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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] Hackschooling makes me happy | Logan LaPlante | TEDxUniversityofNevada


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] Hackschooling makes me happy | Logan LaPlante | TEDxUniversityofNevada



Playtime Comments : [TEDx Talks] Hackschooling makes me happy | Logan LaPlante | TEDxUniversityofNevada

I love what this kid calls "hackschooling." - I do it. Except,

I go to public school right now. I am in 10th grade. 

Let me say that I am one of the worst students in the school!

What I mean by that is not my grades. I am in moderate to advanced classes. My GPA is 3.8 or something like that. I don't know. I don't identify with that much because I don't believe a number tells me how much I'm worth.

What I mean is that I hate school an awful lot. I have a countdown app on my phone for when I get out. I find it very interesting to talk to other kids about what they're going to do when we get out this summer. What I find the more and more with kids I talk to, there really is no love for learning at school or in life in general.

Everyone says that they just want to sleep. Literally, that's it!

I don't want to sleep. WELL, I do want to sleep, but I only want to get enough sleep so I can function healthily during the day so I can be productive. I am going to pursue my skills in cooking. I am going to get up everyday at 7:30 AM, walk while listening to TED talks or other forms of knowledge. Perhaps I will listen to the French language. I hope to become fluent in French this summer. I am putting my phone in French, labeling everything in my house, learning to think in french by trying to put everything I say/ think in English in the former language, and I have contact with other french people so I can make sure I am doing it right. They will help me learn french in exchange for the help I have given them in making money online.

After that I am going to eat a big breakfast at 8:00 AM. Then I will get to work on perfecting my Javascript so I can build my photography website. - I love photography and have bought equipment for it.

I am going to get back into lifting weights. I did 5x5 last summer and gained 30 pounds and I filled out in a lot of areas. I want to get back into a weight lifting program.

Why am I a teenager that likes doing all of this? Because I like making myself a better person... And I like inspiring others to do the same.

My friends and I said we are also going to ACTUALLY learn German together. We are going to help each other with it. We are going to speak with each other in it when we would normally speak english.

Why was actually in all caps?

You see, I took German at school (but I am done). I never learned German. I MEMORIZED German to pass my tests. Just like I did/do with everything else at school. Other children don't learn anything at school after a certain age.

Actually kids do learn things. They learn how to be fake. They learn how to make themselves look like they are more important than they actually are. Or better than they actually are. They know how to goldbrick. They want a good grade. Not a better mind full of practical knowledge that helps make them and in turn the world a better place. 


This is so dangerous. If we as a society actually were smart, wouldn't we see this as a MAJOR PROBLEM??? 
People hating learning is like people hating sex. WE NEED PEOPLE TO LIKE LEARNING OR THE HUMAN RACE IS GOING TO DIE!

Without people who like learning, we won't be maximizing our potential. People never get to live there life full. We need creative people in this world! We have over 7 billion people on this planet and very soon a lot of aspects of our life will need to be reinvented!

There is hope for everyone. The kid who's parents neglected him his whole life. The football jock who has everything handed to him in life because he plays sports. The pretty girls who rely on looks to get through life. Everyone can be morphed. 

But we won't get there with this current education system that facilitates contempt towards learning. People need to love learning! they can! I am an average kid! If I can love it anyone can! The right conditions need to be placed in our system.

Help ME!!! I am dying from this. Everyday I wake up going to a building that teaches us nothing but how to get through life and not how to live it. Our potential is at stake! We have SO MANY RESOURCES. Anyone with internet can learn anything for free these days. We are, for the most part, well fed, we have clean water to drink, computers, cars, computers, AC, heating, and plumbing. All these useful things.

I think it is time we all be brought up in a culture that facilitates the love of learning and allows people to use these tools to make the world greater.

I wrote so much. I am just so glad to see another kid with my views on life and learning. Poor, poor, public school children, who may never know how fun learning is.



This kid was blessed to be influenced by Shane McConkey (5:00 Sessions)  The movie "McConkey" is really good and shows actual footage of Shane McConkey skiing I think even as young as about the age of Logan at 5:00  I saw it again last night on Encore Family on Comcast. As it says "He tapped into life" It's a really good film



Top Comments : [TEDx Talks] Hackschooling makes me happy | Logan LaPlante | TEDxUniversityofNevada

We must thank his parents!!!

