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[Youtube Review][Netflix] The Kissing Booth 3 Exclusive Sneak Peek | Netflix
twoyou 2021. 1. 19. 14:40
Top Comments : [Netflix] The Kissing Booth 3 Exclusive Sneak Peek | Netflix
2:confused about relationship with Noah
3: confused about college
So confusing
I don’t care how many people hate this movie, I find them entertaining
Elle: ignores Harvard
Harvard: "She's worth it"
Is no one gonna talk about whatever Elle whispered Noah because I-
I got to stop watching the Netflix romcoms they always make me feel so lonely
Elle: declines Harvard!
Harvard: Let's just give it another shot!
Everyone: wE nEeD a THiRd onE
Netflix: You wanna see some real speed
Netflix: haha kissing booth 3 go brr
Question: If Elle doesn't go to college with Lee, then who is she going to hold a kissing booth with? Can't be called Kissing Booth 3 without holding a kissing booth right?
Fans: they should make part 3 of the kissing bo-
Netflix: thou shall not worry one is on the way
We NeEd KiSsInG BoOtH ThR-
Netflix: kissing booth 200 coming in 2022
Did anybody else know there was gonna be a part 3 when Marco said “she’s worth the wait “
me: watches the kissing booth two as soon as it comes out instantly regrets.
also me: man I wish there was a kissing booth t-
Netflix: say no more.
You make it seem like it’s so easy to get into Harvard like to just click a button and you will be there
Harvard: Am I A jOkE To YoU
Netflix: you want it, you got it
Netflix: U waNna sEe sOme ReAl SpEed BiChhszhz
See you in 7 years when Kissing booth 7 is out and this is in everyone’s recommended
Everyone: When is Stranger Things 4 coming out?
Netflix: Idk have a trailer for the sequel to a movie that came out like 2 days ago
She literally gets caught every time she keeps a secret. At this point she should already know the outcome. Then it’s super obvious with the contact name and then ringing at anytime.
After how much Jacob was saying he was tired of playing Noah I never thought they’d persuade him to do a third I-
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