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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] A simple way to break a bad habit | Judson Brewer
This time, I will review the popular YouTube videos.
These days, even if it's good to watch on YouTube, sometimes people skip it or don't watch it if it's too long.

When you watch Youtube, do you scroll and read the comments first?

To save your busy time, why don't you check out the fun contents, summary, and empathy comments of popular YouTube videos first and watch YouTube?

(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] A simple way to break a bad habit | Judson Brewer




Summary Comments : [TED] A simple way to break a bad habit | Judson Brewer


1. Notice the URGE.
3. Feel the JOY of letting go.
4. And, REPEAT.
Awesome way of giving away bad habits!



Playtime Comments : [TED] A simple way to break a bad habit | Judson Brewer


7:36 Glitch in the Matrix?


8:40 thank you!!

Sometimes the youngest among us may come with great ideas!!


6:30 "is supported by CURIOSITY STREAM", too much youtube

1:15 is it weird when I saw the chocolate cake I had the impulse to smash my face into it? Like, aggresively - over and over again?


0:57 yes, I was watching my Facebook

0:56 a clear example, the 2 guys in the back talking

The whole point of the talk at 9:10
You will save 9 minutes...


1:35 "seafood, eat food, feel good"
I was confused at first xD

I woke up at 6:00 am..Started meditating at 6:15 am for 10mins and then, I opened my eyes at 10:00 am.



Top Comments : [TED] A simple way to break a bad habit | Judson Brewer

He's like a nicer, less sarcastic Steve Jobs.

Steve Jobs, is that you?


I bet he read Charles Dahigg's book "power of the habbit"


You know you are at rock bottom when you start procatinaning by watching videos about procrastination

"close youtube, go back to work"

The way I understood it is that whenever you find yourself doing something you shouldn't, don't try to force yourself out of doing it (unless it's immoral, dangerous etc.) via discipline, but think about the negative consequences of doing so and try to learn and understand both these consequences and your present state of mind and feelings. By thinking about it you satisfy your curiosity and feel somewhat rewarded and help yourself to conceptualise why you should not do something and thus stop.

Right now I should go to bed, but I've not yet, so now I shall think about why I need to go to bed, why I do not want to, and what the consequence will be in the morning if I don't. Hopefully then I shall convince myself to go to sleep.


I always have to repeat the vid cuz I start to daydream every 20seconds


My bad habit is watching videos like this, what an irony!

This guy: This how to break your habit
Me: Cool * Sips soda and eats chips *


Thank you Ted, now i can stop watching your videos


When your bad habits bring you to videos about breaking bad habits...


"The best way to break a bad habit is to stop doing it"

- Issac Newton


It actually works I studied for 4 hours today and i didnt let my urge to check my phone distract me

Youtube is the bad habit..

7:36 the matrix is breaking


Seems like a good find, added this to my “watch later” playlist

Does anyone else make these goals like "im not going to use twitter tommorow i use it to much" then the next day u end up using it and feel guilty


My habit is reading comments while watching the video but i dont pay attention to the video and then the video ends and all i read was comments.


I LOVE this. Definitely something to keep in mind, and a great way to manage cravings.


I probably only focused about 2 minutes on this video


Notice the urge.
Get curious.
Feel the joy of letting go.

and repeat


Mindfulness is also very good for self-growth and personal life.
I wish my school had this as a subject, when I was in school.


Hi everyone!
What this guy says is absolutely correct.
I have my own experience to support it.
I was a heavy smoker some time ago. Like crazy level smoker. You couldn’t spot me without a cigarette at any time in a day. Then one day, my best friend passed away because of heart attack at a very young age. That shook me so much. I still smoked for a few months after that. Then one day, I was in my balcony smoking and I suddenly observed the whole process of me smoking at a deeper level which may have been triggered by thoughts regarding my friend’s smoking and drinking habits. I hated every second of smoking that cigarette. It was a massive shift in my emotions regarding cigarettes in that small amount of time. I again tried smoking when I went for a walk. I just couldn’t do it. I was choking because of the overall experience. I, who used to smoke cigarettes like crazy was suddenly choking because of it! That was it! I could never smoke again. Tried a few times out of curiosity but just couldn’t. Thanks to my friend, I stopped smoking. That’s the least I could do after the loss. Thinking consciously will really change the emotions and even body response to a particular thing and it really happened in my case. Can’t fake it. But if you can truly do it, it will have a significant impact. Hope my story helps someone. Have a nice day!


Steve Jobs has returned

I was totally smoking a cigarette when this popped up lol

I hit “Watch Later” on this video like a month ago, now watching it, and realizing I’m even procrastinating watchin vids about procrastination

This is how I quit smoking and how I got out of depression. I didn’t know there was a term for it I just started to pay attention to my surroundings and be in the moment. When I did that in a deep depression I all of sudden felt awake and noticed my brain felt foggy and slow. It scared me because I didn’t understand at the time that I was depressed. So I looked up ways to battle it and started to work on it until I was on a exercise and sleep routine, ate right and quit smoking then I felt better. It’s strange how your brain kind of goes into autopilot if you don’t pay attention. And if your brain is on autopilot it’s driven by primal reward systems.

Don’t fight yourself on every little thing. Just be in the moment and try to understand your body and what’s happening in that instance. It really does help and I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed this!

The third—and final—time I quit smoking, instead of trying to quit or worrying about when I didn't, I simply switched from smoking to pretending to smoke. Every time I wanted a cigarette, I went outside and pretended to smoke. I mimed the motions and imagined all the same feelings I got from actually smoking.

I flicked an imaginary lighter and drew deep on an imaginary cigarette. I held the first hit in then gingerly exhaled that first intake. Again and again, I dragged on a pantomime of a cigarette, held it briefly and then exhaled a cloud of glorious rapture. All in my mind and acted out fully in my body.

Each time I did this, the allure of smoking receded a bit. Not just that, but the craving to join my coworkers in their hourly jaunts outside receded as well. Ten years later, the only thing that makes me slightly crave a smoke is getting obscenely drunk. Luckily, this only happens every other Tuesday. ;)



[TED] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.


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