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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] 우주에서의 용접
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] 우주에서의 용접




Summary Comments : [Veritasium] 우주에서의 용접


European space agency recommends:
1. Use stuff that don't stick to each other
2. Use stuff that don't stick to each other
3. Coat the stuff that may stick to each other
Thanks, European space agency!



Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] 우주에서의 용접

3:00 Pure poetry my man. A demonstration to rival Feynman's lectures.

5:34 wow, that's some pretty neat footage

2:40 that is such an accurate representation of the experience of eating a payday.


2:40 that's how you get ants.

For some reason, at 4:44 I felt like you were giving us 3 tips on how to build spaceships with proper materials.


3:19 where's that ISS with Earth footage from? Is that one of the shuttle flyarounds? I'd like to find the source footage.


Veritasium: Can't withstand the hunger*

2:40 This was the best explanation of cold welding I've seen


2:37. Demonstrated "cold welding" concept via candle bars. Classic.

2:55 never seen it explained like that, but it's an effective analogy



Top Comments : [Veritasium] 우주에서의 용접


most delicious analogy ever


So, cold welding is basically metal behaving like peanut butter..

No one cares if you are early or if you came here because of the notification. Just watch the goddam vídeo.

Oh gosh. TIG welding without sleeves? Say hello to sunburn


Seriously? Not one mention of the current experiments in zero gravity arc welding? The challenge of welding in space where normal welding processes (SMAW, GMAW, GTAW, etc.) often rely on gravity to secure the molten base and filler metals in their desired relative positions? The work to develop in-space fabrication and manufacturing? This is an emerging field, perfectly appropriate for a video with this exact title. Also is there any explanation, in the recommendation for using dissimilar metals in order to avoid cold welding, about avoiding galling? Normally you avoid contact between dissimilar metals unless they are specifically selected to avoid galvanic corrosion.

I'm disappointed. I'm not accustomed to topics on this channel being covered in such a superficial way. Usually there is some depth to the presentation. I'm not saying I'm downvoting or unsubscribing or anything, just hoping for better next time.


"I want to eat some chocolate" "you are on a diet honey" "but I want chocolate" "NO CHOCOLATE!" "what if I need some for a video" "uugh! fine! if you can make a video where you NEED to eat chocolate, you can have some chocolate"
starts writing video on cold welding

Good story telling to make it interesting but I was left cheated after you said the door wasn't cold welded.


That was fascinating and I am definitely going to get a bunch of payday candy bars so that I too can better understand cold welding!

Why hasn't any FLAT EARTHERS commented here?

so metal is actually sticky, we just don't notice because of all the oxygen?


Is this video sponsored by CoD Infinite Warfare?

hmm hmm Cold-Weld metal 3d printing?

Have a nice day random scrolling person! :)


I thought it was wedding in space.

wow.. I read it: "wedding in space" and spent 3 minutes in the video confused about everything..


Do note: First AMERICAN spacewalk, the first spacewalk was done by the USSR

"Houstan, I think I burned a hole in my su-" muffled fwoom sound

I thought that it was wedding in space


Honestly read the title as Wedding not welding and was extremely confused

when I was a kid it alway blew my mind that you could stack objects made from the same material without them becoming a single object


"Gemini IV, Houston, Capcom, give me your status."
Capcom: "Uh, we're still working on Resident Evil 7, but thanks for your concern, NASA."


holy crap, I'm early as hell.


That's super interesting! One of my questions as as child (the kind about which you repeatedly ask your parents/teachers "why?") and later in chemistry class was: why can you cut apart paper but if you hold the pieces together they don't join back up - after all, you could do that with putty (or candy bars, as the case may be); was there something underlying in the structure that made other materials not join up/bond? But then, how did they stick together in the first place? (Impurities like the oxide layer mentioned in the video is presumably the answer.) It's interesting to know that, in fact, this is a real phenomenon that matters in some special cases.


Nice use of PPE -_-. Yes, I'm a welder. Yes, I value PPE.

and how do they weld in space now? or don't they?
cool vid tough

This just makes manufacturing in space 100x more sensible

I hate seeing people weld without proper PPE... As a certified pipeline welder with years of experience, listen to me when I tell you folks to keep your skin covered while welding. The light emitted from the arc will burn the living crap out of your skin in a matter of minutes. There's plenty of studies showing the danger of skin cancer caused by this. Obviously at the beginning of this video, his short duration without gloves and in a T-shirt was only to showcase the art of tig welding. I'm sure he is just fine and it is his choice to do with his body as he pleases. But I am worried that people who have never been around welding may assume that it is ok to weld without gloves or with skin exposed while possibly only wearing a T-shirt. And as an informative video, I feel like the editors should try to keep these things in mind before posting a video.

That being said, I do enjoy your content, but this is a common mistake that many new welders don't take serious, and they should.


GEORGE: One of your guys - Kip, or Ned, short name - stole my Twix candy bar!

WILLIE: Are you saying he grabbed the candy bar away from you?

GEORGE: He might as well have! I caught him, and his face was covered in chocolate and cookie crumbs.

WILLIE: I thought you said it was a Twix.

GEORGE: Oh, it was. But he claimed it was a 5th Avenue bar.

WILLIE: Maybe it was.

GEORGE: Oh, no, no. Twix is the only candy with the cookie crunch.

WILLIE: What about the $100,000 bar?

GEORGE: No. Rice and caramel.

WILLIE: Nougat?


WILLIE: Positive?

GEORGE: Please.

(A woman appears from behind the window)

WOMAN: You know they changed the name from $100,000 bar to 100 Grand?

GEORGE: All I want is my seventy-five cents back, an apology, and for him to be fired!

(An old man sitting in a nearby chair speaks up. He’s Willie’s father)

WILLIE SR: I remember when you used to be able to get a Hershey for a nickel.

(The man behind George speaks up)

MAN: What’s the one with the swirling chocolate in the commercial?

GEORGE: They all have swirling chocolate in the commercial!

WILLIE SR: Not Skittles.

WILLIE: Dad, I told you you could sit here only if you don’t talk.

WOMAN: (Sitting behind George) You make your father sit here all day?

WILLIE: He likes it!

GEORGE: Alright! Do you mind? I have the window! (To Willie) Now, what are you gonna do about my Twix?

MAN: (In line behind George) Twix has too much coconut.

GEORGE: No! There’s no coconut!

WOMAN: (Behind service window) I’m allergic to coconut.

WILLIE: I’m not.

WILLIE SR: ..A nickel!

In some ways, cold welding seems like it could be incredibly useful in space. Construction would certainly be much simpler. It's easy to imagine using something like an easily formable mesh with a coating that could be evaporated with a small current to custom form various things. Even a level of self repairing would be possible.
Thinking about it, I guess I finally understand why we have such solid metallic meteors and asteroids. You'd normally expect something like that to require a large gravity well, but if the similar particles can bond that way, they'll stick and not be knocked away like other substances.
I guess water has a similar adhesive behavior... I wonder if it's a common principle among most substances......



[Veritasium] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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