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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] Strange answers to the psychopath test | Jon Ronson
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] Strange answers to the psychopath test | Jon Ronson


Playtime Comments : [TED] Strange answers to the psychopath test | Jon Ronson


That's a pretty straight-forward Donald Trump checklist at 12:30


07:40 I'm not expecting that twist



Top Comments : [TED] Strange answers to the psychopath test | Jon Ronson


Tony thought that copying Ted Bundy’s biography and telling to a psychiatrist in prison was a good idea

Tony is very stupid
Tony sucks at being a psychopath


Tony's story (with some slight alterations) would make for a great movie...

I'm resisting the urge to look up references to bees sniffing out explosives.


Wonder who yawned when he spoke of yawning uncontrollably.

when everyone is normal, then no one is really normal, I think

isn’t this like the book “The Psychopath Test”??

"The only difference between a madman and me is that the madman thinks he is sane. I know I am mad."
Salvador Dali


I know a man that did the same thing as Tony, faking mental illness to get transferred out of prison, and they too left him in there for a few years knowing he wasn't insane. They did this as a sort of punishment for faking a mental illness. When he got back to prison; which he was relieved to be back in and away from the criminally insane, he told others about his horrible few years there and to never try and go there because it's way worse than you'd imagine, and that was the point of them letting him in there and leaving him to stay there for so long. It was a deterrent to others from trying the same thing.


"We named our child Jon Ronson"

If you didn't get my sense of humor you would easily assume I was a psychopath. My wife just laughs. She gets me.

"He's a grey area in a world that doesn't like grey areas."
Never heard anything truer.

Hello pyschopaths of the internet :)

Plot twist: Tony fell in love with this guy after he showed interest in and interviewed him, and helped set him free. Tony being stood up was what really turned him into a psychopath


About the bomb-sniffing bees: he wasn't wrong.


So when is Ted going to show up

Just asking


The sound effects and music are deeply distracting.


This guy Needs to do Audiobooks His Voice is so soothing I Love it


Hell's Cauldron is an interesting book from the 50's that talks about the difficulties of proving one's own sanity. It is an autobiography of a man who was condemned to a mental hospital and kept there because it was more convenient for those involved to keep him out of the way. But he had enough connections to get out.


this guy has such an amazing voice.


"The Myth of Mental Illness" by Thomas Szaz

4 out of the 5 voices in my head liked this video.

I changed the original comment so everyone just sounds like psychopaths


I would have went, solely based on the fact that he's a very interesting character.

I really like that one line "I was desperate to define him by his maddest edges."

The background music was very annoying at times.

"We're going to introduce you to Tony."
"Who's Tony?"
wiggles pointer finger and talks in raspy voice "Hello, Mr. Ronson."


Madness is, when you try to define normal behaviour.

"Aggressive narcissism" accurately depicts most of the YouTubers I've met.
w...wait a minu...


This guy turned my brain inside out and upside down. I loved every second of it.

They're laughing but he's dead serious ,this crowd is weird

I think Tony’s perfectly fine and he was just scared in the moment, however, after spending 12 years in that mental place has probably turned him mental too :(

I gotta admit that this dude got mad presentation skills, with the background music, effects and all that.


Brilliant speaker, loved how he used his quirky personality to his advantage. And as all good ted talks, it makes you think :)


Trying to listen to him speak over those background sound effects gave me a few mental disorders.


read about the rosenhan experiment, its ridiculous. an actual PhD carrying psychologist from columbia university who is aware of the criteria for schizophrenia, got himself institutionalized just to test the system. presented himself as completely sane, but could not get out, and it was a long time before he could even speak to someone who could get him released or reveal the truth about his experiment. the patients can actually tell if a person is crazy better than the psychologists can.

It appears a lot of people missed the point of this. This story was neither pro-psychiatry or anti-psychiatry. He masterfully threw in cultural tidbits that created our own bias'. I see Psychologists here blasting this...just a heads up, your own bias kept you from realizing in the end, he did not trust Tony (declined invite for a drink) and it appeared he began to wonder if he, himself, was conned by Tony.

The reality is that this is the art of masterful storytelling utilizing our conscious, subconscious, and senses to all react completely different.

Reminds me of a story about a man who was visiting a friend in a psychiatric hospital. He couldn't find the right ward when he spotted a man watering the garden and asked for directions. The man gave him the information and then said "I'm actually a patient here, you can see that I'm quite normal, could you put in a good word for me, because I don't really belong here." The visitor agreed to do so, then turned away to walk off. Suddenly he was hit in the back of the head with a brick, and the man said "Don't forget now!"


I understand that psychopathy is a form of abnormal psychology and often leads to anti-social behavior, but I don't think people should be held in insane asylums against their will for being diagnosed with it. Any functional justice system charges people for the crimes they have committed, not for the crimes we assume they are likely to commit in the future. Of course, repeat offenders often receive harsher sentences, as do people who commit truly heinous crimes. Tony served his time though --- 5 years; that was his original sentence. Shouldn't he have been released after 5 years were up?
That all being said, if Tony invited me to go to a bar with him, I would have rejected his offer too.



[TED] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

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