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[Youtube Review][Insider] 22 Details In The ‘Game Of Thrones’ Finale You Might Have Missed
twoyou 2021. 2. 12. 11:08
Playtime Comments : [Insider] 22 Details In The ‘Game Of Thrones’ Finale You Might Have Missed
You missed one thing:
One plant in the snow. Spring is coming.
Does this mean “Spring is coming!” ??
3:28 And Arya ... somewhere out west of Westeros, an unmapped region, rumoured to contain the mountains of spin-off potential.
4:37 That "unknown to you" lord on the left is lord Manderly who appeared in 7th season to get burned by Lyanna Mormont.
5:12 Still one of the most unnecessary scenes in the whole f*cking show ...
Bran: I gotta go now ...
While everyone else tried to kill of the Nightking Bran just "gotta go"?! Well played Ser !
3:33 In LotR, it actually had sense, here... WTF?! Jon is exiled for no apparent reason, and AFTER the Unsullied and Dothraki left (meaning they had no way of knowing if he was really exiled or not). Plus, no need for the Wall and the Watch (apart from keeping Tormund away from Brienne, perhaps) and the Wall is now in an independent kingdom with 0 obligations to fulfill orders from King's Landing.
pause at 4:30 between lady knight briane n sir davos's leg....u can see a plastic bottle water!!
Top Comments : [Insider] 22 Details In The ‘Game Of Thrones’ Finale You Might Have Missed
The real winner is Edmure Tully. He’s the most connected man in Westeros
1) Nephew Bran king of the 6 Kingdoms
2) Niece Sansa queen in the North
3) Nephew Robyn Arryn Lord of the Vale
And he stays Lord paramount of Tye Riverlands
The fact that Jon snow is Aegon Targaryen had no virtual effect other than creating confusion .
The series would have gone the same even if this piece of info wasn't given
All in all , CHEKHOV LAW !!
The Davos callback is because Stanis always corrected his and others grammar
All these videos about details we may have missed.... Here's something NOBODY missed. This entire season was ABSOLUTE GARBAGE.
All: Hail Bran Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms
All: UUUGGH Fine... All Hail Bran Ruler of the Six Kingdoms
The water bottles are actually a popular Westeros brand: Dornish Spring - purified through reverse magic osmosis
GoT is over but never forget the one who held the door when it was needed
You missed the grass on the snow near the wall. The winter officially ended in the north.
“Dany had everything but the iron throne “
Bran in a nutshell:
Season 7: I can't be lord of Winterfell but we have to tell Jon that he is the true heir to the Iron Throne!
Season 8: Bend the knee to your new king, lord commander of the Night's Watch!
Drogon is the smartest he knew that the Iron Throne was the reason for everything happened .. I am team Drogon Long live the dragon the true wheel breaker
Fans notice water bottle...
Screen zooms in with gas station crtv quality pixelation. Water bottle hardly visible behind foot.
Whoever noticed that should be hired by the FBI
Oh ok so that teen boy is Robin Arryn? Glad to see he grew up pretty okay.
Season 1's cover picture is of Ned Stark sitting on the throne and next to him is a raven also sitting on the iron throne!! They knew from the start that Bran would be THE king.
Overall I liked the episode I think people expected too much from it. It was the conclusion to the whole story of the 8 seasons, and shouldn’t be compared to the other episodes which are trying to expand the story, this one was trying to end it and I reckon they did it well
Definitely missed that package the unsullied was sporting. Gray Worm vs Hung Worm
Everyone hooked on Danearys "descending into madness" just like her father and butthurt that it didn't happen their way. Watch the series again and read the books!!! She was ruthless, acted almost on impulse and did ANYTHING to get to the Throne...even if that meant using Cercei's human defense (burning the city) as an example of ruling with fear.
*Drogon flies away*
Budget team: wheew, finally... Off the hoo- *Ghost appears* ... Oh for #€&% sake
Greyworm will die of butterfly fever though... so yeah good stuff
He burnt the Iron Throne to a puddle.
You missed one thing the grand stand finish was
What I'm disappointed in is the rushed character development of Jon in regards to Dany.
He loves her so deeply yet she is being corrupted by her own righteousness and lust for power. You see Jon appalled and horrified by her actions and how she is the opposite of him. Totalitarian and ruthless. While Jon is forgiving and and kind.
I think this character development was rushed the most. I can see him struggling and the internal battle he fights between love and duty and how he breaks inside as time goes on.
This should have been more emphasized since it's so pivotal and the buildup to the finale, between Dany and Jon, was so small and short that when he kills her I felt nothing really. It didn't feel emotional or hard. Just rushed and obvious.
The branch pattern on her breast plate as well as the Weirwood leaves represent the Godswood, a meaningful place for Starks, especially for Eddard.
Sansa's sleeves are covered in a fish scale pattern, which represents the House of Tully, her mother's origin.
The cloak she wears is one sided, like Arya wears hers.
The crown is not a reference to Cersei's crown though. It's a reference to Robb Stark. The symbol of a direwolf holding up the head of another direwolf is alike to the fastening of Robb's cloak on the Red Wedding. It's a symbol for the unity of the Stark family as well and references the "The lone wolf dies, but the pack survives" quote.
There were even more references, to Bran and Jon and so on, I just can't manage to find the original post (or video?) I got this from.
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