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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [BRIGHT SIDE] What Will Happen to Your Body If You Walk Every Day
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [BRIGHT SIDE] What Will Happen to Your Body If You Walk Every Day




Summary Comments : [BRIGHT SIDE] What Will Happen to Your Body If You Walk Every Day


These are the 10 Things Happen To Your Body If You Walk
1. Brain-Boosting Effect
2. Improved Eyesight
3. Prevention Of Heart Disease
4. Benefits For The Pancreas
5. Improved Digestion
6. Toned Muscles
7. Sturdier Bones And Joints
8. Back Pain Relief
9. A Calmer Walking
10. Bonus: The Fit Formula

My walk, at work on the cruise ship:
Day 1: 13.7 km
Day 2: 14.7 km
Day 3: 13.2 km
Day 4: 12.3 km
Day 5 : 10.9 km
Day 6: 13.2 km
Day 7 :14.6 km
Day 8: 13.6 km
Day 9 : 17.8 km
Day 10: 15.7 km
Walking back home in my 2 months holiday:
Day 1: 8.8 km
Day 2: 15 km
Day 3 : 5.8 km
Day 4 : 3.3 km
Day 5 : 1:km
Day 6: 7.2 km
Day 7: 1.7 km
Day 8:13.6 km
Day 9:13.7 km
Day 10: 16.2 km( today 05.04.2021)


10 things happen to our body if We walk everyday:
1. A calmer mind
2. Back pain relief
3. stronger bones and joints
4. Toned muscles
5. Digestion improvement
6. Pancreas improvement
7. Lung volume increases
8. Heart disease prevention
9. Eyesight improvement
10. Brain boosting effect



Top Comments : [BRIGHT SIDE] What Will Happen to Your Body If You Walk Every Day


I was in an abusive marriage for 25 years, I am 55 years old. The last years in the marriage were horrible. I filed for divorce a year and a half ago. I haven't been able to finalize the divorce, he is a horrible man. While I was married I was suffering from a lot of stomach issues, headaches insomnia and my bones were hurting. I began walking my dogs for 15 minutes everyday a year and half ago. I am up to walking 60 minutes everyday. I have lost 25 pounds and people tell me I look ten years younger. Mentally I am stronger now, no more depression. Walking has literally saved my life and my sanity. You just have to make walking a habit a part of what you do everyday. I am a school teacher and as tired as I get from work, I get home and head out to walk my dogs. I have completed my first walkathon. It's never too late to start taking care of yourself. I ma very glad I started walking.

I walk for 4 hours 4 times a week especially when I feel down. Walking is my therapy while I can’t afford a therapist


Here's a simple tip that helped me easily increase my daily steps; whenever I'm talking on the phone, I pace. Sometimes I'm shocked when I check the pedometer on my phone and see I've added a mile or more without realizing it.

I was going to the GYM. I just started walking, hoping this will be better for me.


I find I don't feel right if i don't walk every day. I need my exercise.

"Don't walk into traffic. You might get that run-down feeling! Or a harp is pretty, but it's hard to play."-- Soupy Sales


I don't have a car, so I have to walk everywhere. Good times.

Walk 12 miles almost everyday, I'm a mailman with a walking route lol

Your walking buddy could be of the 4-footed furry variety. Once you get a habit going, he or she will be standing in front of you every day as if to say, "It's time for my walk!!"

I am 84 and had a heart attack 25 years ago. I walk 90 miles a month and it drives away depression. I am in better health than I have ever been. I have 60 BPM pulse, 119 chloresterol. My doctor calls me his hero. You just cannot be unhappy watching the sunrise and listening to Aretha Franklin R_E_S_P_E_C_T. I love life and surround myself with fun people.

I love walking. It’s a huge anti depressant and I feel so good after walking. I aim for 10,000 steps per day.

walking isnt the problem, finding a safe place to walk is ...


I just started walking a couple of weeks ago because of this quarantine. I now have two neighbors that walk with me twice daily. We walk over ten thousand steps a day. I am 64 and feel better than I have in years.

I walk 11,000 steps 6 days a week. Have for over 15 years. I’m 76 and in great health. Good Looking also


i been walking 4-5 miles almost everyday since june and i cut my calorie intake..ive lost 25lbs....im proud of myself... you can do it guys and girls


Im addicted to walking. I walk 1 hour everynight and i notice that i feel happier after. Everytime. Love thos routine. Especially after dinner.


Great video, I am 52 years old, and always been lean but at the age of 26 became overweight with a weight of 70- 72 Kg, so I started walking and am still walking with the result that my weight has come down to 60 kg.Just as Henry David Thoreau has said in his essay " Walking". It is a benefit, It keeps you on the go.Because today we are using fast mode of transportation, we have forgotten the art of Walking and it's natural benefits.


