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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] The Middle East's cold war, explained
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] The Middle East's cold war, explained




Summary Comments : [Vox] The Middle East's cold war, explained

Pause at 0:05

Look at the 4 failing States
1. Iraq invaded by the U.S.

2. Libya toppled by the U.S.

3. Syria rebels funded by the US, with US air support and with US boots on the ground.

4. Yemen. Saudi Arabia's arms supplied by the US. Aerial refueling of Saudi planes done by the U.S.

5 seconds later... Iran is blamed.

I can't believe my ears!

Then only expert called in? CIA.

This is a joke, right?



Playtime Comments : [Vox] The Middle East's cold war, explained

Hey ! I hope you read this comment. First of all thanks for the video ! At 9:00 , you talk about the involvement of saudi arabia and iran in the arab spring, citing morocco as a country where they intervened. Are you sure about that ? Could you please share your sources ?

Thanks !





Every arab country experienced the arab spring except 2...The UAE and Qatar..And out of all the Arab countries both UAE and Qatar are the most developed..(Arguably with Qatar as Saudia arabia or Kuwait is sometimes ranked higher then Qatar in some indexes)


0:52 wow I didn't know Dr fauci was also a former Persian gulf military analyst working for the CIA






2018-10-02 15:19:57



Top Comments : [Vox] The Middle East's cold war, explained


And here Oman is like, " we are not getting ourselves in this drama "


A proxy war ( Iran vs Saudi Arabia ), but that proxy war is also the proxy war of USA (Saudi Arabia) vs Russia ( Iran). What a weird world we live in.

Syria is beutiful country

No need for this whole video, could spare you the whole reason in one word:
Thank me later


Saudi: has oil
United states: Hi there habibi


Country: has oil

U.S: I made us a both a friendship bracelet

Yall are giving the Americans way too much credit. Russia, Turkey, China, Israel, and the EU all have interests in the Middle East. This isn't some Palpatine level conspiracy. When you are surrounded by competitive global powers, you are going to get used as pawns.

I see the UK taught the US well

cyprus is like the switzerland in the middle east right now

Middle-east will become peaceful again if oil disappears.


Who is watching this after the US killed the Iranian general in an air strike

country: has oil

america: hey guys i think i discovered a land, there arent many people in it and they are exotic so i think we should spread D E M O C R A C Y


Hi @Vox thanks for featuring our scholar Ken Pollack in your video!


A new player has joined Syria..


The US effed up bad in iraq


Praying for the best for the middle east. Hoping for peace and healing. Amen.

It's ridiculously funny to hear the US version of the Cold War in the middle east

حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل فيهم
والله يحفظنا من كل شر

All cold wars in a nutshell

Power 1: Ooga booga i have bigger pp
Power 2: ooga booga i have bigger pp

Wake up Middle East, the reason behind all these ain’t Iran or Saudi Arabia, it’s the USA. If we would unite to stand up for ourselves we would be Europe


I like how you casually ignore the fact that it was the USA that gave Iraq chemical weapons to use on Iran.

The u.s. is making the Middle East a deadly zone first it was a peaceful country

by the way shout out to my Muslims out there


Plot twist the the Middle East is just another proxy war between Russia and the USA

oil exists
US: Ehmm, Let me introduce democracy


Mom : We were running out of oil..so i have bought some oil from market..
did someone said "OIL" ?

The first thing: Iran stops supporting terrorism,
the second thing: it stops harboring terrorists,
the third thing: it stops supporting the revolutionaries,
and the fourth issue: it stops trying to enter the Arab world (forcibly) and seizes it!

Im from iraq and I say if America did not interfere in Iraqi affairs, iraq would not be this bad from the terrorists and the militia, and saddam was not that bad to me and a lot of iraqi people, but the US man the US caused this chaos, IN MY OPINION

"Massive oil reserves were discovered in Saudi Arabia",
America: I smell something...


And remember: Iran has been severely sanctioned and is has still got this powerful and industrialized

UAE is out there being like “hippity hoppity I am none of your property”


Iran: 40 democratic elections held since its revolution in 1979 for municipalities, parliamentary, presidential and leadership

Saudi Arabia: no election in their history whatsoever. Tyrannical monarchy
Saudi's main aliies:
Egypt: Ruled by a military dictator Alsisi who overthrew the democratically elected president Morsi via a coup
UAE: absolute monarchy dictatorship
Qatar: absolute monarchy dictatorship
Bahrain: ruled by a Suni minority via absolute monarchy dictatorship

Facts: iran has never initiated or invaded a country for the last 300 years

Saudi Arabia: has killed millions of civilians in Yemen and still doing.
Supporting Iraq against Iran for 8 years and killing about a million people, supporting ISIS and wahabi extremists in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebenan, Libia, Sudan and etc
Saudi Arabia is the head of the Gulf states (SA, UAE, Bahrain, Jordan, kuweit,..) all of which run by absolute non elected despotic monarchy
Facts speak for themselves


Reportedly, the Middle East has undergone a lot of conflicts and so, could remain, in a logical approach, in peace. But, nothing in the region is pacific, till because today Iran and Saudi Arabia are affording news ways to war. Nowadays, the Saudi alliance is strongest with the Abraham Agreements, which had weeks ago spotlights in the global news. Likely Iran is in a hard position: sanctions, maximum pressure, internal economic crisis, and go on. Ultimately, seems that a bunch of challenges are possible and news perspectives too. Came to life an opportunity forward to a new war, which by then, did no seemed to be totally favorable to the Saudis. Iran may be slowly stifled or then, the war emerges as a single option to the clerical regime. This cold war would be then a hot war. Does who may anticipate the results? One thing is absolutely predictable: The Middle East will be crushed by deep consequences and backlashes. However, nothing shows a way to peace.



[Vox] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

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