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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] Who are you, really? The puzzle of personality | Brian Little


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] Who are you, really? The puzzle of personality | Brian Little



Playtime Comments : [TED] Who are you, really? The puzzle of personality | Brian Little

14:05 The 'strange canadian professor who was teaching at the time at Harvard' - is that a ref to jordan peterson?


2:43 I had to turn subtitle on since I had no idea how to spell the word ”lackadaisical” in order to Google it...


Is that Jackson Avery from Grey's Anatomy sitting there in the right corner at 4:19? I think so






Top Comments : [TED] Who are you, really? The puzzle of personality | Brian Little

Extroverts: This man is a BADASS.

Introverts: This man has the amazing capacity to articulate his ideas and thoughts so profoundly that he rightfully deserves the title of badass.

I love that.. nothing constipates an introvert more than talking to them on the toilet.. That is so me and I relate to that alot

He reminds of Professor Slughorn or my version of him when read the books

Me before watching the video: It's too long it may be boring
Me after watching the video: No come back explain more

I act like an introvert but I'm actually an extrovert. I like communicating with peoole but i have social anxiety, and when I beat my anxiety i always feel happier & better after talking with people.


Now imagine being an extreme extrovert yet disliking the majority of society, interactions and people.


Look up Alan Watts sometime. You can never know who "you" really are. Because there isn't a real you. You cannot describe yourself in the now without relating yourself to what you have done in the past, or what your interests are -which are things you would rather be doing and goes around the question of describing who you are in the now. We all share that in common. Fun stuff to think about.


Watching this relaxing on Christmas Day. I'm an introvert. I prefer conversations that have meaning instead of the surface talk. I do it more for others comfort to compromise

i always look at personalities as a cocktail mix of several things - different ingredients at different amounts go into each person and the end-result is always unique. We'd have similar ingredients but at varying amounts and mixing with other ingredients, so even when we share common traits, it's always different among everyone.

I found my passion, this man is what I want to be


how lucky are those students to be taught by this man!

Close your eyes....and this man sounds like Sheldon in 20 years


there's days when, as an introvert, you feel odd, misplaced, not fitting in, alone with how you feel. And then you watch this and you feel like it really is perfectly OK just the way you are. Thank you so much Brian for this talk. And of course making it blatantly clear how limited my vocabulary is to yours.


I've got a feeling like I'm not able to learn something new anymore. That's hella scary
I don't feel like I'm an extrovert or an introvert anymore


This only confuses me more because by this definition I’m both extroverted and introverted.

Okay where do I find him on twitter and IG?


I can in fact lick the outside of my own elbow. Just saying. It’s not that hard. All you have to do is completely destroy your shoulder.


i wish my teachers were more like him.


This guy is an awesome orator. I would love to be in one of his classes.

liking these excellent comments and my like just disappears without even making a splash


"when we act protractedly out of character, we may find that we don't take care of ourselves" amen to that


Tip: Born an introvert, be like that for first 20-25 years of life. Introverts observe things much better so you'll learn a lot.
Then slightly shift to be a little extrovert get used to switching from one to another.
Choose where to be extrovert where to remain silent and observant.

Congratulations, now you can rule the life.


I'm a social introvert. I find it hardest to be in groups where I don't know the people (well). With my friends, I may seem to be extroverted, but the interaction still drains me and I need to be alone quite a lot.


What a delightful man

The extreme Introvert learned to be an extrovert and plays the extrovert better than most extroverts.


I could hear him talk for days

Was so happy to clap in the end, it was that good, he was perfect.

This whole speech was a setup to make nobody follow him to the bathroom. Nice.

Ted talks always make you think hard about your life


when older version of Sheldon talks about psychology


I freaking love this man. He started off, using complex terms, as typically intellectual men would. But then, he went and made the conversation friendlier and showed that he's extremely funny and engaging. Good TED episode. I thoroughly enjoyed myself while learning more about said self, as an introvert like Mr. Brian. Keep uploading and making more TED talks like that one.

Here's the thing, there are hybrids. There are those of us who easily float between both worlds

Half of this was about the difference between extroverts and introverts. What about the rest of the OCEAN traits

I am an extreme introvert and everything he said is on point. I tried and pretended to be an extrovert in college because I thought it would be easier to go through college if I was popular and had more friends. Though I did make a few great friends, I also attracted tons of toxic ones and it's stressful and draining so I just decided to just be true to myself, and I have been happier and more at peace ever since. Most people misunderstand introverts and tend to be put off by our personality. It seems introverts are often perceived to be unfriendly, boring, shy, or snobbish but those who are more informed and try to connect would find that introverts are just calculating, equally daring but reserved, and definitely not shy. Shyness is NOT introversion.

The REAL issue with personality traits is they're never constant. Everyone's identity is in perpetual flux, too slowly to notice in real time, but we all feel the disconnect when we look at old photos of ourselves, showing evidence of a personality we no longer identify with... We all know our bodies completely regenerate on a cellular level around every decade or so, no doubt some process of change takes place in the brain's architecture and encoded data as well, perhaps responsible for the slight variations in our personal identities as we grow and live.



[TED] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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