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[Youtube Review][The Late Late Show with James Corden] James Corden Kidnaps The Jonas Brothers
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [The Late Late Show with James Corden] James Corden Kidnaps The Jonas Brothers
Playtime Comments : [The Late Late Show with James Corden] James Corden Kidnaps The Jonas Brothers
we all know who's next
0:50 you know what else was in 2013?
One Direction was still together.
3:09 "well well well"
"no the cat doesn't talk louis"
1:03 yes Corden...great ideia,SO, why you don't kidnap the One Direction boys and put them together in a band again?
3:08 well well well
tHe CaT dOeSn´T tAlk LoUis
Top Comments : [The Late Late Show with James Corden] James Corden Kidnaps The Jonas Brothers
James in 2019: "the news are so depressing", "these are dark times", "everything was better in 2013"
Everyone in 2020: "we want 2019 back"
Literally nobody:
Not even Kevin:
James:Kidnaps The jonas brothers and reunites em
Me: *cries in a cool way*
*smiles through the payne*
15% of comments: talking about everyone saying “kidnap 1d”
5% of comments: Taking about everyone talking about everyone talking about everyone talking about everyone saying “kidnap 1d”
“I cAn’T kiDnAp oNe diReCtiOn”
James: reunites Jonas brothers
"i CaN't KiDnAp OnE dIrEcTiOn" explain this james
I can't wait to see the title goes like this
"James Cordon, kidnapped One Direction"
James: "i can't kidnap One Direction it's a crime"
Me: what is this then??
"These are dark times"
If only you knew old James Corden, if only you knew.
James 2019: I kidnapped the Jonas Brothers
James 2020: I can't kidnap the (One Direction) boys, that's a crime
Me (and Directioners): James, this you?
James, this you?
Dear James Codern ,
World knows that you are the one and only person who can do this. Just don't be shy, directioners are ready to support you. Show some pitty on us and do this. We need 1d back by Christmas.Kidnap 'em
Your friendly,
But then there’s this video
Jonas Brothers : Are We Humpty Dumpty then, Corden?
Also James : doesn't kidnap 1D even after getting billions of comments begging him to do it
“I cAnT kIdNaP oNe DiReCtIoN, iTs A cRiMe” he says. What do you call this then?
He said he can’t kidnap 1D, but he can kidnap them? CHILE WE SEE THE LIES
Who’s here after James said, that he won’t kidnap One Direction
“i cAn nOt cOmMiT a cRiMe aNd kIdNap tHe bOys”
Also james: "we cannot kidnap people"
literally every comment is about one direction XD
James: walks into living room angrily James: Oh my god!!! Reggie!!! I hate 2020 so much!!! Coronavirus is causing havoc around the planet, the bushfires in Australia is still going, WW3 might become a reality, Trump might win the election again and the Minnesota protest is getting worse!!! I mean life sucks now!!!
Reggie: listening to music
James: Uh Reggie?
Reggie: didn’t hear James
James: Reggie!!!! pulls earphones out of Reggie’s ears
James: Reggie!!!
Reggie: Huh? Oh sorry James I was listening to “What Makes You Beautiful” by One Direction.
James: One Direction? I remember them, they were the hottest band from 2010-2016, they used to be just a bunch of teens who were X-Factor rejects, but in a blink of an eye, they took the music world by storm, I mean literally, they won awards, had majors tours and made amazing music, then they appeared on the show in 2015, but Zayn wasn’t there because he left the band already then they broke up the next year, then they cut ties with their manager Simon Cowell, man I wished they were back together. thinks Oh my god Reggie, i can’t believe it took me 7 months to think of this, the beginning of 2019 sucked, but because we kidnapped The Jonas Brothers and put them back together, peace was brought back to earth, if we kidnap One Direction too, the world will be back to normal.
Reggie: Wow, that’s the 1st time I’ve heard a good idea from you.
James: I know, so let’s... wait what?
Reggie: Let’s just go.
James and Reggie: runs out of room
Reggie: Hang on James!!!
James and Reggie: runs back to room
James: Something wrong Reggie?
Reggie: Well kidnapping Louis Tomlinson wouldn’t be hard because he just found a new house in LA, but Harry Styles now lives in Manhattan, Niall Horan is now living at his home country Ireland, Zayn Malik now lives in a farm in Pennsylvania raising his new daughter with Gigi Hadid and Liam Payne is now living in Brookwood raising his son, so we need to buy plane tickets to get to those 4 places.
James: So? We’re rich, we could afford those things. Come on!!!
James and Reggie: runs out again
In Manhattan:
Harry: doing yoga in his house
James and Reggie: sneaks up on him
James and Reggie: puts zak over his head
James: Go go go!!! repeating go as they kidnap Harry
In Ireland:
Niall: watching tv in his house
Doorbell rings
Pizza guy: 200 pizza deliveries for Mr. Horan.
Niall: I didn’t order pizza.
Pizza guy: Uhh the guy who called told me it was this address.
Niall: Well I’ll take it. gives the bill
Niall: moves a tower of 10 pizza boxes into the house
Niall: opens the box and see James
Niall: James?
