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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] The psychology of self-motivation | Scott Geller | TEDxVirginiaTech
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] The psychology of self-motivation | Scott Geller | TEDxVirginiaTech


Playtime Comments : [TEDx Talks] The psychology of self-motivation | Scott Geller | TEDxVirginiaTech


3:15 we had to watch this video for school


7:30 best poem citation I have ever heard... this guys is genius.



Top Comments : [TEDx Talks] The psychology of self-motivation | Scott Geller | TEDxVirginiaTech

Quick summary:

3 Questions:
Do you believe you can do it? (have the time, knowledge and training)
Will it work? (takes education - why this might work)
Is it worth it? (motivation)

If yes to all three, you feel competent.
(training vs education: training involves feedback)

Choice - be mindful: be a success seeker rather than failure avoider, i.e. see things as opportunities rather than requirements

Community - support, have each other's back; cookie story



I need to watch this a couple of times to really own it and get it through my head, well spoken though.


Can you do it?
Do you believe it will work?
Is it worth it?
Perceive Choice
Break things down
It’s how you see it


my favorite TED talk so far, I've been having problems with motivating myself even when I really want to do something :/


He really wanted to show off his drum roll


Motivating myself: 1%
Imagining myself succeeding in painting and dancing: 99%


Man, listening to this guy makes me feel like I can take on the world! excellent talk

Choice, that's the key, damn. Time to get rid of my to do lists.


Literally the BEST TED talk I have watched in a LONG time .. and there have been some others that were pretty awesome.. but this one .. THIS ONE is worth watching .. more than once !

I've heard the cookie poem, but in a more straightforward way that wasn't a poem on Quora so I can't really think independent or interdependent. I knew what was happening all along.

Determination, persistence and commitment to detail are key factors to longevity and continuous growth in all works of life. From my experience anything one gives in time and quality effort always will bring good results, even with hassles of the lockdown and loosing a job its surprising new things I've experienced and progress limits I have crossed


I’ve noticed “procrastination” comments. These videos are for the functional procrastinator who is actually trying to be better.


Holy shit, that man is an amazing speaker...


Wow, I never wanted this video to end! Waaaayyy too short!

There's nothing more demotivating than going to higher education schools and attending boring lectures

one of the best ted talks i have ever seen. scott geller is such an inspiring man. perfection.

I learned to play the drums!


Wow this is just beyond amazing! Excellent delivery and simply an awesome speech!

I wish he has a youtube channel where he posts self motivation videos


Every now and again, his accent keeps shifting into Tom Hanks.

His voice reminds me of the 90s somehow, is it just me?

Watching this since I'm low on motivation and self esteem because of pandemic


The question: will it work?
And I doubt everything

Me: is supposed to be studying 50 pages
Me: procrastinates

My brain: let's spend some more time watching a video on motivation to study efficiently, that makes sense!

Watching this since I'm low on motivation and self esteem because of pandemic


Best TED Talk I've watched, commanded my attention to the end of it.

Who watches Ted Talks while on Quarantine to fight the spread of COVID 19? Anyone else here?o


The best professor I've ever had. :) Thank you Dr. Geller. You are inspirational!


I am usually a motivated person, its the people and society around me that dehumanizes and demotivates me.


This guy it's a great speaker. Now I'm really motivated.


Moving from theory to practice is the most important!


Wish I had motivation around me growing up. Cause now that im grown, im not motivated to do things, so i lack education and etc.


I’m suffering such a lack of motivation that I can’t even be motivated enough to watch this whole video

Effective lecture on "The psychology of self-motivation".


"Whenever you get overwhelmed, break it down." Thank you!


