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[Youtube Review][Vox] Why babies in medieval paintings look like ugly old men
twoyou 2021. 2. 6. 14:56Playtime Comments : [Vox] Why babies in medieval paintings look like ugly old men
0:22 Because the Medieval times are also known as the MIDDLE AGES!!!
Random Karen: I don't use vaccines anymore and my kid is great!
Her kid: 0:18
2:39 seconds of him roasting old art. Love it.
Top Comments : [Vox] Why babies in medieval paintings look like ugly old men
Me: Full Metal Alchemist flashbacks
Fun Fact: You didn't search for this.
Edit: Stop replying and liking this isn't funny.
"This baby looks like he wants to tell you that 'a boat is just a money pit'. XD
"A face that only a mother could love"
I showed this to my mom and my mom said
“The title suits you dear”
Baby looks like he's about to give you career advice
The title is so honest
"Their cheeks pinched not their prostates checked"
So?...When you say : this baby looks like his dad.
That's an insult?
Why people in photos smiled
Yo, the last sentence had me dead “only a mother can love.” the moms face
Omg I love this guy! He told us the facts and put humor into it at the same time! Now that takes some skill!
“They have a face only a mother would love”
Anyone else found this a bit disturbing
I was just scrolling through my recommended and next thing you know, I come to this.
I died, again
Medieval Babies Be Like:
"Super ugly medieval baby" is my new favorite insult
laughed so hard
i see a weird title
i click
i am 4 years late
i comment
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