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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [BRIGHT SIDE] 14 Signs That'll Help You Recognize a Child Kidnapper
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [BRIGHT SIDE] 14 Signs That'll Help You Recognize a Child Kidnapper


Playtime Comments : [BRIGHT SIDE] 14 Signs That'll Help You Recognize a Child Kidnapper


9:26 some parents are in the Military and ask their children to call them sir or ma’am. So ask if they’re related first.

3:39 MrBeast: Allow me to introduce myself

7:09 He wrote policeman in Russian.


5:32 I got goosebumps from that pic 0_0


7:06 in the word 'policeman' they accidently added a Russian alphabet lol


1:45 if you hear the kid shout "bUT MOOM I WANT TO GO TO TOY R US NOWWWWW" its actually her mother idk


8:16 me who is 9 *you cannot underestimate my power obi wan kenobi (ik anakin never said obi's name)

1:37 .....Or the kid doesn't wanna go to giant eagle.


Why was there a "N in reverse" at 7:05 at the policemanNor


2:52 you most likely will be the next target



Top Comments : [BRIGHT SIDE] 14 Signs That'll Help You Recognize a Child Kidnapper

“14 tips to protect your child from kidnapping”
Me: I am a child


I saw a kidnapping today at school.

I decided not to wake him up

The fact that people actually kidnap children is really messed up .


Abductor: Do you want some candy?
Kid: nah I have enough cookies at my house.

Abductor: Mommy is in trouble!
My future child: But she's behind you.
Me: Yo man, what's up.


"kids are very kind"

my sis that is 7: rude

Why I feel like more kidnappers are watching this to see what to avoid doing and to see what's worth trying.

In America adults kidnap children
In Soviet Russia kids kidnap you

"what could one little child do to another cute little child"
Me: flashbacks of my siblings fighting


In Russia kid kidnaps you...


oh, so that's why I never when to the playground again an old shady man was there.
huh? well the more you learn

“Everyone loves puppies.”
Well, I don’t actually. Sorry.


thumbnail: whos the kidnapper
me: the kid


If someone try to kidnap me they would not be up the next day :}

child inside of the truck: excuse me sir, where's the candy?


Kidnapper: Want To Have Candy Come With Me!

Me: N O U


Kidnapper: Do you want candy?
Me: I'm on diet!

Kidnapper: do you want candy?
Me: i prefer salt.

Kidnapper: where is your house?
Me: next to my neighbors house
Kidnapper: where is your neighbors house?
Me: next to my house
Kidnapper: I give up already


Kid: hey you want some candy

Kidnapper: no thanks

Kid : pulls out gun
Get in the car

Kidnapper: runs

Stranger: Can you tell me where Walmart is?
Me: I don’t even know where Mc Donald’s is


My mom made up this secret word. Basically if my parents or close family member can't come get me, and she has to send a coworker or something, she'll tell them the word. Then when they come to get me, they'll say the word so I know my mom actually sent them.


"Hey, I'm your Mum's friend. I heard your Uncle Auston gave you an Ipad. Your Dad's in the hostipal, quick come on!"

"I don't have a Dad"


if somebody's pulling you, just SHOUT the word HELP! (Common Sense)

You know somthings up when a guy says you look nice when you actually look like a bean burrito


Who is actually a child but watching this just to learn?

Just me? Flip!

Kidnapper:Ur dad is in trouble
kid:My dad died
Kidnapper:*gets scared and runs*
kid:just kidding


I saw another Vid like this way back

And Way back
A guy had a little boy's hand the boy was screaming and crying and trying to pull out the grip as I was watching from a far with my mom, I tugged on her shirt and and pointed at them, I knew something wasn't right....i said to my mom "that is not the boy's dad. "
And my mom knew something was up too.
We walked over and my mother asked him who he was to the boy, he tried to say he was his dad and I just said very loud "LIAR" my mother quickly snatched the boy from him and boy had said "I don't know Him! I don't know him!" I was old enough to understand how to take a picture so I grabbed my mother's phone and took a picture of the guy the guy ran away and we took the boy too look for his parents we couldn't find them so we took him to the police station and showed the picture to them
Apparently the guy had been known for taking children.
Selling drugs.
And raping young woman.
And was trying to be hunted Down.
The police found his parents and his mom and dad thanked my and my mom and my mom and the boy's parents are now best friends
I'm friends with the boy now and we're basically the same age
He thanks me to this day for saving his life.
Oh and the guy was caught and is still serving his time in prison.


I remembered once when me and my cousin left our moms' hometown house (aka my mom's family house), we went out on our own to buy ice creams for us and my brother at the house, when we got out of the mall, we saw a man offering us help him find his stuff, my cousin says yes and almost go with him and i said "why u can't find it yourself? It's your thing" He said nonsense and luckily i brought my spicy chilli spray and spray him in the eyes and nose and we ran lol

Edit : btw our house was not that far


One day I was at the park playing with my sister and this guy was watching us. When my sister went to the swings I stayed at the slides. I just happened to see the guy talk to my sister and them laughing. I notice the guy is pointing at a van. I quickly ran as fast as possible to them telling my sister that it was time to leave and mom said so. The guy started talking to me so I said “sorry but we have to leave our mom said” I noticed when I said “our mom said” he looked shocked and said I won’t keep her waiting and walked off scared. My sister asked why we were leaving we were there for like 2 min (she didn’t say that all but that’s a way to say it) I said he was trying to take her and hurt or do bad things to her.she looked scared. We told our parents as soon as possible.

Btw I was 9 and my sister was 3 at the time. Now I’m 10 and she is 4.

Edit: holy cow guys thx for the likes and reply’s like dangggggggggg



[BRIGHT SIDE] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

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