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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Parallel Worlds Probably Exist. Here’s Why
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Parallel Worlds Probably Exist. Here’s Why




Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] Parallel Worlds Probably Exist. Here’s Why

I was watching this on my phone in bed at night. 1:58 killed me.


17:11 "So you're telling me there's a chance?"
--(Jim Carrey as Lloyd, _Dumb and Dumber - 1994)


9:12 I screamed so loud when you introduced the idea
I am open to new understanding now thanks to you.


14:52 Sean gave him crazy look and mr.veritasium cut it out by switching to the other camera lol :)

17:12 dream stans be like


@veritasium, what type of DSLR were you interviewing with at 12:56?



Top Comments : [Veritasium] Parallel Worlds Probably Exist. Here’s Why


"we have to examine the three essential components of Schrödinger's Cat..."
Me: Cat, Gas, Detector
"...Superposition, Entanglement, Measurement"
Me: oh

pov: you in the parallel world reading this.


Imagine being in another parallel world where this guy is asking the same thing to Trump jokingly about being president.

Anyone else feel like the more sense we try to make of the universe, the less sense the universe makes?


This means there are versions of us that aren’t failures


I hope at least there's one version of me out there who is really happy.


"Parallel universes exist!"
"How do you know?"
"Because we guessed really, REALLY hard!"

I couldn't understand a word, but I watched the whole 19 minute video. It's saturday night, I should be drinking beer..

i watch this videos in public so people think im smart.


There’s a universe where my dad comes back with the milk

*Light doing particle things*

*Got observed by humans*

Light: Now I'm not doing it


Imagine being Schrödinger and making fun of quantum physicists, and the they use your argument to prove that there’s infinite parallel universes and you’re like “wha t th e fu ck”


As an 11 Year old, i dont understand everything but I am still watching it to understand more about it because I want to become an astrophysicist when I grow up


what I cant get over is that poor cat, you could have just broken the bottle mate.


if parallel universe is true, i hope that my other self is happy.


So There's a world where Jeff Bezos doesn't even has money to buy food


Question,is the multiverse a world where there is another version of me while everyone are the same or both I and everyone are different


“You’ve probably never seen a cat that was both alive and dead before.”

No, but I have seen Betsy DeVos before, and that’s close enough.


sooooo, if i keep buying lottery tickets i make other versions of myself happy because they actually win somewhere

you know when they start saying "according to quantum mechanics" that's when you're lost


Cmon it’s not rocket science, it’s quantum physics!


Whoever made the graphics for this video deserves a big prize.

That means there’s a universe that I can understand the first 10 minutes of this video


Due to this, there's unlimited possibilities
Such as me being an animal, not alive, or never existed

so if i do the experiment multiple times, i'd find a cat dead and sometimes alive just a 50/50 ?

This procured Rick and Morty to be scientifically accurate.


in an alternate world: why do i have so many nerf bullets where are they coming from

How do you know that a Mirror doesn’t mirror objects when you’re not looking at it


When a cat is sleeping, you don’t know whether it is dead or alive until you open a packet of kitty treats

There's a version of me out there that understood the whole video.


Am I supposed to feel smarter or completely lost after watching this?


So lets assume there are two batches of candy and each batch has 10 candies. In one batch 5 are blue and 5 are red, in the oither 5 are white and 5 are black. Now if they get entangled that means I clumped them together and then separated them again, the candies will not be divided into 5-5 and 5-5 ratio after the interaction, they would be different. Now what we are saying is that there are more than two batches of candy out there that came from an original candy bowl. So the big bang was probably someone smashing the candy bowl releasing all the candy and what we dont know is how much candy there is and how many batches of candy there are and how much candy is there in any batch.

Okay, that makes sense to me. What kind of is still unclear to me is it was said that I got split because the atom decayed and got entangled with the detector apparatus. Well that seems to be something like a butterfly effect. If the decay of the atom can influence me, is it influencing other people across the world? I believe not, because I got entangled long before the decay of the atom - when I chose to do the experiment. So by my very humble ignorant logic, while they keep saying there are infinite "branches" I dont think there are.

