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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] How to motivate yourself to change your behavior | Tali Sharot | TEDxCambridge
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] How to motivate yourself to change your behavior | Tali Sharot | TEDxCambridge



Summary Comments : [TEDx Talks] How to motivate yourself to change your behavior | Tali Sharot | TEDxCambridge



Most used strategy: Threats and Warnings. ---> Scare ourselves and others to change behaviors.

Science shows that on average: warnings have very limited impact on behavior. Why? The common response on animals when threatened, is either freezing or fleeing NOT fighting, and this is the same for human beings.

When something scares us, we tend to shut down and get rid of negative feelings like using rationalizations. This can cause a boomerang effect which means that we become more resilient with the behavior we want to change.

People tend to change their beliefs to the most popular opinion ( positive information more likely).

Results show that in all age groups take in information that you want to hear rather than information that they didn't want to hear.

Kids/Teenagers/ Elderly: Did not respond to bad news.

The three principles to change behavior:

1. Social incentives ( what people think about you, what other people are doing, and what we can do to do better than others).
2. Immediate reward ( can be as simple as praise) ( reward yourself or others now, in order to reach a desirable alternative goal in the future, one that the misbehavior can lead to a loss of the desired future goal. Example, if you stop smoking now, you can run 10 km more and win that race)
3. Progress monitoring: We need to put up a measurement tool that allows us to progress ourselves, whether it was for us or other people. When we see the progress and the positive outcome of our behaviors, it will likely make us want to stick with what we are doing.


I had to watch this 2-3 times to really grasp what she was saying. She is not saying HOW TO motivate ourself rather HOW WE get motivated.

1. Social incentive- we are motivated through the positive actions of others. Ex. If we see our friend post a picture of themself at the gym then we want to do the same.

2. Progress monitoring- We are motivated by seeing progress. Ex. If we start working out too and we see progress by weighing ourself then that helps motivate us to continue.

3. Immediate Reward- reward your good behavior. Ex. If i workout this whole week then I will treat myself over the weekend. Maybe some pizza or ice cream


1.Immediate Rewards
2.What are others doing better than you
3.And Monitoring Progress of change

How to motivate yourself to change your behaviour:

1. Social incentives (aka Social proof)
2. Immediate rewards (aka Instant gratification)
3. Progress monitoring (aka Show them the benefits)



Playtime Comments : [TEDx Talks] How to motivate yourself to change your behavior | Tali Sharot | TEDxCambridge


8:20 COVID-19 Incoming


12:04 - "maybe you'll be altogether dead..."
2020:Coronavirus- "whomst has awakened the ancient one?!"


0:22 my love video :X.


Giving people a sense of control is a really important motivator - 16:48


@9:29:  OK, I'm taking hand sanitizer to the doctors office with me...  For the doctor.


6:35 dang, I do the opposite. I believe insults, and think that compliments are people just being kind.



Top Comments : [TEDx Talks] How to motivate yourself to change your behavior | Tali Sharot | TEDxCambridge

If my husband eats chocolate at night I am strongly motivated to do the same.


I quit smoking because of the idea that i was wasting my time and not my health.
1 cig = 5 minutes
1pack = 100 minutes
1pack per day over a month = 50 hours
It's up to you to decide for what you want to spend this time, plus it tastes and smells awful


Watching this instead of doing homework

I can sum up this entire talk with an old proverb: " You catch more flies with honey than vinegar".

Its ironic that we prefer the rewards of the "here and now" yet waste our time regretting the past or worrying about the future.


The comment she makes about hand washing certainly resonates in the era of Covid-19.


that is very insightful and is just what i needed to know ... self-motivation can be an uphill struggle and i don't believe anyone is exempt.

She's good. The points are really true to your heart.


im watching this video because my dad gets mad if i dont do piano everyday. i have no motivation, but i love it.but my dad doesn't have to take something away everytime i forget. i just cant motivate myself to do it. i want to but i just cant. and my dad takes it the wrong way.


If people knew this, raising children, teaching students, motivating coworkers, then we'd have a better world.


Profound insight on motivational psychology and behavior change. Great work Dr. Sharot!


This kinda proves that politicians need to seriously retire and never work again between the ages of 55 and 65.

All of these 2020 comments taught me that we are all coming here for self help. Proud of you all

Wish we used these tactics to get people to wear masks, stay home, and wash their hands!

This is so true, just look at the Seattle company who’s CEO gave everyone in his company a minimum of 70K a year

Fear causes disassociation- hence lack of integration- compartmentalizing and therefore perpetuation of addictive identity which is substantiated by a feeling of shame and hopelessness


This is aka good parenting.