James: Hi Niall.
Niall: What are you doing here?
James: signals Reggie by pointing
Niall: *turns around and gets zaked by Reggie:
In Pennsylvania:
Zayn: Cleaning his porch
someone throws package
Zayn: opens package and finds a map and note
Zayn: Follow the map?
Zayn walks to an alley
James: pats Zayn’s back
Zayn: turns around and sees James
James: Hello Zayn.
Zayn: Aren’t you James Corden?
James: Now Reggie now!!!
Zayn: *turns around and gets zaked by Reggie.
In Brookwood:
Liam: watching a movie in a theatre in his house.
Liam: Really no more popcorn?
James: pats Liam and gives popcorn
Liam: Oh thanks Bear, wait Bear didn’t I tell you to take a nap?
James: I’m not Bear, Liam.
Liam: turns around and sees James
Liam: James? What are you doing in my house? How’d you get pass security?
James: Get him Reggie!!!
Reggie: zaks Liam
In LA:
Louis: unpacking boxes after finding a new house
Louis: carries box Gee this one is heavy!!!
Louis: puts down box and opens it
James: pops out from box
Louis: confuse face
James: Long time no see Louis.
Louis: James how’d you get in there!!!???
Louis: turns around
Reggie: zaks him
In a dark place:
James: removes zak from everyone’s head
Harry: James what are you doing? We demand an explana....
James: Silence!!! throws water at everyone.
James: Well well well, One Direction, finally together again, I bet you guys have a lot of things to say to each other huh?
Niall: Not really, I video chatted Liam before.
James: I said silence!!! throws water again
James: You guys used to be like brothers, and now you guys are enemies.
Louis: No we still get along pretty well.
James: Silence!!! throws water again
Harry: Stop doing that!!!!
James: Oh sorry, I got a little carried away, wait did you literally say “We all still get along”
Louis: Yeah?
James: Oh that’s embarrassing.
Liam: Why?
James: Because I booked you guys a flight to Hawaii so that you guys need to learn to get along again.
Zayn: Seriously?
James: Hang on a sec. calls Reggie
James: Hey Reggie, could you help me cancel the flight to Hawaii?”
Reggie: Sure.
James: Okay that’s been taking care off.
Harry: So James, what do you want from us?
James: What do I want? I want you guys to reunite, I want you guys to bring peace back to earth, I want you guys to help Minnesotans get along again, I want you guys to save nature, we need people to set a role model for children, so they won’t become like this in the future, 2020 has been the worse, but I believe One Direction reuniting is gonna save 2020. The 18 month break is over guys, so Harry, Niall, Zayn, Louis and Liam, are you with me?
All 5: Yes.
James: I said are you with me?
All 5: Yes!
James: I still can’t hear you are you with me?
All 5: Yes!!!!
James: Will you reunite?
All 5: We will reunite!!!
James: Will you reunite?
All 5: We will reunite!!!
James: And will you guys head to the studio and make a new album?
All 5: We will!!!
James: Yes!!! But i think there’s something that could make this reunion even better.
Niall: What?
James: I become your manager!!!
All 5: laughs
Harry: Oh you’re serious?
James: Yes, you guys might think I’m just a talk show host who causes trouble when I give people a break, but I said before “I could break something to the band guys!!!”
Liam: Well we could give this a chance.
James: So is it a yes?
All 5: Yes.
James: That’s great!!! So here’s the contract, and here’s a pen for you guys to sign.
Louis: But we’re still tied up.
James: Oh sorry.
James: unties everyone
All 5: signs contract
James: Now that I’m your manager, put your hands on my hands.
Zayn: But social distancing.
James: It’s quick.
All 5: puts hands on each other’s hands
James: Now repeat after me “One Direction is back!!!” and put down your hands.
All 5 and James: One Direction is back!!! puts down hands
The End
James: walks into living room angrily James: Oh my god!!! Reggie!!! I hate 2020 so much!!! Coronavirus is causing havoc around the planet, the bushfires in Australia is still going, WW3 might become a reality, Trump might win the election again and the Minnesota protest is getting worse!!! I mean life sucks now!!!
Reggie: listening to music
James: Uh Reggie?
Reggie: didn’t hear James
James: Reggie!!!! pulls earphones out of Reggie’s ears
James: Reggie!!!
Reggie: Huh? Oh sorry James I was listening to “What Makes You Beautiful” by One Direction.
James: One Direction? I remember them, they were the hottest band from 2010-2016, they used to be just a bunch of teens who were X-Factor rejects, but in a blink of an eye, they took the music world by storm, I mean literally, they won awards, had majors tours and made amazing music, then they appeared on the show in 2015, but Zayn wasn’t there because he left the band already then they broke up the next year, then they cut ties with their manager Simon Cowell, man I wished they were back together. thinks Oh my god Reggie, i can’t believe it took me 7 months to think of this, the beginning of 2019 sucked, but because we kidnapped The Jonas Brothers and put them back together, peace was brought back to earth, if we kidnap One Direction too, the world will be back to normal.
Reggie: Wow, that’s the 1st time I’ve heard a good idea from you.