There must be some limitations as the professor himself points out. There are some instances for which the probability is zero. For example, if a person dies after being hit by a truck, there is probably a universe where he did not get hit by the truck. However, the idea that someone did not die at all and is still alive since 1212 - I am wagering the probability of that would be zero (I mean, sure, one could say, time doesnt flow forward due to relativity. My point is the person would have moved to a higher entropy system eventually at some point in spacetime) (As a sidenote, it is funny how we talk about ghosts ususally being seen for people who die of unnatural causes - maybe this is why. Maybe their "ghosts" are sort of echoes from a parallel universe or something which could not happen too much or for very long if people naturally reached the state of higher entropy). Anyway, coming back to the point.

Assuming there are some limitations to the number of branches, the branches are obviously not infinite. Which means that there are some finite number of branches that happen due to entanglement - maybe they are not just 2 - maybe there are 3 (what if I decide not to open the box) what if there are 4 (I get someone else to open the box for me) and so on. Maybe there is a different entanglement that happens inbetween. It is possible that I was going to go open the box but someone rang the doorbell and took me into COVID quarantine before I could open the box. Or maybe I had decided to call a friend over when I decided to do the esperiment and he comes over and opens the box. I mean, I seriosuly doubt the universe is just splitting into branches for everything. It seems more likely to be an interconnected web of beanches to me.

I dont know why, but I remember hearing somewhere in the video that the universe splits never to interact again. If that was indeed said, I believe that is wrong (not that I am a physicist). Based on my ramblings in the previous paragraph, I believe there is one carrier wave of the entire universe and it is possible that our actions are modulations on that wave. The waves interact naturally and our actions produce modulations on it. We cannot change the nature of the carrier wave per se, but we can change it by modulating it through our interactions. And the degree of the modulation would depend on the probability of our interaction. For example, if I have read for my exam, the probability of me passing it would be high. So the modulation on the wave where I do pass the exam would be larger, aka that universe is bigger/stronger. On the other hand, me passing the test when I did not study for it, that probability is much lower and that "universe" would be smaller/ fainter.

On top of that, I mean we could ask why I did not study for the exam - was it because I fell ill or because I am a lazy bum and the probability of the outcome would be stronger still for one or the other. That is my branches of universe. On the other hand, what are the chnaces the teacher is a bit drunk and marks the papers in that condition and fails me even though I read for the test or passes me even though i didnt. So the teacher's "branches" are actually interacting with some of my "branches". Therefore, it would mean that the universe would be more like the open sea, where the waves would collide and merge, separate and diverge and re-collide. So different parallel universes would interact with each other in certain ways - sometimes even producing bizarre phenomena that we may not totally understand from our puny persepctive. But obviosuly, every single thing would not have happened. Because of limted probabilites. It would also mean that fate has predetermined outcomes aka choke points in this multiverse (eg death) and we have some free will in the space between those choke points.

Moreover, dont waves decay? So unless the do re-collide they would just collapse which make it more so that the universes do entangle each other - umm.. because they came from the same candy bowl and are therefore entangled with each other to begin with.

now, can someone with proper knowledge of this stuff tell me how far of I am from what is probable?


Memories are entanglements, we never go to the past. We are always in the present, now if I can look back on a past memory that I carry with me. A past trauma, pain suffering if I can chose to see a different perspective for the same event. I am no longer the same person... the other version of me still exists, it is not destroyed. I have broken an entanglement, in neuroscience it’s the decoupling of neural pathways that allow us to remember a certain way we were. We have broken a pattern and created a new neural network...
This is beautiful and called neuro plasticity, we are far more connected to this world than we realise.

There is a rather scary consequence of this idea. It could mean we are all immortal to ourselves.
Last November I had a major heart attack. at one point my heart stopped. I was shocked 3 times and 4 minutes after CPR was started my heart restarted on its own.
This is very unusual in an adult. While I'm still somewhat young for a heart attack (it was cause by a heart defect) at 50 I am not a child.
I have had other times when I nearly died but was saved by some unusual random fact.

If all possibilities happen and my consciousness can only exist in a world where I am alive, then any time something happens that might kill me, I will not die, because I can only exist in worlds where I am alive.
Other people (and animals) can die around me because I can exist in a world that doesn't contain their consciousness.



[Veritasium] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

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