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[Youtube Review][TEDx Talks] How to know your life purpose in 5 minutes | Adam Leipzig | TEDxMalibu
twoyou 2020. 12. 24. 09:34When you watch Youtube, do you scroll and read the comments first?
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] How to know your life purpose in 5 minutes | Adam Leipzig | TEDxMalibu
Summary Comments : [TEDx Talks] How to know your life purpose in 5 minutes | Adam Leipzig | TEDxMalibu
2. What do i do? Design
3. Who you do it for? Whoever wants to pay for it.
4. What do those people want? Great results, fast for free
5. How do they change as a result? I dont know and frankly i dont give a fuck.
Yep. That didnt help at all.
2. Bake
3. Teenagers/people who like cake
4. delicious food at home
5. Diabetes
I probably shouldn't do that
1. Who are you? I am a Humanoid Organism.
2. What do I do? What do you LOVE to do? (Two totally different questions). I go to work. I LOVE to wander around stoned taking pictures. Narrowing that down to what I feel supremely qualified to teach other people? I am not supremely qualified to teach other people anything.
3. Who do I do it for? It depends on which of the above questions I am answering. Anyway, the audience just mumbled. People don't necessarily do what they do for anyone in particular. Often they do what they do just to survive.
4. What do they want or need? Who?
5. How do they change or transform as a result? Who? If I work in a crematorium incinerating animals they turn into ashes.
Why was that formulation so powerful? It wasn't. It was meaningless psychobabble.
I looked this guy up. Reading between the lines I think he was in the right place at the right time, knew the right people, had good social skills and got lucky. I don't think he lives in the real world and I think this vid was a waste of time.
1. Ana
2. Nothing
Playtime Comments : [TEDx Talks] How to know your life purpose in 5 minutes | Adam Leipzig | TEDxMalibu
I love to not be average I'm so afraid of being average I'm so afraid of wasting my life and see my pairs achieve more than me I'm afraid of not having any purpose just living without any goals I want to be a surgeon I really want that stressful life that why I entered a med school but I'm already tired after two months life is so hard n I'm not even trying . From this moment it's 7:00 pm I am gonna struggle to set a goal n achieve it
My goal is to have 3.5 GPA pray for me
Detective: "Look at me when I'm talking to you son!"
Stephen: Scary AF slow head turn
Top Comments : [TEDx Talks] How to know your life purpose in 5 minutes | Adam Leipzig | TEDxMalibu
Love: Problem solving
Do it for: myself?
What does that person need? To solve a problem
What do they get out of it? A solved problem
Bam! Life purpose solved
is unable to think of anything
Well fuck, guess i dont have a purpose then
And I was right.
I spent my whole life playing football, and now that it’s over I have no idea what I want to do with my life
I think they meant "How to know your life purpose in 5 *Questions*:
1) Who you are?
2) What you do?
3) Who you do it for?
4) What those people want and need?
5) How those people change as a result?
You get a job so you can afford to have a life. But then, you spend all your time at work and end up with no time to live the life you are working for. sounds familiar ?
OK let me begin by saying this video has a purpose and I'm going to explain it to you, but first I need to clarify some things. A few years ago I was a lazy teenager who spent his time; lying on the lounge, playing video games, either eating junk or not eating at all, I had a number of extremely embarrassing medical conditions and no social life outside the few friends I occasionally talked to in real life. If any of this sounds familiar then let me start of by telling you that there are thousands, even millions of people who are in the same situation, however not all of them are in the same mindset as you. Many people continue their lives sitting on their ass, doing nothing, not enjoying life and are using video games, movies books etc to either hide their insecurities or just escape from reality. Now don't get me wrong, you are clearly an intelligent person if you are looking at videos like this, there is clearly something inside you that wants to succeed or "Break free". Now for all of you who are complaining about the videos impact on you, your social anxiety or the lack of purpose isn't the reason it didn't work. The real reason is fear. Now this could mean you are afraid of a few things: Failure, People not liking you, Dying alone, Being unhappy, Not earning enough money and many others. However the thing is all these fears have been brought on by one person in the past (No not the same person for all of them), these thoughts all began as one person saying them as a fact and everyone else believing him (or her).
