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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [America's Got Talent] Colin Cloud: Mind Reader Convinces Mel B To Stab Simon Cowell - America's Got Talent 2017
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [America's Got Talent] Colin Cloud: Mind Reader Convinces Mel B To Stab Simon Cowell - America's Got Talent 2017




Playtime Comments : [America's Got Talent] Colin Cloud: Mind Reader Convinces Mel B To Stab Simon Cowell - America's Got Talent 2017

Lol 1:48 another lady got assed up xD

1:45 as he asks “think of something naughty and embarrassing”
And this girl gets embarrassed by standing up

1:48 when the teacher asks "Jane" to answer but there are two Janes in the class


1:50-1:53 there was a girl that was also standing but sat down when she noticed that she was not the one chosen

5:05 Simon is so annoyed and I can’t stop laughing




1:30 His hand wanted to to go to that lady tho he literally didn’t want to move it I don’t believe it

Poor girl at 1:50 who got up thinking he was talking to her


5:00 is the funniest part of the entire audition to me xD

1:48 that poor other blond girl who stood up, awkward much



Top Comments : [America's Got Talent] Colin Cloud: Mind Reader Convinces Mel B To Stab Simon Cowell - America's Got Talent 2017

This performance was all over the place. A lot of stuff he included was unnecessary and just distracted the audience from the main act. Should have clarified to the audience what the girl was writing and not have her follow the instructions on the paper. then he had her put it behind a cover where he could have switched the paper anytime and then asked her to pick a knife without telling again the importance of it.


Who else is just watching clips of their performance cause they can't see it live xD


hahahaha the blonde in the front stood up cause she thought it was her

On the card that the girl wrote on it said “Write any silly reason for killing Simon Cowell” !


This was pretty bad tbh especially when he was trying to select an audience member, she slows over this one spot in the audience and then tells Simon tonight just say stop and he goes back and zooms over to the same spot in the audience it was clearly staged

lets pick this super hot girl... COMPLETELY AT RAAANDOOOOMMMM smh

if it was real Kirsty would have been way more surprised that he guessed her 1 in a million silly reason. she was like “yeah that’s right”

Is it just me when he said the girl to chose 5 knives is it just me that the cover have a note says choose white???????


This is almost as fake as fouseytube


When he placed the blackboard it was so obvious that he clearly has something written there like "Play along and say yes to whatever i ask and pick the white knife and i'll give you 500 dollars later" smh.

Honestly, watching this back again, it really seems staged, like choosing the knife? Right before that he places a black cover, which we never saw the back of. I’m guessing that it probably said “choose the white knife” on it

Well, duh, of course the lady will pick the one made of rubber! She can feel it.

Mel B didn't hesitate for one second to stab Simon. He was a little shocked by her eagerness. She may be looking for another job soon.

Simon: You really wanted to kill me?

Mel: YESSSSS!!!!

Simon: Heh heh heh, btw you're fired.

I feel like watching this and being able to rewind, theres a lot of "flaws" and obvious staged moments.

I think that the cover used when she was picking the knife probably said to choose white.


You don’t have to convince Mel to stab Simon

You have to convince her not to

Wow this is terrible "magic." I submit for your review as the audience:

1) The woman pulled up on stage walked immediately to spot on the floor before he even directed her there. Real people from the audience are always super awkward and clumsy about where to stand.
2) If you pause the video in HD, you will see handwriting on the note as she turns her back (not readable from the video, but obviously not blank). She also uncaps the pen while he turns her around, and upon noticing that she won't actually be writing anything, she immediately puts the cap back on.
3) As if #2 wasn't bad enough, the handwriting on the note was flawless when she had no surface to write on. At best she was writing on her palm, which would now allow for straight lines.
4) The blonde in the audience (who went camping and was bitten by a dog). She was sitting on the end of a row. The boy next to her clearly did not know her. What 20-year old girl is going to attend America's Got Talent by herself? (As if the magician asking her leading "yes" questions wasn't bad enough, they couldn't have rehearsed in advance?).

This is simply memorizing a script, getting the compensated hosts and two audience members who want 15 minutes of fame to play along. This guy is maybe a children's entertainer, he's terrible.


Did no one notice how he asked Simon to stop his hand moving and when Simon didn't, he quickly moved his hand back into the direction of the women where a microphone man was right next to...out of all the people.

Edit: It was so drawn out aswell and very boring, I don't understand how people believe this or was entertained.

Mel was really sad to find out that the knife was fake lol


I like how that other blonde girl thought she was called on and then quickly sat down because she realized in embarassment that there was someone else standing lol

It just feels staged


The choice of weapon is the only thing unimpressive about this. The girl looked at the blades. Saw only one wasn’t real and realized she needed to take that one, it was bent out of shape when Colin handed it to Mel.

Lol Mel pointing out Simon for having a button undone saying its a family show when she LITERALLY IS NOT WEARING PANTS.


I saw a lot of magic shows in my life and I have notice, all the people they choose "randomly" looks great. Good make up,  nice clothes, never messy hair XD, and I never saw a woman who is fat or not so very attractive. The same goes with the men. If they choose a man.
Oh, and the chosen people from the audience are always "normal" looking. No cool kid with a Heavy Metal T-Shirt or a women with a thick sweater and many piercings.
Its fishy if you ask me. ^^

And I can only agree with many the others here, this one was poorly staged.


The blonde girl when she thought it was her but the crew said sit down then she whispered to her mom! 1:48


I've diagnosed this trick. Do not read on if you want it spoiled, you have been warned. When the lady was brought on stage, she was given the piece of paper to write what she was thinking. As she turns away, she opens the paper up and for about 1 second you can clearly see writing on the paper. My thoughts are when he chatted with the audience member about the dog, he was actually buying time for the girl to read over the directions. The entire time he was talking with the audience member, you can see the lady reading, not writing anything. When he went behind the black box, he probably switched out the notes to the one that had the cd writing. Simon probably knew what the plaque said when he went to sit in front of it. From what I saw, this is how the trick went.



[America's Got Talent] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

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