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[Youtube Review][The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon] "Full House" Guys Reunite On Jimmy Fallon (Late Night with Jimmy Fallon)
twoyou 2020. 12. 19. 11:55(Recommended)Popular Videos : [The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon] "Full House" Guys Reunite On Jimmy Fallon (Late Night with Jimmy Fallon)
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon] "Full House" Guys Reunite On Jimmy Fallon (Late Night with Jimmy Fallon)
Playtime Comments : [The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon] "Full House" Guys Reunite On Jimmy Fallon (Late Night with Jimmy Fallon)
1:46 "the hair huh"
Top Comments : [The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon] "Full House" Guys Reunite On Jimmy Fallon (Late Night with Jimmy Fallon)
I think the 90's just came and punched me in the face
He looks like Bill Nye xD
The nostalgia is unreal!!!
Funny stuff :)
My mom says I watch too much Full House.
It's not my fault it's awesome.
that "have mercy" was a little forced, he only says that when it comes to women... joey's leno was spot on, and that popeye/olive oil joke was good haha
Does John Stamo's ever age!?!?!
When John Stamos said "Have Mercy"...i just said
He still has it!!!!!
"The hair, huh?"
I miss full house
As the years rolled by Joe and Danny saw each other less and less. This of course isn’t uncommon, Danny was trying to start a family while Joe was still seeking to be discovered as a stand up comic. They were each on very different life paths. Joe’s desperate seeking for celebrity and fame however started to consume him. It was dive bar after dive bar, and community college after community college. His passion for comedy quickly was interrupted by the reality of what he had become. A man who just couldn’t catch a break and was making pennies on the dollar at any gig he could book. Joe started to slip into a deep depression. You see because of Joe’s lifestyle it never allowed him to have a stable relationship or stay close to any family. In fact the closest thing he had to family was Danny, and he barely saw him as it is.
Joe turned to the bottle. He became a regular at a bar in town where all the functioning alcoholics seem to flock to. Joe would reminisce about the times of old. When him and Danny were essentially brothers. The world was their oyster. He caught himself thinking almost daily what it would be like to feel like that again. He couldn't get his mind off the past.
Joe too had become a regular at the function alcoholics bar. Usually each day was the same he’d arrive drink a bottle of Jack to himself or until they called him a cab and repeat. Each day typically the same thing happened. He came in, got roaring drunk, and a gentleman by the name of Mr. Beck would bother everyone for money just for one more drink. Joe was nothing like Mr. Beck, Mr Beck was the scum of society. He didn’t have a rough past or family problems, he just liked to drink, but he could almost never afford it. Joe thought to himself how even among the alcoholics present Mr. Beck was a true waste of life. Mr. Beck had no shame and would beg anyone he could stumble towards for just one more drink.
Finally one day Joe had had enough. If this was going to be his place in life, he wanted to spend it in peace without the constant badgering of Mr. Beck. Joe had a plan. No one would ever miss Mr. Beck and to be honest if he were gone Joe thought the world would be a better place. The usual day occurred Joe got in around noon and ordered his Jack. What was different about this day was that Joe had drove. Joe rarely drove, even though he may have been a drunk he would never drink and drive. To be honest Joe didn’t have much for a car anyway, it was a rusty, old beaten down, yellow Dotson. It wasn’t even registered in Joe’s name, in fact it didn’t have a registration at all. He had payed 1500$ for this car two years ago to a used car salesman. Joe never bothered to get it registered fully knowing it would never pass inspection.
Back to the average day at the bar. Joe had a plan today. As expected Mr. Beck was already bothering the patrons to spot him a drink. However this was no average day. Joe raised his hand in the direction of Mr. Beck and motioned for him to come over. Mr. Beck stumbled his way over and plopped down on the stool next to Joe. Joe looked at him, put his hand on his shoulder and smiled and said “Mr. Beck, today is your lucky day!”. Joe then explained to him how he would love to buy him a drink. Mr. Beck, thrilled obviously accepted. After Mr. Beck finished his drink Joe bought him another. And another. And Another. And another and so on. Joe had barely touched his glass of Jack but Mr. Beck had almost drank his own body weight in liquor. Joe let him order whatever he wanted and assured Mr. Beck it was alright, that it was no problem. Mr. Beck had obviously had been visibly drunk before but this was a new level. Mr. Beck couldn’t even slur a word together let alone a sentence. The bartender of course noticed this and asked Joe if he should call Mr. Beck a cab. Joe told the bartender not to worry about it that he would take him outside and hail a cab for him. Joe walked Mr. Beck out of the bar like a puppet master with his puppet. Joe brought him around the corner from the bar where he had parked his old yellow Dotson. He stood Joe up against the driver’s side door and said to him again “This is your lucky day Mr. Beck”. Joe presented a key to Mr. Beck, the key to his car. “It’s yours!” Joe exclaimed. Mr. Beck, barely able to stand tried to mutter a response but couldn’t mange to say anything of coherence. Joe opened the car door for him. Mr. Beck slumped down into the drivers seat. Joe reached over him and started the car for him. Mr. Beck had a drunken smile on his face as if he truly thought it was his lucky day. Joe told him to drive anywhere he’d like for the car was now his. Mr. Beck slowly pulled away and Joe stood there as Mr. Beck eventually drove out of site. Out of site Joe thought, forever. There’s no way he would come out of that alive or well. Joe figured he had to wreck, that it wasn’t even a question.
Joe returned to the bar clearly pleased with himself. It was now his time to drink. His deed had been done and he truly felt in control of his life again. Almost like he did as a kid with Danny, that he could do anything. Joe finished his bottle and before he knew it, it was morning and he had woken up on his pullout couch in his apartment. Joe flicked on the TV as he poured himself some cereal. There was a special news report on. A violent drunk driving accident had occurred last night. A smile began to run across his face as the news reporter announced that a “John Beck” was killed in a drunk driving incident last night. But Mr. Beck had hit another car head on in the wreck, the other victim had died after being rushed to the hospital. The victim’s name was Pamela Tanner.
Two months later Joe moved in with Danny and introduced himself to his three daughters as Joey.
This means so much to me
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