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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] I Am Not A Monster: Schizophrenia | Cecilia McGough | TEDxPSU
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] I Am Not A Monster: Schizophrenia | Cecilia McGough | TEDxPSU




Playtime Comments : [TEDx Talks] I Am Not A Monster: Schizophrenia | Cecilia McGough | TEDxPSU

8:55 I'm Canadian, and I dont blink an eye if someone needs to go to the emergency room. But I'm imagining what it would be like for Americans, yikes


14:35 I'm sorry but I imagined It clown clapping in the audience as well lmao


5:58 no more big macs, big tasty and fries, super sized to go, wonderful!


0:59 "I know what you guys must be thinking..."

Me: Why is there a yellow chicken on that guy's head?


0:22 my love video :X.



Top Comments : [TEDx Talks] I Am Not A Monster: Schizophrenia | Cecilia McGough | TEDxPSU

A scary laughing clown the sometimes bites, a large spider that makes kid laughing noises as it moves, and a ghost girl that carries a knife and stabs her in face and other places, that's amazing she amount of sheer horror she has dealt with and is still on her way to a successful life, just amazing.



Hey this is the same girl Chris Ulmer did an interview with on the channel Special Books for Special Kids! I love her!


Dude I can’t even do a presentation with a few people in the room and she’s doing it in front of hundreds and a clown who looks like IT

I agree, Schizophrenia is so horribly stigmatized and that needs to change!!!


I am in awe of this woman's ability to overcome her schizophrenia and achieve so much in science. In awe.


“Don’t let anyone convince you not to get medical help” THANK YOU


Came here after her new SBSK interview. And sense I can’t comment there I’m here! You look amazing and seem like a totally different person. It’s so good to see you doing well and doing good in the world. Very proud of you

Don’t stop fighting Cecilia

The same stigmatization is given to people with autism

imagine doing homework while some girl is just stabbing you. Truly amazing.



“The clown is in the audience right now.” That sent shivers down my spine

This woman is amazing. The fact she's an astrophysicist makes me love her even more

One of the things that really caught my attention was when Cecilia made the statement about she couldn't even see the paper on the desk for all the hallucinations covering it. MAN, when your hallucinations are effectively blotting out, or erasing reality, that is about as debilitating as it gets. I don't imagine anyone could begin to know what these sufferers go through without having the disease yourself. I know from having severe clinical depression, which has nothing to do with what people normally call depression (feeling sad) and the things people said like "just pull yourself out of it", I had to work to answer "I can't, it's my brain that's the problem and that is EXACTLY what I need to fix the problem". It's impossible NOT to be clueless if you haven't had what these people have had. But I should add at least these videos are great at giving more insight, definitely a good thing. I always want to leave comments on the SBSK stuff, and can't, and I understand why that has to be, but it's frustrating at times.

wasn’t this that girl from sbsk? amazing


People who disliked it;can u tel why u disliked this vid?

"If there were nominations for people just acting normal in everyday life, people with schizophrenia would definitely be nominated as well..." This is so true for people with mental illnesses in general. I suffer from Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder, both of which I've learned to recognize when I'm experiencing symptoms, but then still have to pretend to be "normal" even as every fiber of my being is in a raging fight with the dark, distorted thoughts going through my head. Those around me have no clue of the struggles I'm going through - largely for their benefit, to shield them from the chaos. The hardest part is never getting any sense of appreciation for my efforts, but I've long since accepted that it's simply my lot in life. Watching this and recognizing that someone else shares a similar battle is VERY comforting, and makes it easier to accept. Thank you, Cecilia, for speaking up - there will certainly be days when it will mean the world to me to remember this talk!!


I'm glad I watched it, I'll definitely have a new approach to anyone that ever comes forward to me as schizophrenic.

