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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [America's Got Talent] Michael John: Sexy Magician Tries to Kiss Mel B - America's Got Talent 2015


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [America's Got Talent] Michael John: Sexy Magician Tries to Kiss Mel B - America's Got Talent 2015


Playtime Comments : [America's Got Talent] Michael John: Sexy Magician Tries to Kiss Mel B - America's Got Talent 2015


1:00 I have a apple

2:22 I love How innocent Mel looked :))


1:41 Sexual Assult!!!!!!!


0:46 howie was so jealous hehe


see michael signature at 2:02 and his signature at 2:44. As u can see signature r different, ends at different places.
Clearly two different cards. :P
Like if u find that too

Its not eaven same card, watch on 2:02 and on 2:45. Its stupid kid trick.



Top Comments : [America's Got Talent] Michael John: Sexy Magician Tries to Kiss Mel B - America's Got Talent 2015




He needs to work on his doublelift.
His is smooth, but kinda obvious if you knew what a doublelift was.


Hes a pretty good magician. too bad he choked in the next round

Stuart Edge anyone?

I know how he did the card thing, but the Chest thing? Wtf?

did he try? which part of scene?

How does he do it? 
Mel b looked so shocked 
great trick


what sorcery is this

Extremely simple trick. He had already signed that card he did pre-show.


done this before. super easy.

he did what exacly what Collins key did with Zoella

Ah come on. The first trick was so obvious. He didn't put the card she signed into her mouth. He flipped two cards not one

my computer says 5 views, 555 likes

Did you notice that SM also stands for Sexy Magician ? thats so LOL


Wow that click bait title

The trick was very simple, and the " SM " thing was all searched on google or something like that.


The first trick was a simple double lift (you lift 2 cards instead of one and flip it over) he just used the double lift and switched Mel B's signed card with a card he pre-signed with his own signature, and he actually put Mel B's card in his mouth instead of his own. The second one couldn't be easier; the internet is so fucking huge, you can find anything u want in it including Mel B's first kiss. regardless of that, great trick!


That was so amazing I with I could do that


the signature on the card is different..


Disturb reality anyone? Haha

Mel B is bae <3


THE SECRET IS HERE : At the beginning on the deck he has not 1 but 2 cards upside down, in which, on the 2nd one from the top he already has his signature; then he has Mel B sign on the 1st card which is on the top. After that he turns both the cards back on the deck making all of them face in the same manner. In this way the 2nd card on which he has his signature comes on the top and Mel B's one goes on the 2nd position. --- He then folds the 1st card from the top and gives it to Mel B to place between her teeth.   Now Mel B's card is at the top. Then the guy again takes 2 cards, and not 1, and turns them upside down. --- In this way Mel B's card goes to the 2nd position from the 1st, and on the 1st he has a random card, the 4 of Spades. ---- He then signs on it, and then again turns them (Two cards, Not one) back. --- So now the card he just signed on went to the second position, and Mel B's card comes back to the top again. ----- So he takes it, folds it, and places is between his teeth. [Keep in mind that there has had to be 2 cards of 4 of Spades, one he had already signed upon before coming to the show, and on the second one he signs in front of the audience.] Voilà..... but if I were at his place, I would go even closer to Mel B. I will never let the chance of Kissing her miss ! :D ...he did the magic, but missed the Kiss! ...LOL

imma use this trick in the hood, not with cards but wallets!

Women touch things they like!

The SM was black magic. Unless he did research and cut himself

He has a boring stage presence.

That was very slick. When he flipped the first card over he actually flipped over two. So the one showing was the ace but the other card under it had his signature. Then mel signed the ace. Then he flipped two cards again and the card with his signature was on the top. So he folded the card with his signature and told mel to put it on her mouth. So when he flipped over the four, he actually flipped over two again. So mels initials were face up under the four. Then when he flipped it again, he flipped two which put the card with mels initials on top. Which he folded and put in his mouth.

Thats why he didnt prove his deck was real.


Them initials though look at my arm


why do i ship dis XD


Howie:Hey YouTube! Did you like what you just saw ?
Me: My name is not YouTube.


i know how he did that lol. he picked up 2 cards in the beginning, the first one that was accually on top was a duplicate with his signiture, the second one (that he pretended to be on top) was an ace of hearts. He told her to sign the ace and he flipped it back over. (making the duplicate one with his signiture on top now). He gave her his duplicate and told her to put it in her mouth. Ok, so one down. NOW, the ace of hearts with her signiture is on top. he does ANOTHER double card lift and has a the OTHER duplicate there, so he signs his name on that and flips it over (making Mel B's card on top). He takes her card and puts it in his mouth. Abracadabra



[America's Got Talent] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

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