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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Turbulent Flow is MORE Awesome Than Laminar Flow
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Turbulent Flow is MORE Awesome Than Laminar Flow




Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] Turbulent Flow is MORE Awesome Than Laminar Flow


4:27 anyone else recognize the KSP music?


2:57 i see this when i wash the dishes


0:49 thats some good brand hiding.. :p Love the vids, and on serios note, how much mass to the poles of the earth to make it do a flip?


3:00 lol, this is just everyday I smoke at dusk or dawn, and I see the smoke making a cross section as the light is low and passing through a hole in my curtains or something.

I got the low budget set up, don't need no fancy lasers.

hmmm..... this is making me thing about how turbulence relates to warping of space time around gravitational masses.... never thought about warping of space time like turbulence before...

@Veritasium can you do a video on the golden ratio's relationship to turbulence and non solid structures?


Holy crap, I’ve noticed that effect while following a semi truck while on my motorcycle.

I found that you have to get closer to the truck, because the effect fells like walls of air hitting you if you’re more than ~6 car lengths away


1:27 oof that windows 7 in the background is a Killer!


1:00 "Them's FIGHTIN' words!"


5:13 you actually used that fluid simulation that is literally what got me into the entire liquid flow stuff

Veritasium: “von kármán vor—“
me: “oBJECTION!!”

11:00 there's gonna be some confusion when a real vortex generator is invented lol



Top Comments : [Veritasium] Turbulent Flow is MORE Awesome Than Laminar Flow

Every body gangsta till the dead fish starts swimming


As an aerospace engineering student, this was a love letter


"Turbulent flow is more awesome than a laminar flow."

Destin: Hol up


"It's most notable use is in fountains"
Particle processing: bruh

This is literally a nerd argument at my lunch table.

LAMINAR FLOW IS BETTER. Obviously the Laminar Boundary Layer section was the best part of the video. (I jest.) In all seriousness though I thought you did an amazing job with this content Derek. Discussing the transition to turbulence is very difficult and you did a masterful job of it here. Animating Reynold’s experiment on the page was masterful. Your point that laminar flow must be small was very interesting, and when I saw the images from space I had a fun time thinking about what parts were laminar and what parts were turbulent. I’ll put a link to this video on the laminar flow video. All these nice things being said....I have something up my sleeve!


"...But what if we put a dead fish in it?"
- Science

Veritasium: "Turbulent flow is cooler than laminar flow"

SmarterEveryday:"So you have chosen death"

I saw the title and instantly thought, “Smarter Every Day is gonna be mad.” XD

Your interactions with Destin make me smile every time, so much positivity!

"Transitional Flow is the BEST" Video when?

I was NOT surprised to see Destin at the start of this as my first thought when I saw the title of this video in the notification email was "uh-oh, shots fired, Destin's not going to stand for this".

Do not flush so called "flushable" wipes. Just throw them in the trash. Tearing is not the same thing as disintegrating. I work on sewer systems. Those things get hair and grease and other material attached to them and they bind up pumps and other equipment and ultimately have to be removed, costing your sewer utility tens of thousands of dollars a year for the smallest of systems.


I saw the fountain i was like "OH HEY IVE SEEN THAT FOUNTAIN"


My definition of Turbulent Flow: Flow that does not qualify as Laminar Flow.
Then we just need to properly define Laminar Flow, which this video does quite early on.
Unless you can justify a third category in some way.
As for which is "better", even superiority needs defining.

destin when he gets this notification

whoms't has summoned the almighty one


"So where do you live?"
"Vortex Street"


turbulent flow: exists

fish swimming upstream: cHaOs Is A lAdDeR




2020 has already been a turbulent year, but I wasn't expecting WW3 to erupt between Smarter Every Day and Veritasium

Child: "Is that fish alive?"
Parent: "Yes, you can see it swimming upstream"
Me: "Well actually..."

Can we just say that the liquid he’s playing with looks amazing

Fish: dies
Turbulent Flow: Dead or Alive, you're coming with me


"If you put a dead fish in the wake of an object, it'll actually swim upstream" - That's clearly a software bug.


So the turbulent flow checklist is:
-hard to love
sounds like me


Here before Veritasium Vs Smarter Everyday diss tracks.


Veritasium: Turbulent flow can be connected to a pattern of randomness that we still don't fully understand.
Destin: ha ha perfect pressure make water go smooth


Loved your video (as always), but a note on turbulence:

Generally speaking, a turbulent boundary layer actually produces less skin friction than a laminar boundary layer for the same Reynolds number flow. The smoothness of surfaces contacting the flow is to avoid agitating the flow too much (thus energising the boundary layer and losing energy).

Typically, the flow over a planes wing is already very turbulent, the vortex generators are there to do the exact opposite over the control surfaces, where the flow sticking to the wing of the plane is more important than it loosing some small amount of energy.

This is best described in the equations of laminar/turbulent shear stress on a flat plate.


Awesome video. Thank you for the time of filming comment, watching you talking with the scientist about the golf balls had me wondering. Then you mentioned the 'flushable' wipes sponsor and immediately allayed my fears. Thank you so much for all you do.
Also, what on earth was going through the persons head that thought, "Hey, what happens if we throw this dead fish into the turbulence?" Was the fish alive when they started and they noticed when they pulled it out that it had died from too much science?



[Veritasium] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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