I’m so proud of you Cecilia !! You’re truly an inspiration for me and many other people living with schizophrenia! Thank you for being strong and bringing light to the very touchy subject of Schizophrenia!! Just so everyone knows WE ARENT CRAZY AND WE ARENT MONSTERS! Before you judge anyone with a disability, I challenge you to befriend them and actually hear what we have to say or how we feel! Ask us questions and get to know us first, I guarantee you YOU WILL BE SURPRISED by what we have to say! Many of us try to end the suffering with suicide because we feel as though we are a burden to our families and we simply can’t stand the agony of living with this condition! What we go through is exactly what Cecilia said, “ it’s a Waking Nightmare!” And I do believe it can be worse than a nightmare imagine having a Daymare, Nightmare, and hallucinations almost 24/7 365 unless you live with this STOP JUDGING AND START EDUCATING yourselves on disabilities!! Thank you Cecilia for being the calm during the storms of our lives!! We Love You and EVERYONE ELSE as well!!


I would like to point out that Cecilia got a standing ovation from the entire audience after this talk. She is such an inspiration, such a champion.


She is so intelligent and brave. I hate that she’s had to go through so much. Her mind is so incredible


I think schizophrenia has been demonized in movies.


I'm shook. The clown was in the audience. She's an iron lady. So Incredible!

People say Schizophrenia might happen to extremely smart people.
Me: Thank god i'm not smart.


"I am not much different from any of you"
Idk there big dog, I didn't discover a star in high school while fighting off giant spiders and getting stabbed in the face by IT. You're a lot more badass than I am

The best ever TED talk


She is so beautiful inside and outside

my aunt has schizophrenia and when she said "I'm just someone who cannot stop my nightmares when I'm awake" that hit me so hard

About the girl with the knife, man, a terrifying demon stabbing you, talking to you, and having access to all your insecurities and using them against you. No wonder why they cannot take it. All scizophrenics are so brave i admire them


Great talk. I love how she says repeatedly “I have schizophrenia,” and not, “I am schizophrenic.” Important identity distinction.


When I saw her on SBSK she couldn’t make eye contact, and here she’s speaking for a TED crowd... wild! Thanks Cecilia for educating me on schizophrenia, and for being an awesome inspiration


My father had schizophrenia, he heard voices threatening me and my sister. He was scared and couldn’t sleep or eat and they told him to hurt people but he knew he wasn’t going to ever hurt a soul. He took his own life last year September 6th. He wrote diaries and he did sketches. He wasn’t a monster and he was scared, his name was Stephen. Edit: I was just diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and go through episodes of hallucinations, I know how my dad felt and I thank him for being so strong.

I just watched her new interview with SBSK. I remember seeing the first interview when it first came out and I hadn't seen the Ted talk until watching it just now. In the new interview with Chris, she says it's hard to watch the original because people were comparing the SBSK interview with the Ted talk and saying that she appeared to be declining. It was hard for her to read the comments because she understands most people don't fully understand that it's not just a linear process. In her first interview with him (which happened after this Ted talk for context) she wasn't making eye contact with him and she was much more uneasy. People viewed this as a decline. What she said in the most recent interview with Chris from SBSK is that at the time of the first interview, she was struggling with a particular hallucination that got worse when she made eye contact. She also admitted to abusing/misusing he prescribed medication because she was under a lot of pressure. So, the combination of her hallucinations at the time and the imbalance of her medication made it seem as though she was worsening. She won't even watch her first interview with Chris because it's triggering to see and she also has trouble with the comments from people comparing the Ted talk and the interview with Chris. I don't have schizophrenia so I can't accurately speak on how it effects those who do but she made it clear that there are ups and downs and it doesn't mean that a person is getting worse or getting better. They just may be going through a difficult set of hallucinations or delusions at that particular time. And it isn't fair or right for the rest of us to do comparisons unless we know the schizophrenic person well and have been a part of their support system. If we are a part of someones support system and we notice that they seem to be struggling a bit more than usual, it's okay to ask how we can help and let them decide if or at what level they want to accept help. It's also between them and their doctor to talk over anything new or off in order to correct or ease what they're experiencing at that particular time. I don't know how many people will actually take the time to read this but I hope it not only helps her but others that struggle with schizophrenia. I now know it's not fair and not help to compare and contrast without being close to or familiar enough with a person with schizophrenia. Those of you who live with it, you've got an ally in me and I'm so happy for your existence.

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[TEDx Talks] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

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