Probably the most talented kid speaker I've heard. 


The question I'm gonna ask kids from now on will be "How happy do you wanna be when you grow up?"


I honestly don't understand why people think homeschoolers will never have any social skills. Just because a student might be with kids the same age doesn't mean he/she will blossom socially. I'm in a public high school and I have little to no social skills, I feel too afraid to talk most of the time. It really doesn't make a difference people


You would've been an inspiration for me as kid back in the days. Stil you could be. You are.


Un prieten de-al meu mi-a recomandat lui Vlad când aveam probleme cu partenerul meu, a început să acționeze suspect și era la telefon la ore ciudate. L-am contactat pe Vlad și el a intrat la distanță în dispozitivul ei pentru mine și m-a lăsat să am acces total la dispozitivul ei fără să știe. Am fost șocat și copleșit că i-am putut citi textele, să văd imagini, e-mailuri și toate. Acest hacker este cel mai bun lucru pe care l-am angajat. Email-ul său este [arturplavnik @ gMail. com] sau WhatsApp + 79 04 514 70 90 și îl recomand tuturor celor care citesc această postare.


The fact that that 13 year old kid can stand up and talk in front of that large of an audience is just mind boggling.


As amazing and interesting it may seem, this kid just remembered the whole talk by heart.


Wow, he is talented!

School is about passing rather than learning anything. Today, most kids just google anything they need and as soon as the homework or test is complete, we immediately forget it again. This is why I will be homeschooling my children rather than taking them to public school

he seems so prepared for life

I was homeschooled my whole life, and not a day goes by that I am not unimaginably thankful for it. 


This kid knows more than 90% of adults, myself included... Thanks for the inspiration kid ;)

This kid is going places.


This kid should not be a known as a kid, he is a man. He is intelligent and driven. I was homeschooled, but wasnt for me, yet im still going to do this right now!!



I hope my kid at 13 is as well rounded as this kid is, traditional schools are not for learning they are for scoring well on test.


It's kind of hard to be homeschooled if you live with a single mother that goes to work and school. Not a lot of people have the resources and the time to homeschool their child. There's not so much time for "time in nature," "diet & nutrition," "recreation," "relaxation," and "religious/spiritual involvement" when you are so poor that you have to work to support yourself aside from attending school. 

damn, this kid knows more about life than me.


I wish I would of gone to a school like this, we waste so much time in regular school learning things that don't interest us at all, learning a bunch of stuff just for a test or exam that we forget right after and are so unnecessary in life.. it's absolutely useless! This kid is actually prepared for real life. He was able to learn about himself and discover his passion. He can now work towards his goals and be happy and successful. Rare are the kids in ordinary schools who know what they want to do with their lives because now in high school there is more work, more discipline and only grades count. They say have good grades, get into a good college, get some piece of paper and that's it. Congrats you've made it. There is so much more to life, we need to explore and discover what we truly love to be happy, if not, even though our job pays well, we'll be miserable.


I find this pretty accurate. And it's true, school isn't about learning, it's about passing.


This guy is going to grow up a genius.


Wow, this kid's talk makes me want to cry and start my life over again.

Damn this guy is lucky to have had his parents pulling him out of school. I am 21 years old and crying looking at his future... But it's not too late and I am happy to have seen this. I am finishing my Bachelor this year and then, a gypsy life for me as I have always dreamed of. 

"making a life rather than making a living" thanks for the wise one.


Some people in the comments are saying this is only possible for rich people, so I wanted to weigh in with my story. I am the 6th of 17 siblings.  My dad has worked in oilfield manufacturing for most of his life, and we weren't rich ever, even though my dad a decent paying job, because there were so many mouths to feed. At points my dad became unemployed and we were really strapped for money, but my mom managed to homeschool my siblings from K-12, even while she is now pursuing a degree herself. 7 of us (including me) have completed school and I know for my part it has made me a life-long learner. During my school age years I learned by unstructured research with Google, books, etc on any subject that interested me. It costed nothing (I used books and computer at the public library) and required little maintenance from my mother. My older brothers used a set curriculum with my mom doing weekly checks and thrived on that.  Different strokes, of course, but the point is that  we've learned how we learn as individuals--or in other words, we've hacked our own brains. All of us score above average on standardized tests. My professors describe me as a critical and articulate thinker, and similar comments have been made about my siblings. This isn't to brag. I don't consider myself above average. I've just been fortunate enough to have the freedom to experiment and figure out my strengths. I think even the public school could allow for that by allowing divergent thought and encouraging kids to explore and learn on their own time. I think if more kids had that chance, the averages would be higher.


