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[Youtube Review][Mark Rober] Perseverance Mars Rover Landing- Inside Story
twoyou 2021. 4. 30. 02:37(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Mark Rober] Perseverance Mars Rover Landing- Inside Story
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Mark Rober] Perseverance Mars Rover Landing- Inside Story
Playtime Comments : [Mark Rober] Perseverance Mars Rover Landing- Inside Story
When I saw you holding your mother at 15:50 I actually cried a little out of empathy for you...You sir are a great man that I look up to and hopefully one day I’ll be half the man that you are today!
Normal People: "He's my father"
Mark Rober: "I owe half of my chromosomes to that guy right there"
14:25 I've had to pause the video... the hairs on my arms are standing up... I can't wait for us to colonize Mars... this is a huge step towards that.. well done everyone <3
7:33 NOICE!
seriously the music is NOICE
imagining this feeling is what is driving me to pursue my career as aerospace mechanical engineer
no matter the times
no matter how easy or how many opportunities I have in other jobs
no matter money, place or pride
I want to spend time conceiving a thing that comes out of the passion and brilliance brains of a team that feels and loves the same I do
and then watch it together make its first steps <3
Top Comments : [Mark Rober] Perseverance Mars Rover Landing- Inside Story
Mark - Oh so that’s why my hardware is here
Mark’s old boss - yes
You've gone such a long way Mark!
As someone who also lost his mom a few years back, I'm sure she would be so proud of what you've done.
Stay wonderful and keep those videos coming!
When mark makes his own rover:
Mark Rover
yo I designed this
I just got here now, already knowing that it landed successfully, but this video still made me tear up with happiness anyway. Thank you and everyone who's involved, you are a huge inspiration and you give us hope!
Mark Rover
Mark Rober
Coincidence, I think not
Not many people get to say: "I put something on Mars, but now I play with squirrels and drink dirty water lmao."
I thought they said Mark Rober had landed on mars !! Sorry, my bad. Either way, amazing accomplishment and big congrats to all involved.
I thought this was another video cause he keeps changing the title
Meanwhile on some idiotic corner of the internet: “the earth is flat”
I've never loved science more than this moment. Thank you Mark Rober
Mark: “it could be you”
Me eating a Twinkie: :O
I feel like the reason we all love this guy is because he never clickbaits, and he never brags about how smart he is
Mark: So anyone we see walk by, you can boss around?
Marks old boss: yeah
Marks mind: Soon I will use that power
I will forever watch this video and not not get the chills down my spine after the 12 minute mark. And that sound track then? My Two Worlds collided at once, truly.
Dude, this channel is next level. Love your work dude
So basically, while you wait for the signal to reach earth... the rover is Schrödinger's rover?
Me “sure does”
You probably won’t see this Mark, but there’s a whole reddit community dedicated to finding your recipe for Devil’s toothpaste. I guess as soon as nuclear bombs are created, everyone wants their own...
me, who it most definitely is not: yes
Imagine walking into NASA, picking something of the wall and being able to say 'I designed this'
That would be amazing
For everyone that remembers Curiosity rover, may it rest in peace in its sandy grave.
You make science emotional. Thanks Mark!
The first person to arrive on Mars would need to understand it is probably a one-way trip. Exciting and scary at the same time.
I've just got to say, how bloody appreciative I am, and how you give me hope, young kids like mine, look up to, and want to be someone like you, to many kids these days, as I'm sure you are aware, are subject to the dumbest TV and YouTube clips money can buy, and channels like yours, thankfully seem to be becoming more popular, at least in my area, so thank you, for just doing what you love and inspiring, at least my 2 kids, 1 of which wants to be an Engineer, (partly because I am one), but in big part because of your content, love ya work and hope you keep this channel open for many many many yrs, hats off to you Sir.
[Mark Rober] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.
It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.
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