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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Insider] Hidden Meanings Behind Childish Gambino's 'This Is America' Video Explained


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Insider] Hidden Meanings Behind Childish Gambino's 'This Is America' Video Explained


Playtime Comments : [Insider] Hidden Meanings Behind Childish Gambino's 'This Is America' Video Explained

Hmm does anyone else notice the people holding the phones at 3:56 wearing masks? Looks like 2020 to me

Don’t forget abt how at 1:18 they carry the gun away in a nice cloth making sure it’s in good condition but drag the mans body across the floor, showing how America values guns over lives

3:52 gambino predicted the coronavirus


4:14 Her: "Old AMERICAN cars"
Me: *Sees Toyota*
Wait thats illegal

3:52 Its like they knew covid was coming.


3:53 also the man who was shot by an officer bc they “thought he had a gun” but it was just a cellphone

1:55 I've seen that before but I just thought that it was a weird looking black man

1:25 the man with the bag over his head, his hands are actually tied as well.

1:06 when u try to see the demon in the showe


2:55 that part hit me hard because it actually feels like the apocalypse now...



Top Comments : [Insider] Hidden Meanings Behind Childish Gambino's 'This Is America' Video Explained


"this is america, don't catch you slippin on" i feel like this means if you're black in america you can't relax cause if you do you might be the next victim. don't let your guard down or you will die


The way he shot the man in the beginning of the video he’s stance was the same stance Jim Crow would be in in his racist shows to spread hate and racism

When he said "it's a celly. That's a tool" I thought that meant Celly as like a Cell in a prison and "that's a tool" as people being accused and guilty of things they didnt do.


at the end of the video, one or two of the cars had their emergency lights on, but it was basically ignored, maybe this means that there are blatant warning signs, but they are ignored and covered up by the others...


"I cant breath"
Rest In Peace "George Floyd"


Also the fact that he smokes a blunt in that last scenes: America is keeping the people calm with useless things (like legalizing cannabis) but not acting on the bigger issue (so gun control per say)


in the end they were out to get him because he stopped performing

you missed the 17 seconds of silence for the 17 fatalities from the parkland shooting


A full grown TOYOTA COROLLA more japanese than the HIBACHI down the block


I feel like the: "it's a celly. That's a tool." sentence means that even if the police sees a cell phone, they ignore it and accuse a black man of holding a weapon.


This Is America is meant to be interpreted by the viewer, it doesn’t have a clear message.

this song is even more true than ever now

Something I noticed was a scene where the camera follows him, and he's still using an exaggerated walk. The camera pans around and for a second, we see his face, completely deadpan, if a bit worried and concerned, and in a flash, he looks at the camera with an exaggerated expression and dances with the group of kids, grinning. For a second, when the camera's off him, we see what the characters actually thinking. Who he actually is. And then it's back to the caricature.

I like how as soon as you get comfortable with the soft parts and start to sway to the melody, he shoots a gun and snaps you out of it, almost, as if to remind you "hey don't get comfortable, stay alert, or you'll be next"


There was so much thought put into every single second of this video. It isn't given enough credit wow

Who else is here after the killing of George Floyd

what about the people chasing him? in the last scene. That could be a symbol for escaping the racism of America

The line “ don’t catch you slipping up” to me means that he is almost putting on a show dancing for his survival, but he slips up when he stops dancing to smoke, hence him running

When he said “Youre just a black man in this world; you’re just a barcode” it might have been referring to to the fact that barcode scanners scan the white spaces in a barcode, not the black ones, meaning that black people are overlooked in America.


he shouldve gotten a grammy for this song

anyone here after george floyd died?

He’s running at the end because he has just realized how corrupt the county is. The American government brainwashes everyone into thinking what happens in America is normal.

When he dances on the car in the final scenes, he is doing michael jackson's Black or White dance


I thought “its a celly. That’s a tool” was when police mistake a phone for a gun


When Childish Gambino is running in the end of the video he is running from white people and everyone else in the video is black


lets just say that he is amazing , spreading awarness and showing to be more noticable of our surrounding

like if u think the same

not so fun fact: when slavery was abolished it made it illegal for black people to work for free. however, america had said that prisoners were able to work for free. the "officers" who during slavery were paid to catch and kill slaves that had run away from their masters(i feel disgusting even having to refer to them as that) became the new police force that we know today, albeit more explicitly racist rather than implicitly. the kkk also founded after slavery was abolished was very connected to the police force, many of them being part of the force themselves. because they still wanted slaves but couldn't, they over policed black neighborhoods and arrested them for any little thing, like loitering and stuff. this way they could still have "slaves" without having to outright say so. and because the system specifically made it hard for black people to have an education and make money, they really couldn't move to a different less policed area.
so the part talking about it possibly referencing the cycle of incarceration with black people makes a lot of sense. the entire system was founded on racism, and still has racist roots regardless of how much time has passed since then.

The cars at the end could also represent Detroit, the“Motor City” and a city of opportunity for African Americans during the Great Migration, which could be represented through Childish Gambino walking up to the top of the car. But since the economic decline (new competition on car companies), the population decreased severely, crime rates increased, and buildings were abandoned. The abandoned cars could also represent “white flight” during a time when white Americans started to move out of Detroit to be further away from black Americans, thus making Detroit a predominantly black city.


I know im hella late, but this is what i think: I was surprised to see the guitarist show up again considering he was killed earlier, and while I forgot the guitarist, his chord progression carries the entire song. By reintroducing the guitarist, Gambino tries to show us how easy it is to forget tragedies, as so many occur in our country, and in the video. However, the problem isn’t just that we have forgotten the guitarist, but that we allow his playing to influence the entire song while leaving him forgotten. As chaos ensues, and our focus skips from obscenity to obscenity, we forget to ask the questions that actually matter. Why does this violence occur? Who are these people? We let them fade away and fall out of focus as Gambino “shakes the frame” and they become forgotten, just like the guitarist.
I didnt make up that theory btw, but i sure as hell belive it



[Insider] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

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