I’ve been walking 2 times everyday and I lost 9 pounds of 3 weeks.

I started walking at 377 lbs a year ago, doing a mile a day for a few months. I then increased my walks to 2-3 miles a day, throwing in one 6 mile walk and a couple 5 mile walks. I just recently started walking 3 miles a day and will keep it consistent for another couple months. I am now 306 lbs and my goal weight is 205-210 lbs. I do plan on going to the gym, but for now, walking has benefited me greatly.


When I was 7 years old I walked 2miles on the day my parents were gone and I thought they were at my aunt house which was 2 miles away it was one beautiful adventure I had, I still do walking alot some time

I've started walking since the beginning of April, my pomeranian suffers from a heart murmur so I really hope the walking with my dog alot helps with her heart murmur :(

I love walking. I take a walk almost everyday while listening to American, Scotish, and British popular music with SONY's Walkman. I'm 85 now, and my two recent BLODD TEST showed perfect. I played Baseball a lot when I was a school boy, and played a lot of rounds of GOLF as I grow up. I was free-lancing photojournalist when I was young, and travelled around the world visiting 40 countries while I have lived for nearly 18 years in NYC.


I walk all the time .. I close to no take transportation unless I absolutely have to. Walking is the best thing, and I hiked up a snow hill without anything..it was epic!!

I was struggling with insomnia. Started walking 6km a day (two months ago). I sleep better now.


The pandemic has turned me into a walking fanatic. Now my day doesn’t feel complete unless I get my 10,000 steps.

Treadmills can’t compare to outside walking

I remember when I was young walking everywhere without even knowing I was exercising ...


I'm 53. I'm about 5'9" tall. I was up to 210lb. I started walking. I live in an area with a lot of hills. Since January 18th of 2018 I've walked over 714 miles. I'm down to 182.5lb . I'm in Oregon, lot of rain and I am really bummed when I can't walk. My record day was over 26000 steps. I try to do at least 10,000 on any day I can walk. Oh, that 714+ miles equates to over 1,541,784 steps. Yes, I have a device in addition to my phone which tracks steps. I hope to get down to around 175 or maybe even 165lb.

Update: Just updated the original post to reflect where I'm at now.

Walking consistently has helped me sleep better at night.

I had surgery 3 years ago. Walking was to be part of my recovery. I was in so much pain at the start, that I would literally just walk to the end of my driveway & back. But I kept at it, going a little farther each week. Once the surgery pain was gone, I was able to make strides in how far I was walking... & I did it every day. I now walk 8-10km every day (around 5-6 miles) & I feel better than I ever have in my life.... & I also lost 170 pounds.


I am 58 and gave up my car during quarantine. I work from home and walk everywhere. I'm using the money I save without car insurance and maintenance to repaint my house and finally start a retirement fund. (better late than never.)


I'm walking atleast 1 hour a day and I have reduced my weight from 112 kgs to 88

I’ve noticed when I do physical work/walking, color around me seems to pop..esp when watching g tv at night. Incredible that there is true science to vision and walking


I used to walk to school everyday, and our school is about 15 minutes away so I walk for about 30 minutes in total everyday and I always felt great when walking and that is until the pandemic started.. I was so worried going out for like 5 months and our school closed so I can no longer walk, now I can barely walk for 5 minutes without me taking a break and I've been feeling so tired nowadays

I go wallking every night for 40 minutes. My girlfriend of 4 years broke up with me yesterday and my heart is broken but I still pushed through my 40 minute walk tonight. I cried most of the way at first but I felt better after the walk. I hope walking helps the pain of my broken heart go away.

Update: So it's been nearly a year since this post and I found out a few months ago I wasn't just broken up with. I was being cheated on for about 4 months. I thought she was it and was gonna marry this woman but I dodged a bullet, I guess. She would have cheated on me eventually. I am still walking every day and I am seeing a therapist because she really did a number on my self esteem. Thank you all for all your supportive comments and encouragement. I am 60 pounds down and I don't think I would have had the strength to carry on with this weight loss if she hadn't shattered my heart because I only started walking to help me cope with the sadness of the breakup. I suppose everything happens for a reason.


I have diagnosed PTSD from being in a war while in the military. For 10 years I lived a very unhealthy lifestyle.
About two years ago I weighed 445 pounds. One day, something clicked in me and I realized I had enough. I went outside and went for a walk. I didn't do 30 minutes because I physically couldn't. But each day I went out and gradually increased how much I walked.
Now, two years later, I have lost over 200 pounds and I am walking 2 hours every morning. I've changed my diet and I have a social life with friends and family.
Walking not only changed my life, but it saved my life in ways no medication ever could.
My advice to anyone who wants it: Start small and don't give up. Just walk around the block. Build yourself up to that first mile. And, before you know it, you will be doing 7, 8....15 miles every day. Just don't give up.



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