Very impressive and motivating! I love how you go in-depth by breaking the information down into easy understanding! My ADD brain needed this! Thank you, keep up the good work and don't allow the negatives or critics to hinder your growth and mindset!

i even had to motivate myself to watch this

“When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures bristling with prejudice and motivated by pride and vanity.”
― Dale Carnegie


I know this to be correct from my own reactions to speed limit sensor cameras on the road. When I know I am approaching the type that highlights your speed on it’s digital display board and says ‘Thank You’ in green writing, when you are at or below the speed limit, I like to see that ‘Thank You’ and make doubly sure to keep my speed in check. ... But the signs that just flash up and only say, ‘SLOW DOWN’ in red writing, do not have the same affect on me. As we are all not perfect, occasionally these negative ones will show up on your journey and literally shout at you to SLOW DOWN. Unfortunately I must say the only response I get is to be irritated by them if I have unintentionally set one off. In fact I have even noticed that some roads that have this type of speed deterrent, come on no matter your speed just to reinforce the speed limit on that road, and they definitely have a negative affect in me. Maybe the Highway Agency should consider this aspect of human psychology, when it comes to trying to make the roads safe?


When tomorrow is your exam
Today I'm here


If you have ever been manic then you know what it can be like to be unable to control what you take in.

Your mind can become a swirling triple axis vortex of torment.

It is like having 50 really painful reasons to scream going on inside your mind simultaneously, and the only way to relieve any one pain is to scream, but you are so overwhelmed and buffeted by each thing going on inside your mind that you are rendered unable to scream.

Therefore, all that energy just keeps going round and round inside you and crashing over you in unrelenting waves of excruciating torment, misery and despair.

Being disciplined is such a huge gift. Some people have to fight and claw to get there. Some people never do.

But love covers a multitude of sins. Love is like a balm that helps keeps families and communities together. It helps insulate our hearts and minds from destruction.


Positive Reinforcement:
Fear induces inaction while the the thrill of Gain induces action.


One of the Best Ted Talks ever!!

You cant motivate a change with negative ideas/feelings but you can with positive behavior.


to be typically motivated, people want to be mentally rewarded to feel gratified for their effort and time

This seems like something that we totally understand in our daily lives but do not know how to apply it very well to our circumstances. How are you going to apply what you have learned from this video at home, at work, and recreationally?


I used to hate doing dishes. I always did them by myself growing up because my 2 siblings one older one younger would start a fight with me and I would fall into their trap by telling them to leave and I would do it by myself which is what they ultimately wanted. Somehow I would be blamed for causing the fights. So if they were gone I couldn't be blamed.
Fast forward after marriage having to to dishes myself I began to leave them, as my mother did. But one day it changed. I was making a pot of tea. While waiting for the water to boil I was going to leave the kitchen and watch tv. But I would not know when the water was boiling. So I washed the dishes while waiting. It took about the same time to finish the dishes as it took to heat the water and brew the tea. I realized the chore was not as bad as it seemed and I got my reward of a hot cup of tea I enjoyed more knowing I had all ready done the chore I dreaded. I got into doing this everyday. Now
I dont have to have the tea any more to do the dishes I enjoy doing them knowing how short a time it takes and I do them after every meal. I can enjoy going into the kitchen more because it is neat and clean. I must have had a lot of negative things associated with dishwashing. Thanks to cup of tea, no more.

Actually when I am sad what I do is that I like to make a song and sing it so I put my emotions in the song and note it down . And than something happens very magical actually I become so happy and proud of myself that I made a really sad song and that day changes into great and proud day from a sad and broken or hurt day .
It's all different for each other
What is your thing , that you do and that motivates you and make you happy.
If you don't know than observe your self your emotion how it changes and you will find a key that you never knew was there.
Thank you for those spent their time reading it.
Now go and remember that you are the key and you can only motivate your self the best.
Go go achieve it
Have a nice day
I believe in you.And even if it's your bad days going on dont worry every time passes every emotion goes with the time and new one comes.
Again thank you for your time madam/sir


Their laughter made me want to listen to her cause I thought it was rude cause they were just trying to shrug off the information and use the laughter as a coping mechanism cause they didnt like the truth. What I got from this is that we need to reward ourselves for our efforts. I'm going to try to get back on my routine because of this. I love my routine and the reward is that I get to help my mental health as I have Bi Polar and its hard for me to wake up early. I literally just sleep till 2 sometimes 3 pm. This really helped motivate me for sure.



[TEDx Talks] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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