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[Youtube Review][TED] New bionics let us run, climb and dance | Hugh Herr
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] New bionics let us run, climb and dance | Hugh Herr
Playtime Comments : [TED] New bionics let us run, climb and dance | Hugh Herr
7:15 so... batman's Cape I'm hearing? Maybe not.
7:23 that some batman technology rigth there
As someone without functioning lower limbs, I was quite envious of this presenter's running in place @11:22. I would love to have these!!!!
Wwoowww. What an eye opener. You see, when I was 5 years old, overnight I caught the Polio Virus. I went to sleep that Friday night as a healthy normal 5 year old boy. Full of joy for life and healthy as any other boy of my age group. It was warm that night in Louisiana, so Mom opened the unscreened windows to let the cool night air in, which after awhile I awakened and pulled the covers up around my neck and fell asleep again. The next morning I woke up, it was sunny and somewhat humid. But for me, it meant playtime. Running primarily at every opportunity. From the bedroom to the kitchen, from the front room, down the concrete front porch steps and then round and round the big front yard., When I opened my eyes, the morning sun was shining in through the bedroom window beside the bed. I don’t recall exactly why I had come into my parents bedroom that night to sleep with Mom and Dad. I immediately looked over at my Mom to ask to go out and play. Dad had gone to work before daylight as usual. She sleepily said yes, but stay inside the yard. Excited, I sat up and swung my legs over the side of the bed to stretch out. Then, it happened, in a twinkling of an eye. I fell back flat on the bed and couldn’t sit up. I reached for Moms arm, it scared me. I began to cry and my Mom sat up startled when hearing her baby boy crying. Crying, I told my Mom, “ Mommy, I can’t get up “. She helped me to sit up, and when she took her hands from my shoulders, I fell back flat on the bed and I couldn’t move my legs. They didn’t hurt, but I was numb from my stomach to my toes. Mom got out of the bed and kneeling in front of me searching both of my legs for a reason that they wouldn’t move. She pulled me upright again and let go, again I fell back flat on the bed. Mom was frantically searching my little body for a reason why my legs were paralyzed. It was very scary for the next few hours while Mom drove to the Hospital in Minden Louisiana. A Doctor was examining me, it seemed almost immediately. I heard him say to Mom “ I need to put a needle in his lower back and draw some fluid out, and test it”. Needle ? In my back ? Mom gathered me up into her warm soft chest while I cried, scared to death of what he said, needle ? Mom sewed, so I knew what a needle could do, stick you and make you bleed. The Doctor came back in pushing a tray with a towel covering the top. He told Mom,” curl him up and don’t let him move while I do this “. I was still crying and more scared while Mom held me still while the Doctor stuck me with what I thought was the longest needle in the whole world because I could feel it going in and out making a scrunching noise inside me. He finished and pulled out that long needle, that’s when I saw it looking back over my shoulder. I was somewhat relieved when he told Mom, “ I’m finished, now “. And he rolled the covered tray out of the room. Truthfully, the next hour or so was a blur, and I can’t recall exactly what happened for the next little while. But, I still couldn’t make my legs move, I just felt limp. What I just told you is exactly what I remember and that short while has stuck in my mind ever since, like it had just happened. I’m 71 now and I remember it still like it just now happened. Everything from the time I opened my eyes to the time Mom was holding me after the Doctor left is vivid in my mind today. When the Doctor came back in, he put his warm hand on my back and told my Mother, “ He has Polio”. He told Mom to carry me to Shreveport to the Confederate Memorial Hospital Polio ward. The next few days they would over and over put warmed moist heavy blankets over my legs then move my legs in all directions. This went on for days. I remember having a tremendous hunger all the time. And those sweet nurses would give me lots of food, they were so concerned for me. I remember their warm hands. They told me not to lay on my stomach, but that’s how I had slept all my life. I remember how good it felt those next few nights to fall asleep while on my tummy, it was comforting to my back.
Everything I just told you is still in my my mind today.
Then one morning 9 months later, I woke up one morning and I could feel my legs and I moved them. The nurse let down the side guard of the bed and sat me upright while she examined my legs. I could move them again.
Long story shortened, all the Nurses and Doctors were in the room and watched me while I sat on the side of the bed raising and lowering my legs. And that’s every detail of what I recall almost every day.. since it happened.
Later on my Mom told me that all of those Doctors and Nurses in that big room said, “ it’s a miracle, this has never happened before “
I remember a lot of Doctors holding my legs and telling me to move them.
Well then, two of them slid me off the bed to stand up, and I could but my legs were still weakened by not being able to move them all of that time. But, I took a step while still standing.
