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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] The collapse of Venezuela, explained
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] The collapse of Venezuela, explained



Playtime Comments : [Vox] The collapse of Venezuela, explained

3:50 "He needed to keep these poor Venezuelans happy" and poor, so they would need and support him no matter what. Golden rule for every dictatorship!

2:34 That guy looks just like Picasso! He does.

are you sure about that?


0:10 Venezuelan Shroud



4:49 Now it's above 2,000,000

7:30 video about “the collapse of Venezuela” but not one mention of the 155 economic sanctions placed on Venezuela by the US.

0:10 is that shroud in the middle


"The US imposssed financial sanctions", (6:36), and there is your explanation. Honestly so disappointed VOX, you gave me nothing but neo-liberial main stream talking points, same as Fox or CBS. This is so inaccurate, I don't even know where to start. 80% do not support an individual who received 67% of the popular vote.??? Shot that's look up able on Wikipedia. The video starts with quotes from the 70's then jumps to the current situation. Think people, please. A ton of great information and important issues happened in venezuela in the 90's that has a ton to do with how it gotti where it is today. Basically if there is no mention of the US and the IMF, you have no explanation. Venezuela's current situation is all about US involvement, and venezuelan resistance to it. Come on VOX I know this topic is one of the most hidden truths out there, but man, look into the Grayzone or Empire Files.




Top Comments : [Vox] The collapse of Venezuela, explained


Venezuela will learn from this and come back from the crisis with stronger system, and no corruption.


I have a dear friend from Venezuela, and every time I've heard him speak about the country it's been with a sense of sadness and longing for the glory that once was. I hope that he will see such days again.

wow its so eerie that this was uploaded in 2017 and its only gotten worse.


Venezuela : Highest inflation in the world
Zimbabwe : what!! ... here we come

Hmmmm. Im sensing a pattern here. Hello from the Philippines


The cia, their jackals and most of all, the economic hitmen had nothing to do with all this...


America gonna "liberate" Venezuela once it breaks down.


This is what will happen to the USA if we don’t work together. If I see us heading down this rode I will just say bye I’m going somewhere safe!


I'm from Venezuela and I left the country because of maduro

Just maybe hear me out maybe it's because of socialism, yeah? Yeah?

This is so unfortunate. The inflation is unreal. Nobody deserves this.
Love from India


Inflation about to reach 1,000,000% - July 2018.

I've literally never seen Lele Pons discuss or raise awareness on this issue.

Everybody gangsta till the government start printing shitload of money


I feel bad for what's happening to what was a great nation. I hope Venezuela goes back to it's glory, the people I saw seemed to want the best for their people and country, they certainly deserve a good life.


I can’t believe I was born there and it’s sad that my country is so low

The failure of Socialism, there for all the world to see :)


That's what you get for voting without thinking.


Can someone please tell me where I can find this guy I have to deliver important message from Trump


It's almost as if oil can't save you from everything

If a country has petroleum, ok there is Usa for sure


I'm looking forward to a Venezuelan revolution: OverSimplified video


Haiti loves you, Venezuela.
Stay strong.
Let's keep each other in prayers.


Such a sad thing!!! There are hundreds of them hiding in the forest eating only mangoes in my country Trinidad, they come for help, our people say we can't help them, we already have our problems to deal with. I am sadden because what if it were me? Running to Venezuela for help...my kids, my family? I am soooooo sorry. Mi amigo JACKSON n familia are always welcome.

I'm looking forward to a Venezuelan revolution: OverSimplified video


Why postpone the elections, when you can hold rigged elections on time, with willing dupes to vouch for its authenticity?

I am from Brazil and I feel for Venezuela's people, my country is also very corrupt I hope things will get better for our Latin America


Democracy+oil sounds like familiar

I remember when I first immigrated from Venezuela 12 years ago. I was 4 and my dad was working hard for everything we had since the government had just taken his land. I moved here with my mom and my sister when my dad couldn't and 4 years later my dad was able to finally come. 1 year ago my dad became a United States Citizen and 6 months ago my cousin and her family came after my other cousin died when he was protesting. It made me remember the struggle me and my family went through and it helped me appreciate how lucky I am to be in the United States.

Here in Colombia we are feeling the damages, people of Venezuela is escaping here asking for jobs or selling things on the public transport, i don't think the people on the comnents (in the USA) can remotly feel all the impacts; you can know the facts but nothing near like the reality

(Edit: I made this comment 2 years ago and have no idea that there was so many likes and comments, wow thanks, but some people down below misinterpreted my word, some of you tried to explain better the situation, so, I hope people reading this comment now can learn a little bit more)



[Vox] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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