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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] 시간 대칭성을 무너뜨리는 입자
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] 시간 대칭성을 무너뜨리는 입자




Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] 시간 대칭성을 무너뜨리는 입자

His hair changes direction at 8:18

And boom!! You got yourself another Nobel prize 5:55

7:34 "The Second Law of Thermodynamics is not the only physical process that prefers One Direction"

There's a mistake in this video: in 7:21 min. the rewinded quark demonstration should be the same as the normal played, because this is what is obseverd (bizarre). But instead, they're different, just as it's thought (what we expect).


4:36 The parity is over hahaha how did I not see that coming xD

2:23 I was first puzzled what he meant by cold temperatured scientists but comment Sexion helped a lot!!!

5:11 Chien-Shiung Wu did not get the Nobel prize, however

0:31 that teen who abnormally develops among fellow students


8:19 Perhaps one day another physicist will give up his/her vacation to find that

8:18 - 8:20 has anyone noticed he actually flipped? No? Okay, I'm back to my mirror world.



Top Comments : [Veritasium] 시간 대칭성을 무너뜨리는 입자


0:56 Startled the hell out of me.


Physicists aren't lawmakers. I would be more inclined to say translators. The laws of physics can't be broken because physics itself writes them, so if we mistranslate something we observe, the translation becomes wrong, however the more we learn the more accurate that translation becomes.


"Absolutely eye-opening video, you've done it again!" - Mirror me
?? ! ? - Real me

Sounds like my individual particles are better at time management than "I" am. It's like reverse emergence.

“The laws of physics shouldn’t care. They should work exactly the same in the mirror world as they do in real life.”
Illuso: laughs


There is an experiment you can do to find out if you're in the Mirror Universe: Find Mr. Spock. If he has an evil goatee of evil, you're in the mirror universe.

Physicists HATE him! Find out how the universe broke CPT symmetry with ONE SIMPLE TRICK!


"Low Temperature Scientists" as in "Cool Scientists"

Welp I've finally found the most difficult-to-understand video on YouTube to date. Gonna have to watch this one 20x over smh

I wish I could go back in time and pay attention in my high school physics classes.

this is what I'm subscribed for!


"If you break the laws of man, you go to jail. If you break the laws of God, you go to hell. If you break the laws of physics, you go to Sweden and get a Nobel prize." -Somewhere on the internet


This shows what can be done if you give up Christmas break.

0:25 Yeah, I feel like people, including scientists tend to forget that it is just a statistical principle.

Low temperature scientists = cool scientists


pretends to understand.

I love watching videos like these and pretending to know exactly what hes saying.
"What?! The weak force?! CP? Preposterous!"

The cool thing was that they acctually had to travel to the "mirror" world to do this experiment, just like they travled to pandora to shoot avatar! great video and well explained!

Physicists need to give up their vacations more often

"Hey, so, ready for that vacation?"

"I can't, the weak force may violate p-symmetry."

"Then there's only one thing we can do!"

"Stare at cold metal atoms!"

-A physic(s)al relationship.


I think Nolan liked this video so much, he made a movie about it.

Imagine two people playing chess and the one observer who is observing that doesn't knows the rules of chess before hand
As the game proceeds the observer keeps learning and
Now when he sees a pawn walking single step straight way he writes down that pawn walks forward and now when pawn goes diagonaly to attack some other opponent piece.
The observer is in surprise thinking that it broke the laws of chess
Same applies here
Nature is chess player and scientists are observer in this never ending chess game
Always discovering new moves


At this point I'm convinced the universe is a fictional work and scientist are just people in this fiction trying to justify the plot holes they live through.


Your video covers up the fact that Wu's work did NOT win HER the Nobel Prize, but won it for the two theorists, Lee and Yang.  Her contribution to the discovery was largely overlooked until she was awared the Wolf Prize about 20 years later.

It's scarry that the universe prefers One direction... but some of their songs are actually good ;-)

"It violates parity as much as possible"
I think whoever set the universe up made it this way, and was placing bets with his friends about when will we notice it,


Oooooh Jorge from Jorge and Daniel Explain the Universe. Their podcast is pretty dope. I listen to it while working out. Pretty laid back physics stuff. Love it.

There is a fun thing about symmetry that you can realize with a bit of a thought experiment.

Imagine we make contact with an alien race. They aren't on our world and we simply communicate with them through an audio box. When we start off communicating with them we might start off simple, by doing something like sending beeps in a pattern that could be interpreted as intentional and see how they respond. For the same of this thought experiment, we'll say we've been working at it for a while and have managed to share enough about ourselves that we can communicate with language.

We have for instance discovered that they are on a planet that also has gravity and so they can understand what we mean by up and down. Their planet also has magnetic poles so we can communicate north and south. Their planet also spins so we can communicate traveling in the same direction as the spin or the reverse direction of the spin, and that we call that going east and west. We through some more complex descriptions could explain our concept of right and left to them.

But here is the problem, there doesn't seem to be a way to communicate clockwise or counterclockwise to them. If they are on a planet that spins in the reverse direction of us, our descriptions of our planet would still make sense, but they would, unfortunately, mirror everything. If they drew a picture of what they thought a human looked like based on our description of ourselves, they might equally likely draw the heart on the right or the left side of the drawing. They would just think that the side they drew it on was the left side based on their best understanding of what we could communicate with them.

And with these other symmetries talked about in this video, if we weren't even positive the dimension we were communicating with, we would have confusion with these other issues. So the fact that there are ways for particles to break symmetry in some ways but not others is a GREAT thing. Because this means in our communications with this race we could find orientation we have compared to each other. IE: You do this experiment and we'll do the same experiment. If we get the same results we have the same orientation. If we get reverse results we have opposite orientation and just need to keep that in mind for future communications.

I like the title of Jorge's book. I wonder if he realized while writing it that one of the many things we have no idea about is that there is no conceivable way that we can know for certain that time actually flows in only one direction. We can only perceive it that way, of course, but if it ever did reverse, or speed up, or slow down? The processes in our brains that lead to consciousness would do exactly the same, they would reverse, speed up, or slow down, as they are embedded in time. Think about a starship, traveling at or near the speed of light. Einstein taught us that time would actually slow down for the crew on board (though everything would seem normal to them), as well as for their clocks and other instruments. If it can slow down, time can also speed up. If it can do both of those things, who's to say that it can't reverse its flow completely in certain situations? And we would have no way to detect it.

Imagine being the husband. You're slightly bitter that your wife chose to stay home and do an experiment instead of coming with you to Hawaii like you'd planned for months and months. You argue with her. You're bitter and lonely on your solo-vacation. You miss her terribly which only makes you more angry.

Then she re-writes the laws of physics and wins the Nobel Prize for her work.

There's no way to win any argument about this when all she has to do is point at the little statue/plaque on the mantle whenever you bring it up. :-)



[Veritasium] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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