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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] 5 Fun Physics Phenomena
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] 5 Fun Physics Phenomena




Summary Comments : [Veritasium] 5 Fun Physics Phenomena


1. broke my grandmothers kane
2. broke my phone
3. clogged the drain
4. made my baby choke
5. set my house on fire

great party

My take... Probably messed some up...

1. The cane gets stabilized by the fact that the lighter side of the cane gets less friction form Your finger than the heavier side, so that finger moves faster towards the COM of the cane. This causes the effect to flip and the fingers slowly align themselves around the center of mass...
2. The phone is not evenly weighed, so spinning it in some axis would make it destabilize, right...? Well, the same effect is observed when spinning a brick (it fell on my foot... twice... while I tested that) that I played around with. I believe this effect occurs because of the fact that the center of mass of the brick/phone is in the middle of the whole object, so rotating it around the axis that allows more mass to rotate around further from the COM will work because the particles far away have to have less momentum, the spin is easier. On the other hand, spinning the phone the other way makes more particles have more energy, so this state is unstable. The phone starts to spin in a way that makes some of the particles decelerate, which is a more stable state (rhyme unintended). The same thing is observed when spinning around and then extending Your hands out, which causes You to decelerate.
3. This one is a bit of a troll... I tested deuterium water and distilled water... and the distilled one produced no (less) effect! It’s not the water that is attracted to the cup, it’s the stuff in it (ions)!!!
4. The cereal contains some iron, which is magnetic. This makes it attracted to the magnet... Maybe, but what is interesting is that water and glass, fex, are pushed away by magnets... it’s diamagnetic! Anyways... Maybe the magnet makes like a small cavity in the water that the cereal falls into? I did not observe one, I do not know, but I did manage to destroy a box of good cereal and throw the cereal all over the floor!
5. Hot air rises. As the hot air creates a rising bubble, the material the tea bag is made out of slowly burns away. When it gets light enough, it slowly flies up...

Hope I am correct. :)

HAND! (Have a nice day...)

EDIT: Watched the answers video... :)

1. The fingers receive a different amount of friction according to how the weight is umbalanced. 2. Unequal weight distributon of components inside the phone combined with the longer distance and higher deviation to the center of mass of these to the center of gravity along this axix. 3. Dipoli-dipole interacitons in the water stream as you turn the molecules 4. Cereals contain iron. 5. The heat creates a small adiabatic thermal which is trong enough to lift a few filaments at the end (same reasons why leaves fly over a fire or why gliders can gain height.

My Guesses
1. If the cane becomes unbalanced, it will tilt and lift off one of your fingers, reducing friction between itself and that finger. Moving that finger will then require less effort and you be able to move it easily onwards. Eventually that finger will resume contact with the cane and you'll return the cane to a balanced state.

2.   Could it be that less energy is required to set up the rotation about the other axes?
I'm also going to write the words "Gryoscopes" and "Precession" to try and sound clever (even though I don't really understand them!

3. Could it be ions present in the water (not the water molecules themselves, but other elements dissolved in the water) that are either drawn towards the charged cup or repelled from it?
I guess the test would be to do it with super pure water... my prediction is the super pure water wouldn't deflect.

4. Cereal contains added iron.
My mum once wrote to Kellogg's to complain about the grey dust she found at the bottom of a box of Frosties. The wrote back explaining it was just added iron.

5. The flame heats the air above the teabag. Hot air rises in cool air, creating a convection current. The teabag, being very light, is lifted by this.

1. As you move your fingers inward, the way the cane moves provides information to your subconscious mind, which automatically constantly adjusts the relative speeds of each of your hands to keep the cane balanced (Fairly confident).
2. Either the distribution of mass inside the phone is non-uniform (e.g. dense at opposite corners), or drag makes it spin on other axes in the same way it makes a falling coin eventually tumble even if it's dropped with no angular momentum (Fairly confident in the latter).
3 and 4. All neutral objects are weakly attracted to magnetic or electrically-charged objects, because the imposed field causes the neutral object's structure to change in sympathy. The charge on the cup causes the electrons in the water stream to move slightly towards or away from it, independent of their nuclei. This effectively creates a macroscopic dipole regardless of whether or not the substance usually has them on the molecular level (Completely certain). Similarly, the magnet turns the piece of cereal into an electromagnet by aligning its magnetic moments (or whatever they're called) (Fairly confident).
5. The last fragments of the tea bag are carried upwards by the updraft portion of the convection current that the fire had whipped up (somewhat confident).



Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] 5 Fun Physics Phenomena


3:49 This is actually one of traditional games in my country. But normally we use an oil paper or newspaper. First we glue every end of corner each other, then we make a little hole at the center by using a needle. Then we blow the paper from the hole until it expands like a pillow. Finally we light every corner of the pillow paper at the same time. It will fly and look like a Japanese fireball ghost in the sky

3:58 he looks like the guy that receive miracle from the God in religious movie


1:19 Drag. in space it would be easier.

3:38 Heat rises, as the paper burns up the lift become greater than the weight of the paper.


I will tell only one of 3:00
It is because it contains iron in small amount...



1:03 I guess that is the fifth take as his silent joy.


3:48 just beautiful

1:31 Best apple commercial


3:20 looks like hes building a joint



Top Comments : [Veritasium] 5 Fun Physics Phenomena

"How does this work?"
hmm I don't know why don't you tell m-
"Number two!"


Who's here because of BIG MONEY.

WHERE is COmment Etiquette's comment?? :(

You know your a geek when you have a water molecule just laying around.

When the flame goes off,the hot air rises up taking the burnt tea bag with it.

Also, for all you would-be explainers: #2 works for perfectly symmetric objects in a vacuum.

The Amazing Salvio has blessed this video! (Internet Comment Etiquette.)

Why can't you trust an atom?
They make up everything 


Broke my phone trying to do 2nd

Oh boy please don't ask Youtube commenters questions like this...


Nobody: Five fun Physics Phenomena that is 5 minutes long with 5.5 million views made on August 5th 2014 watched on August 5th 2020 from 5 years ago.

Illuminati confirmed


that day 200000 people called their phone insurance


Is that a galaxy note 4? I don't know because the logo in the back is blurred out.


I sense the amazing Salvio has been removed from this comment section... Dark forces are at work...

this page was blessed by the amazin salvio!

Tricky, very tricky, but all of these actually have the same answer. You're a witch.


Classic cane mass 

This is how they work:
#1 Earthbending
#2 Airbending
#3 Waterbending
#4 Waterbending
#5 Firebending

I wonder what kind of phone that is!

Where is Internet COmment Etiquette's comment?




Love how the Apple logo is blurred, even though we can clearly tell it's an Apple product.


well i know how one of them works... for number 1 it is all weight distribution. so if one of your fingers is bearing more of the load, that will have more friction, so it will move less while the other moves faster. once the fingers are bearing an equal load, then they will be exactly the same distance away from the center of mass, so when you close that gap both fingers move at the same speed toward the center of the cane or dowel or rod even a broom would work so long as the center of mass lies somewhere along the handle


Cereal have iron powder added that makes the cereal magnetic. However, the body can't actually absorb that iron in a manner that it can use it for ex. hemoglobine. It is too large. You can do a simple test if your cereal (which has to be marked as containing iron) contains iron your body can absorb and use or not. Pour it in a big bowl of water and let it soak until the cereal are no more but a big soup of goo. Now put a magnet into the soup and stir it. The non usable form of iron will be attracted as powder and stick to the magnet. The usuable iron however is alot finer and bound to other matter to form molecules other than simple metallic ones. That iron form won't be attracted by the magnet and you can't separe it by a physical action from the soup. It needs a chemical reaction.

1: You squeezed the center of mass with your fingers
2: You have the bigger (thus heavier) apps on one of the sides of your homescreen, it has more Kb on one side than the other. Kb: (KILO bytes)
3: Water wants to be drunk, so it naturally goes toward the cup.
4: Same as 3, the cheerio has addapted through evolution to go towards metal, because humans sometimes have on their teeth thanks to drills and braces. Also, it things your magner might be a spoon.
5: You killed the poor bag, it went to heaven.



[Veritasium] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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