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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Inside Hong Kong’s cage homes
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Inside Hong Kong’s cage homes



Playtime Comments : [Vox] Inside Hong Kong’s cage homes


0:27, 1:14 Love&Live mv setting eye-

The music on 1:04 until 1:20 is so perfect <3


6:18 Bentley Drives Past followed by a 1990's looking van - thats a perfect metaphor for this video.

2:19 he says it’s very simple, not nothing fancy... not a big deal but the connotation is different. He’s grateful for what he has, not comparing it to what others have

this music is sooo good! 0:04 to 1:20


8:50 i love this man


5:55 And the Audemars Piguet shop in the backround, and at 6:00 a Rolex shop.


0:00 jigeum bogo shipeo



Top Comments : [Vox] Inside Hong Kong’s cage homes


I live in Hong Kong, and my apartment is like a mansion compared to these.

I’ve lived in HK for 3 years, and I was lucky enough to live in an actual apartment. I used to complain about the apartment being too small, especially moving there from North America where living spaces isn’t as big as a problem. Now I know how lucky I was.


I used to live in hk but my family wasn’t poor to live in these homes, I didn’t realise there were soo many of these. I feel bad

When you have to live in a cage, the system is broke.


I like to think that guys’ karaoke machine is his ray of sunshine in his poor living condition

After watching this I actually felt very rich and blessed.


This really shows me how ungrateful I can be

Its like living in a prison but you have to pay for everything yourself


I cannot believe that some celebrities have the nerve to complain about the lockdown whilst they're in their millionaire's mansions. Imagine lockdown in one of these. This makes me remember how lucky I am to be living in an actual house.

Putting people in cages for the benefit of large corporations. It's a modern day cyberpunk dystopia.


Instead of a walled city, you've got yourself caged homes...

Any Hong Kong people here?


I’ve never seen this side of Hong Kong until recently, I’ve always had nice things and lived in a nice apartment...... I’ve took too many tings for granted


I feel so bad for old people living in the cage house. Life is so cruel for them

well, that's the result of the huge wealth inequality in hong kong
while billionaires live in their mansions, the low-income class are forced into these cage homes
over the two years since this video was posted, no real change has happened. things definitely got worse in the coronavirus crisis this year

-commit crime
-get life sentence
-live in cell bigger than the average home

I would rather sleep in a coffin than a coffin home tbh

If you needed another reason why The people of Hong Kong are protesting against their government so heavily, here it is.

I won't everrr complain about sitting at home in quarantine.

When your bathroom is bigger than someone’s home


As a person living in a proper Condo/Apartment in Hong Kong, I am very grateful for my parents' hard work that allowed us to live in these good conditions.


This looks like the world's most expensive slum...


This is making my apartment feel like a mansion...


Imagine that: no family, no wife, no children, earning pennies, in poor health, ageing, eating bad food, and living in a filthy, moldy apartment, in a cage that still costs most of your paycheck in rent.
What in the world.


I'm a Hongkonger and I've learned one simple thing :

Happiness consists in contentment - 知足常樂

“Hong Kong is the most expensive real estate market in the world”
What about Monaco?


I would make it my life’s mission to move from there.

I'm an urbanist at heart, but Hong Kong is just too much, even for me.

London : property here is the most expensive
New York: hold my beer
Singapore : hold my beer
Hong Kong : hold my 1M dollar parking spot


Whoever is reading this...
I want to tell them that i know thry have suffered and have been abused by the torchers of the life. I want to tell please don't give up. I know that hanging yourself might solve the problem but believe me your soul is more stronger than you think when you think of a grave and horrifying situation you had compared to some other... it's nothing. Yet we still fail in life even no matter how small that could be because no problem or no sorrow is smaller. I am living my life with the only thing that i was inherited, which is hope. I know it's so worse when you get traumatised by the incidents in life that made you to do give up. But believe me(i absolutely don't know about you... but)there is hope...please don't give up. Because in this world there is atleast one person that loves you no matter who is that person. If you can't do anything please make sure that you are doing the best of what you can...even if you are breathing that's perfect.
Hope you will find hope and live


I am a Hong Kong student. The new government policy to release more public housing is to tighten the qualification of tenants. My family which has 5 members including my parents, my two brothers and me lose our qualification to live in public housing. This means we have to move away soon. The rent outside is unimaginably high. To save money for the future, my father don't allow me to eat outside, constrain the use of air conditioner, use a dim light, etc. I understand his worry but I still angry about it. We have conflict frequently.
But I know many people use loopholes to let themselves qualified for the public housing, as my mum told me. I wonder whether some methods they use are legal. That's unfair.
(Sorry for poor English. I just want to express my anger.)



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