They are all universal fears promoted by society and social media and are forced upon us at a young age, we are practically conditioned to fail. Some people like you and me however have the ability to break free of this conditioning, you are probably wondering how I know this and I'll quickly explain how: By forcing yourself through this paragraph it shows you are determined to find a way out of your current life and find your purpose, something that most people don't have the mental strength to do. Anyway back to the wall of text. Let me tell you a story about my good friend, for confidentiality sake he will be referred to as L. Now L was in a similar state to me, no confidence, little to no friends, unhappy with his appearance, thought no one will ever date him, heck he only had his first kiss this year. Now his biggest issue was he wasn't confident in himself, he was afraid to show what he was passionate about because he didn't want people judging him for it. One day I was at his house when he asked me "Hey J, how do you talk to people you've never met before like that, how are you so confident?" and that's when it clicked in him, that's when he began asking questions, he wanted to find happiness, so I helped him find it, some peoples passion is music or art, his was helping others, so I asked him.
"What makes you happy?"
As I expected he replied with helping others, I then asked him:
"Where do you feel in control the most?"
He replied with the same answer. I proceeded to ask him a line of questions such as:
"Where are you most comfortable?"
"What is success to you?"
he replied with a similar answer each time. I told him to picture himself helping someone each time he approaches them he said it sounded hard and that he was afraid something bad might happen, I then told him to tell me his life purpose, he immediately was confused as you probably are after watching this video, I repeated the question once again, He responded with "I don't know, to be successful I guess?" I said so whats your life goal? He told me to be rich, i asked him why, he said because its what makes you happy. He didn't realize that he knew his purpose due to the fact that he was conditioned to be successful by everyone else standard, anyway he now has a beautiful girlfriend and is living in a small home living with his cat, to most this doesn't sound like much but to him, life is perfect, he is happy and free he was able to break free of this ,conditioning, Now, YOU need to be able to find what is holding you back, find the thing that is stopping you from finding happiness NOONE ELSE CAN DO THIS FOR YOU. Usually its the fear of being judged, The thing we fear being judged about the most is the thing that will make us the happiest. However to defeat this fear we must first find the thing we are most afraid of, being judged about the thing that will make us happy. And that is the purpose of this video: To find that thing. The thing that you are best at, the thing that will truly make you happy is the thing you are most afraid of publicly talking about, that one thing that you know you are great at deep down but are too afraid to follow it. The reason this video didn't work is because you already know your purpose, you know how to make yourself happy, you know your purpose, you just need to get out there and chase it and don't quit until you've caught it. If you made it this far you should pat yourself on the back, you persevered when most people wouldn't have even clicked "read more". You are one of the very few who are willing to do what it takes to be happy, to succeed. I wan't you to do a small task, it will take less time than it does to finish a standard netflix episode: Once every day I want you to either write down, or speak out loud the sentence: My name is _____ and my purpose is _______. After that if you wan't you can practice the skills required to achieve this purpose. Thank you for reading, good luck in all your future endeavors, I personally believe in you and you should too.
TLDR: If you skipped to the bottom for an easy way out, then you should either A. Read this paragraph or B. Miss out on information less than 2% of the population are willing to understand.
The video itself 10 mins long.
"What those people need or want from you? " I was like l don't really know God dammit
Me: Plays the video at 2x the speed so it is actually 5 minutes...
you're welcome...
Even if this talk didn't help me learn my lifes purpose, at least I feel less alone (based on the comments here lol)
Audience: ....mfffbeellahfjskhhh
I'm mad jealous of people who know what they want to do.
Me: Doubt.
The reason why most people are still lost is because you are not trying. You are looking for someone else like this guy to give you the answer to your life. You need to find your own answers. Try things, figure out what you like doing and if it's not something that fits into any "career path" Make your own career out of it. You will never find the purpose for your life by sitting on the couch and eating Cheetos.
The rest 20% people who knew their life's purpose disliked the video because it is their life's purpose.
How to know your life purpose in 5 minutes
10 minutes long
Don’t find happiness, find fulfillment.
It's disheartening to read the comment section of this video, I was expecting positive feedback, but all I read was stories of depression and negativity. My name is Martin, I help people get through depression, I do it for my friends and family, because they need hope and help, and then they become less depressed, and more happy.
My life purpose is to spread positivity and joy towards people and friends. If you're still struggling to find your passion, work hard to find it. You don't get what you wish for, you get what you work for! Work hard at find it!
Note: You don't have to spend the rest of your life doing the one thing that you have knowledge in at this moment in time, you can explore other things and discover other future talents, the more you educate yourself the more opportunities you will want to take. Bathe yourself in information and don't stick with just one thing because someone told you that it's all you'll ever be good at and has to be your life purpose. Sure that one thing can lead to growth and talent, but do it because you actually want to do it.
You only get one life my friends, try a bit of everything, knock on many doors until you find something you love and find fascinating or worth pushing yourself for, working hard for and reap the benefits.
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