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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] The Infinite Pattern That Never Repeats
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] The Infinite Pattern That Never Repeats




Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] The Infinite Pattern That Never Repeats

"It's few-tile"... 11:49 (aw c'mon, you know I had to!)


Me at 9:23- stop trying to hypnotize me


Whoa, the animations at 7:30 really helped me understand Penrose tiling better than anything I've seen before :O


9:16 when you rub your eyelids for long enough

6:10 The ultimate smartass student, all raising his hand like: "Um, professor? I found 20,426 examples of how you're wrong."

9:05 is it just me or is this what I see with my eyes closed at night


11:49 "It's futile"

No, it's many tiles.


9:02 "bitrate did funny" — KrmaL


Since then, this was the only thing I thought until the end


1:58 omg i feel like im watching scp illustrated



Top Comments : [Veritasium] The Infinite Pattern That Never Repeats


Truly an awesome video, but all the patterns made my head hurt....haha


Something happens

Golden ratio: hello there


Veritasium makes you fall in love with math and science

Edit: thanks for the likes have a sciencey day!

"Of all the irrational constants, the golden ratio, phi, is the most fivish of the constants." I say fee, he says feye. Maybe because phi is the most "phivish" of all the irrational constants.

“Why always six?”
Cgp Grey:because hexagons are the bestagons


Someone who found a pattern: BOW TO YOUR SUPREME LEADER

Definition of a pattern: "It must repeat"

Penrose Tiling: "Hold my rhombus"

“The pattern that never repeats” Me: CONFUSED SCREAMING

Another segment I call “I could have lived peacefully without knowing this and always thinking about it”.


If I were to put on a blindfold right now, I’d forget I was human and never wake up


“The time you waste will accumulate over your life time” I didn't need that personal attack today, thanks Derek

Pattern: any regularly repeated arrangement, especially a design made from repeated lines, shapes, or colours on a surface:

If it doesn't repeat, how is it a pattern?


Black magic


You guys should really look into golden ratio memes.. everything is golden ratio kkkk


After watching this

Me looking at my carpet patterns

My parents thought about renovating the upstairs bathroom, I think I just found the perfect floor tiles!


“Wang’s Conjecture was false.”

Me, through a mouthful of chips, not understanding a word of this: “Haha, what a loser.”


"if you take his pentagon pattern and overlay it on top of Penrose's, the two. match up. perfectly"

me, who didn't understand a single word of what was said before that: holy shi


Moire pattern: exists
YouTube quality: adios


Me who didint understand anything in the whole video but still watched it

Isn't it weird how this could be a lecture in some school and we'd all be falling asleep, but this guy managed to make it so interesting that 3m people decided to watch it?

YT compression does NOT like Moire' patterns


Why aren’t my classes like this, this is actually interesting especially the way this guy explains it, it make me actually interested in the subject while my teacher explains things in gibberish

Me: listens to this video while being on my phone
Also me: heads up immediately after hearing my country’s capital city


When I saw the golden ratio and fibonacci sequence, I was like
"Oh yeah, it's all coming together"

But in reality,
I still don't understand a thing.

One of the most interesting classes I ever had


someone should start a home renovation company called Penrose Tiling Company. specialize in bathroom tiling, tile flooring, and roofing or something

My eyeballs never had this much competition.

1:58 SCP illustrated music lolol.

So...The way I’ve always seen it is this: If you gave an immortal monkey a typewriter and it pressed keys at random, it would eventually type all of Shakespeare’s works in the order he wrote them. That is known as the Infinite Monkey theorem. However, if we assume it takes the monkey an infinite amount of time, then to do it twice it would take two infinite amounts of time. However, adding something to infinity will make it equal infinity because it is infinity. So that means the immortal monkey will type all of Shakespeare’s works in order an infinite amount of times. That’s like this and like pi: If given an infinite number like pi, the number 3 will repeat an infinite number of times. 314 will repeat an infinite number of times. 31415926535 will repeat an infinite number of times. Pi will repeat an infinite number of times inside the digits because it is an infinite number. That means that the infinite pattern will repeat an infinite number of times within itself just due to it being infinite.

However, I’m sure I made a wrongful assumption somewhere and that’s why I’m commenting. Can someone please explain to me where I went wrong?



[Veritasium] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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