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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Gyroscopic Precession
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Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] Gyroscopic Precession
At 1:21 you say that torque is given by: T=F x r, but isn't it T= r x F?? The order matters when it comes to cross product.
3:44 "OUGH"
Sound like he keeps saying Twerk @ 3:20
@1:26 that formula provides incorrect direction of torque vector if i used right hand rule
The crazy Hogwart's stuff starts @ 2:20 kids ;)
Top Comments : [Veritasium] Gyroscopic Precession
I wanted to see that specific helicopter video by Destin by following the link shown on this video. Disappointingly I ended up on his youtube homepage instead. With hundreds of videos to browse through I soon gave up. Hate it when that happens.
No Miley, Torque...
what is this witchcraft?!?!
I have a question, how would same wheel react in space or zero G?
i'm sorry torqe is r x f not f x r
The bit at the end made me jump.
RIP in kill Derek
Got noskopt by a bicycle wheel
His noskopr was not found
Will be missed
Rest in peace my sweet prince
Your heart will go on
The torque vector as described would actually be R cross F, not F cross R. Don't forget this on your exams or you will definitely get the wrong answer!!!
interesting... the right hand rule for generators is the same as the one for gyroscopic effect...
I keep hearing Twerk
That last bit is a little unclear. It seems that an applied torque to a spin, upright wheel generates an angular momentum that continues in the direction of the applied torque. It is unclear why the wheel spun along the string axis.
What would happen if I spun that wheel in the opposite direction...the wheel would now precess in the opposite direction, correct? So clearly the direction of precession has something to do with the direction of the angular momentum of the spinning wheel.
We can see from your video that the effect of precession is always to try and align the axis of the angular momentum of the wheel with the axis of torque caused by gravity. Since we are balancing the wheel only on one point, as the axis of angular momentum of the spinning wheel starts to align with torque, the wheel turns and as a result the direction of the gravitational torque also rotates about the vertical. This goes on and on and the wheel then turns and keeps turning like the way it does.
But my question is not WHAT happens, but WHY does this happen. thanks.
Did he just quadruple Vsauce at the end there?
hhhhh oh my god the ending scares me :'(
Hi there, first Of all contrata on The chanell!!! I love it!!!I'm a Airbus captain and I also fly helicopters and I always had a question about precession that nobody that I know can answer me...What is the speed that a disc must be turning to begin having the gyroscopic precession?!?
Thank you for creating this video, it helped my understanding of the forces involved in the precession of spinning objects. I found your video while looking for a video of someone who has connected two bicycle wheels on one axis, spun them in opposite directions to verify that the angular momentum vectors of each wheel cancel with one another resulting in the absence of the gyroscopic motion. If you are so inclined, I would like to see you do the experiment or link me to a video where the experiment has already been done.
The right-hand rule for vectors associated with rotation is simply a convention. The convention could just as easily have been a "left hand rule", and with the logic presented in this video, the explanation is no longer consistent (with the logic presented in this video, a left-hand rule would have resulted in the bicycle wheel precessing in the other direction).
From my understanding, angular momenta are conceptual one-directional axes that exist in three dimensional space. They do not originate from points in space and go outward from those points; they are axes. With this understanding, the explanation present in this video is incorrect.
I appreciate the correction made at 1:11. Angular momentum is a "cross product", and the order of the "multiplication" does indeed matter.
I have a bias against equations because they're not language-friendly, but I think there's some mistake or something missing from this explanation. I get that the spin creates a rotation, but I still feel as if there's no proper understanding as to why it's not bouncing around everywhere. Does the downward and upward pull just... cancel each other out?
[Veritasium] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.
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