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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [BRIGHT SIDE] A Japanese Technique to Overcome Laziness
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [BRIGHT SIDE] A Japanese Technique to Overcome Laziness




Summary Comments : [BRIGHT SIDE] A Japanese Technique to Overcome Laziness


#1. Stop Overthinking It
#2. Stop Saying I’ll Do It Later
#3. Believe That You Can And Never Give Up



Playtime Comments : [BRIGHT SIDE] A Japanese Technique to Overcome Laziness

Omfg I'm barely 1:35 into the video!?! I feel like I've been here for 10+ minutes!



Top Comments : [BRIGHT SIDE] A Japanese Technique to Overcome Laziness


,,Spend 1 minute every single day" But my exam is tomorow ;-;


After 6 years in a deep black hole, this is the one who freed me from depression, on 10 June 2019. Profoundly so. Thank you. Thank you.


Some comments missed the point, what you do in one minute is not the goal, the goal is to train yourself to do something continuously everyday.

I'm a Japanese in Tokyo, not like the Chinese woman in the thumbnail :D 改善 KAIZEN is not a special word, we use it in our everyday conversation. "KAI" means "change", but "ZEN" means just "good" So, KAIZEN means simply "make it better" "change it better" and has nothing to do with the 1 minutes theory, basically... but we're told to keep trying everyday constantly to achieve goals. (Well, I'm such a lazy person tho! :D XD )


I'm gonna mow my yard one minute a day until its done...I like this method.


I practiced meditation and now I can meditate for hour and has substantially improved my work and personal life experience

i was too lazy for the unnecessary intro. just teach


I'll wake up early for a minute and then go back to sleep! XD

Sloth is definately the deadly sin I'm guilty of the most.


Kaizen means Continuous Improvement...

i will do it in a minute.

What if it takes longer than a minute to just prepare for the task? You will never do the task because you spent your minute simply preparing for the task.

I've learned that the hardest part about doing anything is just getting started. If you can just get started, you will continue with what needs to be done. Instead of telling yourself you need to go on a run, just put on your running shoes and step outside. The rest will be much easier

It hard to do a plank for a whole minute

This is a good approach to developing habits. I'm trying to do pushups every day for one minute. Let's see how strong I become.


Well that's' living in the minute I mean moment'

here i am watching this video instead of studying for my Finals tomorrow.....


Yeah, I used this method a few years ago when I started walking (outside, not on some lame treadmill) one block a day. After that got too easy I added another block, etc., etc., etc., And, before I knew it I was walking two miles a day! Btw-I didn’t change my eating habits at all, but in about 3 months time I had lost 30 pounds! So...start small...baby steps...and go with what your body tells you!! If I did it, trust me—so can you!!!!

"I want to draw picture a day!"
draws one line
"Oh no, time's up"

I'm here because this year is going to be the toughest I've ever been through . Thanks for sharing the tips

Does it mean I need to go to class only for 1 minutes? Hooray.


I'm procrastinating by watching videos about procrastinating

I vow to stay away from YouTube for one minute per day


I added this to my "Watch later" list... last year.. now I'm finally here after almost a year of procrastination and yet I'm still too lazy to actually watch it.


I put this in my 'watch later'



I assigned this to my class for 2019-2020 out of 175 students 12 completed this assignment. They found it very helpful. The other students felt that 1 minute was too long and not worth the effort. They did not see the value in even attempting to try something such as this as it was another example of teachers,"doing to much."

puts Chinese woman in thumbnail
Yup, seems legit.


This technique helps you overcome the most difficult thing: to take the first step, that first move out of laziness. Once you get started, it'll be hard to stop after only one minute.

Did anyone else add this video to "watch later"?


You need 5 minutes to explain 1 minute workout ... Hilarious


I did before, every single day, in the same time. And the results are amazing. The key is discipline.


I have practiced somewhat similar some twenty years ago. A friend helped me set a routine of six workouts (Jumping Jack, Push-Up, Crunch Middle, Crunch Left, Crunch Right, ...), and I began doing one of each on the first day, and no more. The second day, two of each. On the third, three of each, and so on. After two months, I could do sixty pushups, and the same of each other of the workouts, and was really in great shape, and this workout was a daily and easy routine.


I overcame my chronic laziness using the Procrastination Method by John Isaac (google it) :) A masterpiece. And thanks for this cool video Bright Side, i've subscribed to your channel!


I procrastinate getting up.. alright let me get up for just one minute zzzz


I am a 15-year-old Vietnamese student. I failed the high school entrance exam even though everyone had thought I d pass and study in a high-qualitied school. The reason for my failing was not my laziness or my bad ability, it was caused by my wrong study schedule. I made too high goal everyday which was over my possibility. I tried in vain but I was still patient and hoped that I d get luck. But no. I failed. Everyone all regrets for me now. I gonna study in a private school, practice english more and take the IELTS. I must change because I don't want it happens again!!!


My experience became effective when i understood that i have a responsability for this earth. We built ourselves for eachother. Self sense must be understood no matther what. Then self respect and responsability After all smile when you achive your goals. If you dont have any of these things, there might be struggle issues. Take these important steps my friends. I had so much issues for my life. Now i built up and i am writing this comment for people who try to change. Just dont give up . Pls question yourself why you do this. What is your the specific aim. if you believe that you will do it, this universe will help you to go for succes. Nameste my friends.

I hadn't heard about this principle but I came to a very similar conclusion 7 years ago and I can confirm my life has changed because of it. At 20 I went through a period where I was dissatisfied with my life. I barely graduated high school. Dropped out of college my first semester already having failed all of my classes. I used to torture myself with self-depreciating thoughts. But I started to learn that I needed to be humble. Humility meant accepting the truth for what it was both the good and the bad. It meant not thinking too highly of myself but it also meant not thinking too little of myself. I learned that belittling myself was not modesty but pride. humility to me meant accepting my situation. Being okay with knowing I wasn't as talented as the next guy and that was perfectly okay but also knowing I was doing some things right. Having this mindset led me to want to make changes at a pace that was right for me, not making excuses for myself, but also being as patient and kind to myself as I would be to anyone else. I set the goal to read one paragraph every day. Some days, I just read one word! but other days one paragraph turned to one page and one chapter. Fast forward to 7 years later and I went from being a college drop out to graduating top of my class at a prestigious university. I'm married to a wonderful human now. I have a good career. And while I still struggle every day with self-doubt and self-depreciating thoughts, I can look back and marvel at all of the good that has come from setting one simple goal.



[BRIGHT SIDE] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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