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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Chaos: The Science of the Butterfly Effect
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Chaos: The Science of the Butterfly Effect




Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] Chaos: The Science of the Butterfly Effect

8:39 - how did Derek get footage of me playing QWOP?


Neo: But if you already know, how can I make a choice?

Oracle: Because you didn’t come here to make the choice, you’ve already made it. You’re here to try to understand why you made it.


8:36 what my slick dance moves look like. "its motion will forever be...unpredictable"


9:05 If within 15 mil. years things could look so different from predictions, and the same applies to the past, how do we know there was a Big-Bang?


2:55 "The inward (The 'N'-word) spiral."


Something scary: "9:06 even our solar system is chaotic with a characteristic time of 4 million years".


6:17 Sensitive Dependence on Initial Conditions reminds me of how the Amazon resume picker AI went wrong and why they cancelled it.


12:33 "...using your brain for what it's meant to be doing." Such as loving the butterfly effect and loving your videos.


The part that began at 10:12 remind me of 2 Galaxies that are colliding. That's beautiful !

@13:33 I couldn't help but take screenshots the design was so beautiful



Top Comments : [Veritasium] Chaos: The Science of the Butterfly Effect

I appreciate integrity shown when structuring embedded advertising so much that I watched to the very end. Thank you.

so YouTube algorithm let's see how you perform this time


ngl, I clicked, because I read the title as "The Science of Butter". Welp, this is good too. :p


I would like a 60 min documentary on the content just presented in the last 2 mins of this video.


“For want of a nail, the shoe was lost;

For want of a shoe, the horse was lost;

For want of a horse, the rider was lost;

For want of a rider, the battle was lost,

For want of a battle, the kingdom was lost!”

- Chaos by James Gleick

Almost every essay in high school I have wrote about the butterfly effect because of how relevant it can be no matter what. It's also really easy to write about. I probably have made a huge affect on your grades. Your welcome;)

A Mathematician once stated the chaos of nature using the example of a pool table:
" During the familiar game of pool, if a man is to calculate the collisions between the balls, the prediction of the first collision is simple enough that any college student can do it. The prediction of the fifth collision requires such things as the gravitational attraction of the two people standing nearest to the pool, while the prediction of the ninth collision is impossible, as it requires exact knowledge of all the positions and momenta of all the particles ( electrons, protons, and neutrons ) in the Observable Universe."


A person in Florida whose house has been destroyed by a tornado: ,,Those freakin’ butterflies flying in Madagascar again”

TLDR: We can't accurately predict the future because we can't accurately know the present

I'd like to apologize for that monsoon I caused all those years back in Bangladesh. It won't happen again, probably.

“The three body problem” the most interesting sci-fi book you’ll ever read. Don’t read spoilers or anything about the book. Just start listening to it or reading it. Your mind will never be the same.


Nonlinear dynamics and the concept of chaos literally changed my life and was the start of my academic journey

"Here's ah thing about the future, everytime you look at it, it changes, because you looked at it, and that changes everything else."

Your content is the premium side of youtube.


How I feel watching Veritasium's more nerdy videos:
"I like the part where he said the things about that stuff! Nice."

Cool video for sure though!


Every decision you have made in your entire life has led you to reading this comment.

and this, of course, is the choice of steins;gate

Do you know who's the king of causing the Butterfly Effect?

The Monarch.


When they talk about time travel, people almost always state that they'd make enormous changes for present day with small actions in the past.
But rarely do people think that they can take small actions today to cause great change tomorrow.


When you watch Youtube to rest a bit from studying differential calculus...

Then you see the PHASE SPACE.

"A Sound of Thunder" is one of my favorite examples of this.

He said, "There is a silver lining" and a stupid snapchat ad came along


"Just so you know Jeff, you are now creating 6 different timelines"

"That's on the scale of atoms, pretty insignificant on the scale of people," said the pile of atoms.

I was just looking for Travis Scott’s song and I ended up watching this...

Whoever did those animations deserve an oscar and job is waiting for him/her at Disney studios

Read "Chaos" by James Gleick if this stuff interests you. Probably my favourite book of all time, totally changed my outlook on everything, no joke.

a single wind hitting your dad might slows him down for a second. your dad feels the wind hitting him, making him act differently and walks different from before he hits the wind. that single scenario alone can makes a significant difference from not meeting your mom or being a bit late to work. when he late at work, he rushes to his office and runs. the wind he hit makes the wind late to hit someone. that late wind makes the other person act differently too. he then stands up from his chair and his body blocks sunshine from a small tree. that small tree might be producing a different amount of oxygen and energy because that person blocked the sunshine.

this can go forever. this is just a small example what butterfly effect might be look like

This was one of the best videos you've made! Meteorologists and atmospheric science researchers don't receive much respect or recognition from the public, who often mock them whenever a forecast is even slightly inaccurate. Most people have not yet comprehended just how difficult a forecaster's job is. Nor do most people realize just how much progress these scientists have collectively accomplished in the past 30 years or so. The job of an atmospheric scientist is literally to predict the future state of the extremely complex and multivariate set of dynamical systems that constitute the Earth's atmosphere. This was one of the best and most concise educational videos about chaos theory I've ever seen and should help viewers better understand the difficult challenges that forecasters in any physical domain are tasked with on a daily basis. Once again, thank you Veritasium, for another enlightening, entertaining, and educational video! :)


Math professor who actually studies dynamical systems here - EXCELLENT video! This is a great, non-technical introduction to chaotic systems and what makes them hard to study. The intuitive concepts behind dynamical systems can be easily obscured by intimidating technical details and computations, but you've done a fantastic job of making this topic accessible to a general audience. I'm teaching a special topics class on this in the spring and am now DEFINITELY going to show this video as part of our introduction to chaos theory.
I've followed this channel for years now (and saw your video on staying relevant on YouTube), and I'm glad to see that you are maintaining your high standards for the quality of your videos. Thank you for your commitment to high standards in education.



[Veritasium] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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