I lived a semi-normal life all through serving my Country in the Air Force for 4 1/2 years and being a mechanic on my feet every day for many years, then moving up into management, still on my my feet most of the day. Then finally I was rewarded for all of that time and what I had learned. I went to my CEO, after working successfully in 4 stores of the company , and told her, a gorgeous Latino woman, you know what ? I’m bored, do you have something else a little more challenging for me to do ? We locked eyes and butterflies came into my stomach, and for a moment I felt attracted to her. I could almost tell that the feeling was mutual. She told me while looking at me with those wonderfully appealing brown eyes,” Let me think on it, I’ll call you in a week “.
I left, still sort of reeling from my boldness and remembering those big brown eyes and went back to work in my store.
In less than a week, my Supervisor called me and told me to go and see the CEO. I remember that I was somewhat excited about maybe having a new opportunity, but not knowing what was to come, was a little worried that I had gone too far with that conversation that day.
I knocked on the slightly open door, I heard “ please come in “. Then she handed me a set of car keys that were brand new with a key tag and the company logo on it. She said,” that’s the keys to your new car sitting outside, it’s got a Motorola phone in it, now go make my company successful “ . I said “ Yes Ma’am “ turned and left to go and see my Supervisor. He told me all of the details of my new job. I was never so excited in my whole life. All I had to do was ride around the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex area and visit all of our 31 stores all day long.
Then when
I turned 59, I was walking across a parking lot and I stumbled and fell on what seemed a little rise in between the two sections of concrete. It seemed at the time, for no reason at all.
Then a couple of days later, I slipped on something while casually walking around inside one of my stores. I remember that one leg slide out, and quickly I was on the floor and felt pain in my right knee and the muscles on the back of my lower leg and in my foot. At first it was an excruciating stabbing feeling then a numbness in my leg from the knee down. My knee had been over extended and it was painful, but I finished out my day pretty much on the phone while riding around and parking outside of the stores watching the car mechanics inside dashing around and fix brakes on the cars. They didn’t see me, I was far enough away that they didn’t notice me backed in between two other cars. Then a couple of days later, I was walking and my legs just stopped working and I went straight down with my butt on on my heels. Again I felt the pain in both legs and I found a place to recover, it took awhile that time. Then, the falls came more often. So I went to my Doctor about it. He asked me a lot of questions and I told him about my childhood and the Polio in my my legs. When I told him that, he stopped and asked me if a Doctor ever told me that I had Post Polio in my legs ? Well, it was the first time I knew anything about it. Later on after falling so many times because my legs got tired, I decided to retire. I didn’t want to fall in one of the shops and get a head injury. I had gone back to my Doctor and he recommended that I retire from this type of profession. I thought, I can’t do any of the jobs I had worked at all of my career . So I came home and rode my tractor all day long every day mowing he fields of my 60 acres ranch. Then a week later do the same again from sun up to sundown everyday . I had the prettiest place in the Parrish ( County ) of any around. Then winters would come and day after day I would sit in my easy chair with a fire going in the fireplace and look out at the fields through the giant picture window in my living room..
And that’s my story.
The falls came more and more frequently.
So, today while thumbing through Facebook and YouTube, I ran across what might be the answer to the
Post Polio. I thought, these Veterans of past wars with their legs blown off by a land mine, were putting on these bionic legs and walking normally again. What a miraculous thing I thought.
Can this be the answer to my Prayer to walk again ? Anticipating what can happen, I’m extremely exited, but cautiously..
Folks out there in internet Heaven, read my letter and tell me what my next step is ?
Larry Ferguson 10/28/2018 9:30 pm Sunday
Top Comments : [TED] New bionics let us run, climb and dance | Hugh Herr
never hitting your toe again should be the slogan
Saw the opportunity and took it.
Imagine having the power to step on legos and stub your toe.
It's godly
When you realised this was made in 2014
of this foot last week. It was a remarkable experience feeling motion
that I haven't felt since my motorcycle accident nearly 8 years ago. I'm
going to try the Meridium foot in a couple weeks and will decide which
one works best for me. Thank-you Hugh Herr for developing this
incredible bionic device!!!
Imagine if the world came together to tackle one problem at a time with no cost in mind, we would be invincible...
Technology is art, and that guy is a devoted artist.
I cried when she hugged him after the dance..such a profound gratitude is there
We live in the freaking future. This is awesome!
Would have been fun if he was wearing long trousers and shoes for the first half of the speak.
Major Hope To All That Have And Will Sadly Lose Their Legs,Love When He Said He Will Work So All Can Afford This.
Finally cyborgs arrived, I waited since early 90's
technology is moving so fast that 2014 seems ancient in 2019
My first thought: somebody can hack your legs.
I'm stoked to see human augmentation finally become such a great reality.
Wow he deserves his own movie
Ironic how the only person Ive seen complain about shoes giving blisters is a guy with no feet.
I just watched this last night and I had no idea prosthetic technology was at this stage....then I saw that the video is 5 years old....wtf. The news is trash, this is the stuff I want to hear about.
Imagine being 60 and running around like a child
This is amazing Technology. Thank you
Then I noticed it comes from 6 years ago... I can't imagine how advanced this technology is today
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