James: I know, so let’s... wait what?
Reggie: Let’s just go.
James and Reggie: runs out of room
Reggie: Hang on James!!!
James and Reggie: runs back to room
James: Something wrong Reggie?
Reggie: Well kidnapping Louis Tomlinson wouldn’t be hard because he just found a new house in LA, but Harry Styles now lives in Manhattan, Niall Horan is now living at his home country Ireland, Zayn Malik now lives in a farm in Pennsylvania raising his new daughter with Gigi Hadid and Liam Payne is now living in Brookwood raising his son, so we need to buy plane tickets to get to those 4 places.
James: So? We’re rich, we could afford those things. Come on!!!
James and Reggie: runs out again
In Manhattan:
Harry: doing yoga in his house
James and Reggie: sneaks up on him
James and Reggie: puts zak over his head
James: Go go go!!! repeating go as they kidnap Harry
In Ireland:
Niall: watching tv in his house
Doorbell rings
Pizza guy: 200 pizza deliveries for Mr. Horan.
Niall: I didn’t order pizza.
Pizza guy: Uhh the guy who called told me it was this address.
Niall: Well I’ll take it. gives the bill
Niall: moves a tower of 10 pizza boxes into the house
Niall: opens the box and see James
Niall: James?
James: Hi Niall.
Niall: What are you doing here?
James: signals Reggie by pointing
Niall: *turns around and gets zaked by Reggie:
In Pennsylvania:
Zayn: Cleaning his porch
someone throws package
Zayn: opens package and finds a map and note
Zayn: Follow the map?
Zayn walks to an alley
James: pats Zayn’s back
Zayn: turns around and sees James
James: Hello Zayn.
Zayn: Aren’t you James Corden?
James: Now Reggie now!!!
Zayn: *turns around and gets zaked by Reggie.
In Brookwood:
Liam: watching a movie in a theatre in his house.
Liam: Really no more popcorn?
James: pats Liam and gives popcorn
Liam: Oh thanks Bear, wait Bear didn’t I tell you to take a nap?
James: I’m not Bear, Liam.
Liam: turns around and sees James
Liam: James? What are you doing in my house? How’d you get pass security?
James: Get him Reggie!!!
Reggie: zaks Liam
In LA:
Louis: unpacking boxes after finding a new house
Louis: carries box Gee this one is heavy!!!
Louis: puts down box and opens it
James: pops out from box
Louis: confuse face
James: Long time no see Louis.
Louis: James how’d you get in there!!!???
Louis: turns around
Reggie: zaks him
In a dark place:
James: removes zak from everyone’s head
Harry: James what are you doing? We demand an explana....
James: Silence!!! throws water at everyone.
James: Well well well, One Direction, finally together again, I bet you guys have a lot of things to say to each other huh?
Niall: Not really, I video chatted Liam before.
James: I said silence!!! throws water again
James: You guys used to be like brothers, and now you guys are enemies.
Louis: No we still get along pretty well.
James: Silence!!! throws water again
Harry: Stop doing that!!!!
James: Oh sorry, I got a little carried away, wait did you literally say “We all still get along”
Louis: Yeah?
James: Oh that’s embarrassing.
Liam: Why?
James: Because I booked you guys a flight to Hawaii so that you guys need to learn to get along again.
Zayn: Seriously?
James: Hang on a sec. calls Reggie
James: Hey Reggie, could you help me cancel the flight to Hawaii?”
Reggie: Sure.
James: Okay that’s been taking care off.
Harry: So James, what do you want from us?
James: What do I want? I want you guys to reunite, I want you guys to bring peace back to earth, I want you guys to help Minnesotans get along again, I want you guys to save nature, we need people to set a role model for children, so they won’t become like this in the future, 2020 has been the worse, but I believe One Direction reuniting is gonna save 2020. The 18 month break is over guys, so Harry, Niall, Zayn, Louis and Liam, are you with me?
All 5: Yes.
James: I said are you with me?
All 5: Yes!
James: I still can’t hear you are you with me?
All 5: Yes!!!!
James: Will you reunite?
All 5: We will reunite!!!
James: Will you reunite?
All 5: We will reunite!!!
James: And will you guys head to the studio and make a new album?
All 5: We will!!!
James: Yes!!! But i think there’s something that could make this reunion even better.
Niall: What?
James: I become your manager!!!
All 5: laughs
Harry: Oh you’re serious?
James: Yes, you guys might think I’m just a talk show host who causes trouble when I give people a break, but I said before “I could break something to the band guys!!!”
Liam: Well we could give this a chance.
James: So is it a yes?
All 5: Yes.
James: That’s great!!! So here’s the contract, and here’s a pen for you guys to sign.
Louis: But we’re still tied up.
James: Oh sorry.
James: unties everyone
All 5: signs contract
James: Now that I’m your manager, put your hands on my hands.
Zayn: But social distancing.
James: It’s quick.
All 5: puts hands on each other’s hands
James: Now repeat after me “One Direction is back!!!” and put down your hands.
All 5 and James: One Direction is back!!! puts down hands
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