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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] The science is in: Exercise isn’t the best way to lose weight


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] The science is in: Exercise isn’t the best way to lose weight




Playtime Comments : [Vox] The science is in: Exercise isn’t the best way to lose weight


3:46 this doesn't add up to 100



0:36 Why There Is Arizona Zervas?


am I seeing Amy Adams ..?

4:16 you have inca cola in the us?


3:19 Will Smith? Is that you?



Top Comments : [Vox] The science is in: Exercise isn’t the best way to lose weight

I am studying as an undergraduate about to finish my degree in exercise Physiology at Kennesaw State University. This video, though mostly true, leaves out some very important details. Exercise is extremely important to overall health and eating is extremely important for weight control. However, the research done here is interpreted in a way that downplays the effects of exercise on weight. The effects of exercise go far beyond the acute (i.e. the right there and then) effects of a single workout. Exercise will burn a small amount of calories during a workout but the small amounts of damage and trauma done to the body during a regular bout of exercise need time and energy to repair. Your body has to recover and repair itself after every workout. This can almost double the energy expended in the workout sometimes. Resistance training is a great example. You burn very few calories lifting weights, but as the body rebuilds itself and prepares for the next bout it uses so much more energy throughout the rest of the day even into the next day that the effects are magnified. Not only is this working in your advantage but also when new muscle tissue is created it begins demanding nutrients regularly and adds to your Basal Metabolic Rate or the amount of energy you require just to maintain your current body weight. So you burn more fat in your sleep. Even though the effects may not be as blatantly obvious for weight loss as slowly starving yourself until you reach a goal weight exercise plays a huge and irreplaceable role in weight management.

“Just eat less lmao” > this is actually very true but Americans are still obese lol


This is making me feel like I have no hope that I will not become skinny


A bit misleading. Diet and exercise are the keys to weight loss. They didn't even bother mentioning how strength-training (for muscles) will increase your metabolism.

They also completely miss out the point that exercises can increase muscle mass which can significantly increase your metabolic rate. Also the amount of energy required to recover muscles after exercise is huge (often referred to as the after burn effect). It’s isn’t true to say that our Basal metabolic rate is completely outside our control. Our control of it is limited by genetics true but we can take steps to increase our metabolism. One of the best ways to do that is exercise. I don’t know why they neglected to mention that.

The secret, Workout. Eat well. Sleep well. Spend sometime with your family. Be happy. You will be better, and lose fats whilst having a good life.


This is extremely misleading. By doing exercise, you increase muscle and that causes your body to burn more calories at rest.


So it's true an apple a day keeps the doctor away.



Summary, put down the fork.

Me: I want to lose weight

My mom: good at cooking


For weight loss; Eat low calorie diet.
For strong physique: exercise.


Exercise will increase your metabolism plus what you've burned in the session. So you burn more for just resting after exercising!! This video is missing some facts!


whose here during quarantine trying to lose weight

People ask the wrong question so they never end up with the right answer...


If you ask me, it's really hard to gain muscle and lose weight at the same time, but website called Agoge Diet is great for that. They also calculate your BMI and calorie intake for FREE and provide you with diet meal plan and training plan.


For me eating is a way to combat boredom and loneliness. I’m realizing just how empty my life is now that I’m eating less. All I needed was a job, friends or a hobby to keep me busy enough so that I don’t eat every moment of the day.

Can confirm this, I lost 80 pounds by just changing my diet. Didn’t exercise at all.


Yeah im searching for the best weight loss exercices and then this shows


i hope people get that the point of the video is not to stop exercising altogether, but that exercise alone is not enough and maintaining a healthy diet is also necessary.

This entire video I'm just waitin for the conclusion on what to actually do.....


I exercise so I can eat more...


Remember guys, this video talks about losing weight, not for being healthy.


The point of the video is that you shouldn't be surprised if you don't lose weight with exercise if you continue to eat too much (especially fast food), not that exercise is bad or useless despite what the video said, it was just to get your attention. A healthy diet is necessary for success, and I don't mean those fad diets. I mean changing the way you eat for good. If it's something that only lasts a few months the chances are your weight will come back.

Calorie in< calorie out= weight loss. Do whatever to keep that equation.


That’s why they’re called “Diet and exercise plans”.. not sure who these people are that think just working out is enough..

While exercising alone won't make you lose weight, exercising energizes me, which allows me to make sane decisions about what I eat. Guys don't look at this as an excuse to not exercise because exercise is needed even if you don't lose weight


Here goes my gym membership in the trash.

Omggg my whole life was a life..

Be at a caloric deficit, then you’ll lose weight. Very straight forward.

You can exercise 7 days a week - do tons of cardio. But if you over-eat you're going to gain weight. People don't realise how important diet really is.

But working out creates more muscle tissue overtime. This muscle tissue burns alot more calories compared to the isolating fat cells, even when you are just doing nothing.


The video isn't saying not to exercise. It's saying that based on whatever studies they cite, those studies found that exercising alone does not necessarily lead to results. It is true that losing weight is as simple as calories in < calories out, and exercising increases calories out; however, human behaviour takes a toll. People tend to justify eating more, or eating worse, because they exercised. In this case, while they're increasing calories out, they're also increasing calories in.

They're not saying it's impossible to lose weight by just exercising, only that it's a lot harder and requires a lot more focus and self control than most people have. Changing the way we eat and our approach to food is, in the opinion of the studies this video cites, a more sustainable and effective way to lose weight.

At the end of the day, everyone needs to find what works for them.



[Vox] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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