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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Kellyanne Conway's interview tricks, explained
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Kellyanne Conway's interview tricks, explained




Summary Comments : [Vox] Kellyanne Conway's interview tricks, explained


2. EXPLOIT Politeness.
3. PASS the Buck.
4. MAKE UP Something.



Playtime Comments : [Vox] Kellyanne Conway's interview tricks, explained

0:57 Her hair is confused by her own answers

0:27 double triple chin

1:59 he is doing the same look as Cardi B in the celebs read mean tweets video


5:10 why the blasphemy man, what's wrong with you?


5:06 - 5:11 her right eye is half as open as her left eye. Creeped me out.


Is nobody going to talk about 6:14 ?
Why did they keep that in?

Well to be honest the question at 1:08 could be seen as loaded.



Top Comments : [Vox] Kellyanne Conway's interview tricks, explained


Interviewer: How old are you
Kellyanne: My hamster died when I was 2.

Spoiler alert: Trump voters are not interested in what he's doing or thinking. So it doesn't even matter.

GOP interview strategy is divert, deflect, obfuscate and when none of that works just plain lie. But never answer directly. Always has been.


They need to have interviewers that can play her game...

You would be better going outside and talking to a damn tree.

Looks like she smokes 2 packs a day


Kelly: heyy


Calling them "tricks" is a little overly flattering. More like incoherent derailing and gaslighting.

Now her daughter is exposing her. Kelly also abandoned her own daugHter and husband just to stay loyal to trump. SAD!

Dodging questions while answering non existent ones and blatantly lying does not require any skill. It requires gall, and a serious lack of integrity. Which should make each and every one of us raise an eyebrow, at the least.


I really want to see this woman talk her way out of a speeding ticket.

Trump just ran over this 5 year old kid! What is your opinion Kelly Anne?

"I think we should focus on all those 5 year olds that are being saved from Obama's Administration...blah, blah.."

Wait, what? No, Kelly Anne, my question is "what is your opinion on Trump running over this 5 year old kid?".

"And I am saying that the people of America should focus on the good this President has done and is doing for the country and regarding "running", he will soon announce that he will be running for the 2020 elections..."

she reminds me of a used car salesman


When you're sooo rotten inside that it's start to show on your face, even her make up can't hide it.


That's called a frickin strawman argument.

Slippery liars are difficult to interview.


she is only a politician nothing complex, whats an example? Trump.

Exactly how I answer the 10 mark questions in exam

so she's basically a professional troll.


explain how she can look like a pornstar and a grandma at the same time...


Interviewer: Hello

Conway: The fact is that 98% population of the world say exact word as greeting.


Me: are you deflecting my questions?!!

Her: Well actually deflection is an art of endurance and patience it was used by the samurais in Japan and was later passed on to Europe where Templars used it to defend themselves during the crusade


Kellyanne Conway is a one-trick pony: avoid the question and pivot. She doesn't actually answer questions.

It frustrates me how the interviewer ALLOWS her to pivot and/or avoid the question to the point where they give up and move to a different question.

She would have been a great spy, she'd talk, but the enemy would've gotten nothing useful out of her.

Kellyanne Conway's Husband: Are you cheating on me?
Kellyane Conway: Cheating generally describes various actions designed to subvert rules in order to obtain unfair advantages. This includes acts of bribery, cronyism and nepotism in any situation where individuals are given preference using inappropriate criteria.[1] The rules infringed may be explicit, or they may be from an unwritten code of conduct based on morality, ethics or custom, making the identification of cheating conduct a potentially subjective process. Cheating can refer specifically to infidelity. Someone who is known for cheating is referred to as a cheat in British English, and a cheater in American English. A person described as a "cheat" doesn't necessarily cheat all the time, but rather, relies on deceitful tactics to the point of acquiring a reputation for it

Her daughter is an anti-trump ICON though

Interviewer: Why does Donald Trump claim that he won the election in a landslide?
Kellyanne: You know, landslides are actually very deadly in many Northwestern states...



[Vox] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

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