Homeschooling has been the best choice I've ever made for my son. We homeschooled in 5th, 6th, and 7th, returned to public school for 8th and 9th because I was afraid to "mess up" his education by not getting him a traditional high school degree. It was an unqualified disaster, and now we're returning to homeschooling. 

It's certainly not the best thing for every child, or every family, but for us, it's been lifesaving. 

When he came home in the 5th grade, there was a period of "detoxing." I saw him begin to love learning again. I saw him actually reading books on his own, not because it was required. It was amazing. 

We lost our way for a while there, but now we're back on track. He's talking about getting back into woodworking. He's working a day a week at his grandparents' store, interacting with customers and learning a trade that will serve him well. He's learning a good work ethic and how to represent a business as a valued employee, skills he'll need as an adult. 

If you feel homeschooling is right for you, I'd encourage you to look into local co-ops and other groups for support. Or, if you're in an area where there are few of those types of resources, there are literally thousands of groups online. Seek out what works for your child, not necessarily what the public school uses. You're not locked into any single curriculum. Experiment. Explore. Expand their minds, and make sure to include as many varied experiences as possible. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. 

Our children's education is the most valuable investment we can make into their lives. Whether that's public, private, charter, or homeschool, what matters is that we, as parents, are invested, interested, and involved.


What a cool kid. He can teach a lot of grown folks how to be more self-aware.

This young man is going places. 

Logan speaks with such confidence and clarity. This TED showcased how hacking an education can produce such an articulate individual. Great job!

This kid is so inspirational!


I'm amazed on how dumb I am compared to this genius xD This dude is awesome!!

This little dude has got it down, especially for his age! I myself was home schooled, and post high school, I started teaching myself everything I could from computer programming, musical composing and 2d & 3d animation. If you can learn one thing, learn to live to learn, because people like us enjoy creating within the world, not just consuming.


When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life... John Lennon


after 30 second i realise his smarter than i will ever be

I love the comments of these TED videos because it shows the diversity in human thinking and nature. This is the main reason I don't believe in world peace or the absence of evil or crime based on certain dependents. We humans will never agree on one answer, or one way to live life... Not everyone will be an optimist and not everyone will be a pessimist. It's good to have balance anyway. I personally love topics and videos such as these. Yet I don't expect it to be groundbreaking or change the world. Take it in individually if it rings true with you, and keep it moving. Simple right?

I am 13 and I support this 100%. My school is about showing what you learned, how you can fix it or make it better, and how you can use it later on. Our school teaches how to be happy and healthy mostly in fit for life we work on the health triangle. The heath triangle is a triangle that focuses on mental/emotional, physical, and social lifestyles. The school also focuses on 5 subjects, MST (math science and technology), Humanity, fit for life, performance arts, and Spanish. We have all kinds of clubs and activities like robotics and all kinds of sports. My school is run by all kinds of parents and community members. in school every Wednesday we meditate and reflect on the day plus we do a lot of hands on activities. My school is called Atlanta neighborhood charter school and we are k-8. I am in 8th grade and have been here sync kindergarten and our school is great for home schooled kids because it is the same curriculum.


I am in grade 6 I will ask my teachers on a daily basis "how will this apply to life and or career" normally they will say oh if you want to blank blank or blank then you will need this stuff. So to get back at them what I will do is when we take tests I will doodle and illiterate stuff. If in science we are learning about astriods I will draw a detailed picture on the top right hand corner of an astriod entering the atmosphere and a dinosaur looking at it. On any test I will draw things that are related to it. On a social studies test draw a picture of a gravestone and write on it sandy has contracted disentary. This is a refernce to the game oregan trail. So this video is a good example that there is still a hope. my parents tested me for gifted straight 100s exect for creativity which I made a buch of circles into a control pad that launches nukes now they saw that as not good enough. the one kid that did get in made a giant game of dots. Are you serious. The school system is messed up and we need to fix it. My friends and I disscus this at lunch every day.



[TEDx Talks] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.


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