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[Youtube Review][TEDx Talks] A well educated mind vs a well formed mind: Dr. Shashi Tharoor at TEDxGateway 2013
twoyou 2021. 2. 10. 17:12
Playtime Comments : [TEDx Talks] A well educated mind vs a well formed mind: Dr. Shashi Tharoor at TEDxGateway 2013
Nobody :
Absolutely Nobody :
Captions at 7:29 : khan jibran
Captions at 8:03 : gandhi puram
(It’s kanchipuram, a city in tamil nadu)
wait i was 10 years old when this video was released
Happy to contribute to increase in the literacy of our population
1 among the 92% 14:00
Top Comments : [TEDx Talks] A well educated mind vs a well formed mind: Dr. Shashi Tharoor at TEDxGateway 2013
"The future looks good."
Honestly he is only deserving candidate for PM in congress party
When he makes a mistake while speaking, the dictionary corrects itself.
Exactly! Education is not just about getting a job, it's all about getting educated. The significance is been explained so nicely.
..... Hats off to you sir..
A well educated and a well formed mind? WHY NOT BOTH!? United we stand, divided we fall.
Really, REALLY want to see this man as the PM of our country some day.
He totally, TOTALLY deserves it!!!
Indian politics deserves more from this guy!!!
Why don't people like to choose a prime minister like him, who are educated and have common sense???
When he talked about Chitra Mani.. I cried.. dont know why maybe.. it was the happiness.. which I felt somehow..
Q: How to get a power nap?
A: Try to hear Shashi Tharoor for 14 minutes and 38 seconds!
Every word that comes out from his mouth is sheer education.
He has made vocabulary knowledge a craft.
"The future looks good! We are coming!" What an inspiring speech.
Instead of giving only education to everyone, we also need to develop the mentality of thinking thoughts. That practicality we need only.
Why on Earth INC doesn't let him run for PM candidate?
I am not an Indian but I wish he can talk about literacy in other countries. It can help a lot. Very inspiring.
He is my candidate for Prime Minister of India.....
The well-formed mind is better than well_ educated mind
If we put his English aside ,his way of presenting and delivering the speech with the politness is too impressive.
Some very interesting points made. ... But .... "along came an Indian and invented the zero [to form a better system than the Romans]!!". Even me ... a mere Westerner ... knows that the zero came along a long time before the Romans appeared. It's about time that India started being proud about its origins and culture. I believe you had the world's first university for example. You don't need to copy Westerners ... Westerners only copied what you (and Arabs) did before and built on it. India has the advantage of the depths of spiritual philosophy ... wed that with scientific knowledge and India can lead the world in a good way. But don't do things just to make money.
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