, hold up-
4:33 McGonigal: "You're going to do this out loud,"
The screen behind her: 996-7
The audience: ha ha wow, this sure is gonna be tricky
Tokyo Ghoul fans: anxiety levels spike but for an entirely different reason
gets Tokyo ghoul flashbacks
Top Comments : [TED] How to make stress your friend | Kelly McGonigal
So tired that I read this title 3 times and still was like, "brain, focus on the words. The words, brain"
Bruce Banner: That's my secret, Captain. I'm always angry. Avoiding stress isn't the secret.
I definitely go for that... chase what will give meaning to your life instead of avoiding stressful situations.
"When you choose to view your stress response as helpful, you create the biology of courage"
But courage can make person, with cancer, live for long time...
My point is fear causes stress
I can so understand what she has done. I did that a long time ago when i realized that it seemed I would live in steess a lot of my lifetime. So as bad as it was,I decided to embrace it and mentally use it as a stepping stone towards building more character. As a character test so to speak. This is a control issue and when you realize some things you just absolutely have no control over, but you can control how you react.
Almost 6 years later I stumbled on this, and WOW, what a game changer.
Not only do I love this - but I adopted this advice in my OWN life. Great advice.
Oh, reading this book... Thank you Kelly
Its interesting how it’s basically a mindset.
The Best talk video about stress I have ever seen in my life....Thank you Madam....
It has a point. Whoever has been in the military knows what is constant stress. However the levels of sickness due to stress is less than in other jobs. I guess you get used to....
Care to Survive
Nice play by the nature
"This is my body helping me rise to this challenge." Nailed it.
"this is my body helping me rise over this challenge"
why was everyone laughing at the statistics of stress related death...
First, I got addicted to counting calories and tracking my vitamin intake for nutrition. But in the end, that just stressed me out a lot. Turns out it's best to do intuitive eating where you just listen to your body.
And now this. I've been calling my body stupid when it creates a stress response for non life threatening situations. Because I've always been told that it's just a part of the "reptilian brain." But then I got from this talk that stress isn't actually that bad at all.
Sometimes the information going around isn't really accurate. So it's always good to give trust to one's body, not just to logic. I learned from someone that not only does your brain has a mind. The rest of your body has too.
Give me twenty.
Gosh,i feel like this is already saving my stressed life! His talk will be my prayer,like,really
"Enjoy the pain" in other words
By approaching things differently and seeing them in a different light, you can actually rechannel your psyche to limits you were not even aware of. In this it is your whole body from physical to psychological responses readying you to perform a situation that has a lot of stimulus. Stimulus which does not have to be a bad thing if you decide to just relax and let go.
This allows you to perform in front of an audience and be yourself without having to worry you make mistakes, because we all do. It is normal and humane, nothing embarrassing to worry about. These days I do not even care if people laugh when I make mistakes, I laugh at it too.
In the same way I came to find that bad experiences can be channeled to be good experiences instead. For example I was diagnosed a lethal case of Chron's disease in my high school.
Even though the experience was really hard because it nearly took my life, now looking back at it the person I was about to become (brat) and the person I am today then I am much rather the person i became trough that experience and with that experience than to be the person I would have been if it never happened to me in the first place.
I found that finding the good in the bad is the key of dealing with hardship. Criticism? Sure, it feels frustrating at the moment. But that is until you realize that you can actually turn criticism to a useful tool for self improvement. Alright, I made a mistake doing this or that, but hey now I at least know what I need to pay attention to so I can work on that so I no longer have to make the same mistake again.
All of this and so many more other things in your life is only a matter of perspective. What is it you decide to take from your experience and how you decide to view different experiences.
Okay. Let's differentiate here between new-age fluff and actual legitimate science.
positive-thinking mantra:
-I can do anything if I just visualize it, even if I don't work to it much.
-My thoughts directly impact the world.
-I can change other things directly and objectively through my perception.
Actual, productive thinking:
-I will only accomplish as much as I am willing to work for it.
-My thoughts impact my perspective of the world. The chips sometimes aren't in my favor. My thoughts don't change that--they just let me play another hand.
-I can change myself, and thus the world, through my perception of it. When life gives me lemons, I'll give people lemonade.
So, no, for all of those super-cynics who tout their pessimism like a trophy glorifying their oh-so 'contrarian' viewpoint: this video is not suggesting that you should act like your stress doesn't exist. What she's saying is that we should make the best of it by seeing it as a way to grow. No, not the "If I just visualize stress being gone, I'll be happy!" lifestyle. More like, "This is what it is. Here's what I think of it --that's better. Now I'll make it into something admirable."
[TED] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.
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