I needed this video. I've been waking up every morning feeling terrified of the tasks that lay ahead of me. I'm 29 and in the second year of my masters degree. I woke up terrified because I felt I had little competence, little faith in positive consequences. I wasn't sure if what I was going to do was going to be worth it AND I felt that I was doing it all alone. It's no wonder I woke up scared! This talk taught me what I needed to feel self-motivated! If I don't have the competence I need to seem help and resources to help me learn. I can find faith in positive consequences AND rediscover my own reasons (why doing this is going to be WORTH it). And this morning, I already realized that I felt so much better when I acknowledged that it's not just me on my own doing this. I am surrounded by peers and teachers in every part of my life and I need to ask them to help me to achieve the outcomes by supporting and teaching me). This knowledge changes the way I experience my degree. I so desperately needed this. With this wisdom, I can wake up tomorrow not scared and anxious but confident and excited! Thank-you!

In tears, because this helped me understand why I haven't been able to be my studious self since I was 17, I've had this horrible negative reinforcement that was instilled on me by a chemistry professor who was ruthless and cared little for students. The events that occurred after this class this situation only repeated itself through my young adulthood. Yet in different forms to a point, it became physically and mentally distressing. It's hard for me to sit alone in my room with my laptop and a long list of assignments. It never fails, the overwhelming feeling that I'm wasting my time because somehow my efforts are futile. Now I know more truth about what happened to me and how I can become me again. Thank you for this message

- Your lack of sufficient passion is the #1 killer of your success -

I recently wrote a paper explaining how passion was required for manifesting most choice mental and physical reality. After writing the paper I came to realize that I carry my share of goals, but I don't carry enough passion for their creation. I carry some passion, but not a lot.Not enough to make the majority of my goals reality. I'd like to have passion for these goals but right now I just don't. This really surprised me. I had well defined goals, but little passion for physically going after them. My desires were all mental, all in my mind. I'd like to offer my understanding on how the lack of passion is the #1 killer of success. Listen up as we learn how to build the passion necessary to naturally manifest our choice mental and physical reality.

Your level of passion for any goal can be measured by the level of physical energy or desire you display when you anticipate having it. In it's purest form passion is energy. If you mentally want something in your life but your living in a physical cycle of seemingly fruitless routine, odd's are you don't have the available energy necessary for it's manifestation. Most people are productive but spend their daily energy reserve just doing their regular routine. With all your available energy already spent on maintaining what you have, how can you possibly incorporate something new that requires more energy. Mentally we see our physical goals and want them in our lives, but we don't take the physical steps necessary to get them. If were honest with ourselves, were surrounded by opportunity, but we lack the passion [energy] to properly pursue these opportunities.

So passion is energy. You need to generate energy to have passion. The best way to generate new energy in your life is to start an exercise routine. By walking, stretching, running or lifting weights daily, you manufacture within yourself energy. By starting an exercise routine or by increasing your present level of exercise, you start to manufacture more energy then your normal cycle requires. This extra energy can now be focused on your chosen goals, thus creating the necessary passion and moving you automatically and seemingly effortlessly towards their fulfillment.

Whether you start an exercise routine or simply redistribute the energy your already spending, a supply of energy must be available for passion to exist. If you feel stuck in life, if you feel you have no passion for anything, most likely it's because your energy tanks are running on empty. Start exercising today and build up the required currency - energy - to reach your goals. When starting your exercise routine, be gentle. The first day need only consist of a 5 minute routine followed by a full shower. Each day increase your workout time and within a month you'll have a full routine going. More importantly you'll be providing yourself the extra energy necessary for generating the passion that will transform your reality. It's that simple.
[NOTE: Transformation does not in itself guarantee success.]

Only with sufficient energy within ourselves can we grow the necessary passion to manifest our physical goals. If your spending all your energy each day but basically getting nothing from your big picture done, you need to start growing more physical energy and focus on the goals that really matter. Your fully capable of living your choice reality, you just need the extra energy to manifest it. Start a daily exercise routine right now and quickly build your energy reserves. When it comes to finding the energy to start your exercise routine, anyone can commit to 5 minutes. Each day after that your energy will provide for itself. When you get right down to it, success is a choice. Only you can decide if it's worth it or not.


- School of the Spiritual Arts -



[TEDx Talks] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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