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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] My stroke of insight | Jill Bolte Taylor


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] My stroke of insight | Jill Bolte Taylor




Playtime Comments : [TED] My stroke of insight | Jill Bolte Taylor


She's a great speaker, and it felt like we were reliving the moment along side her, however the shrooms definitely hit at 14:56


15:50 paradise. Something the bible promises for the future.

I cracked up laughing around 11:00. She is hilarious. haha


16:08 finding peace. This is so powerful. We have the intrinsic ability to choose to use our right hemispheres for healing ourselves and spreading good to the world. Thank you.

I immediately drifted right back out into the consciousness. I affectionately refer to this place as La La Land, but it was beautiful there. Can you imagine what it would be like to be totally disconnected from your brain chatter that connects you to the external world? Imagine what it would be like to lose 37 years of emotional baggage. - 9:25 Jill Taylor



Top Comments : [TED] My stroke of insight | Jill Bolte Taylor

For a scientist, she's really poetic

Every time I watch this video I cry, because it just rings true. And we have to remember this more often.


"a stroke of insight"

10/10 for creativity


I watch this presentation several times, every time I can learn something new.


She's talking about Buddhism...
one with the universe

You can also experience that stroke of insight by taking acid, mushrooms or other psychedelics. You can also master meditation if you have a lot of time

I have secondary progressive MS, and have being experiencing episodes during some of my days, that I can only explain as being in a coma. I can hear everything around me going on. I can hear the questions that are being asked of me. I cant open my eyes, nor can I speak to answer. The words I try to get out of my mouth are slurred, and I am completely unable to be understood. I try to wake up, yet what I am feeling is so relaxing, almost like the most wonderful, comfortable sleep that you only dream of.
I am tryng to explain these experiences to my son and daughter-in-law. And she tells me, "Oh my God! Have you heard of this person? What you just explained is very similar to this experience that Jill Bolte Taylor had." So she sent me the link for this video.
Watchng ths video made me cry, because it is the first time I have felt understood. Although, I am not experiencing a stroke, these episodes that i have had, are so similar to what you described. As you were talking about your stroke, I found it amazing what you said, is exactly what I have been trying to put into words, to help my family understand what I am going through when I check out for a few hours lately.
So, thank you so much! This is something that will be forwarded to my famliy.
Vickie Case

It is scary how alike the symptoms of a bad migraine attack is to a stroke. As someone who suffers migraine attacks, based on just what she says, when experiencing this, I wouldn't realise the difference. That is scary to think about.

10 years later, still the best TED talk I've ever watched.


hands down the BEST Ted talk I've seen.... and i bet that's EVER been done. truly amazing.


Scientist n mystic both. Ikr

I wonder if we sometimes confuse acute pathology with profound insight.


This will always be my favorite Ted Talk ever! She's amazing in so many ways. She literally put me in her shoes. WOW! What a ride! LOVE <3


greatest TED Talk of all time?

I love that she called into work instead of calling 911. People with an overdeveloped work ethic get it.


this is story for oscar award.Incredible ! 


That moment when you realize you're just an energy bean.


one of the best ted talks i saw so far, really inspiring

So far this also one of the most moving and emotional talks for me. I as well had a an injury like a stoke where I hit one of those concrete poles around a gas pump after having a grand mal seizure from my epilepsy, which I had just been dx 2 years before. It not only shredded the left half of my face but was left with a tbi. After a couple months of healing the face thing, realized now I have to start relearning who and what I was! That was 15 years ago and still to this day I'm working to gain what I had lost, yet move on to realize and accept the new me, and know that life goes on


This talk is so good I've come back multiple times over the past years to re-watch it.

this sounds exactly like my acid trip, minus the stroke part.


This is exactly how I felt after my LSD + shrooms.

Smokes blunt presses play.


She's so, soo into her speech... I felt her speech deep down in my heart. Oh God....

Wow! That was pretty phenomenal! I loved when she said how cool is it than a brain scientist gets to study her own stroke!

I have seen this video multiple times in the last 12 years, and every time it brings tears of joy to be reminded of who we really are. Thank you again, Jill Bolte Taylor for being part of my right-brain interrupt - inspiring my left brain to shine and become the light I intended to be in this world. Namaste!

this reminds me of my DMT trip...damn and I thought i was crazy


This is my all-time favorite TED talk. Idk how many times I’ve viewed this over the years. Fascinating!


She sort of described a mushroom trip (her "lala" land).

"I'm having a stroke! I'm having a stroke"
and the next thing my brain says is...
"WOW! this is so cool" lost it right there :D this describes me on so many levels.


Try to see past your own cynicism and realize that she is giving something amazing to us.

this sounds like she took some acid on accident.

We grow up in a culture where individuality is highly emphasized. Everywhere there's talk of leaving your own impression, making your own mark, fulfilling your own desire, enhancing your own self-affirmation in this world. But along the way does this also underrate the importance of sparing a thought for the others, spending some time looking around you, and feeling that magical bond essentially connecting every single individual in the world?

And can we expect that a moment of "living with only your right hemisphere", being merged into the common, and experiencing the very beauty of it... would instill in a person the wanting to connect more with his fellow beings and live for the common good?

Totally absorbed and speechless during this unforgettable 20-minute experience. A really, really refreshing idea. Think less of your very own self, blend more in with the mutual self of our universe.



[TED] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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